Ok, time to catch up. I was too cheap to pay for internet access in our room again- $12 a day!- so here I am at the airport wasting time until our flight. We had no idea how long it would take to get from Midtown to LaGuardia so we left the hotel at 12:40 for our 3:45 flight. That was a mistake. Boo. We got to the airport in RECORD time due to our taxi driver who "loves fast cars and racing!" (That's an exact quote. When we told him we were from Indy he told us that he dreams of going to the race. I told him I was dreaming of never being in a car with him again!!) It took us a mere 14 minutes to get to the airport. I may have screamed and threatened to puke in his cab a few times, but so be it.
Once I caught my breath and put my stomach back where it belonged, we checked into our flight. The news made it seem like airports were swamped with people. Not true. It took us maybe 10 minutes to check-in and make it through security. The food court here is lacking to say the least. The airport is really small, but I think that is because they have the terminals broken up in such a weird way. We are flying US Airways and they charge for sodas onboard! What?! That is crazy. Jerks. They also charge $15 for the first checked bag. I hate that. I understand charging for the 2nd bag, but charging for the 1st just makes for slower boarding and deplaning as well as grumpy people. Whatever airlines. You all suck.
Now that I have updated you all on what is currently happening I will go back and cover the last day we had in New York City.
Friday morning we got up at a decent hour- 11 Eastern- and headed out to do a little shopping and eat lunch. I got these little crafts that I had been eyeing for 30% off since I waiting until after Christmas. Cha-ching. We tried to eat at 2 different New York-style delis, but the food grossed Jackson out. LOL! I thought he would love it! We ended up at a Qdoba. So it goes. I enjoyed my burrito immensely. We hurried back to the hotel to get ready for the show. We had to meet my friend Jenna at 1:30 so we were pushing it. Once I was ready- for once I took longer than Jackson to get ready- we hailed a cab. The cabbie didn't have a clue where we were going and passed the theatre! GRR! He had GPS. USE IT! Anyway, we got to the theatre and who do I see? SUZE ORMAN!

You may not know of Suze if you're not a financial person like Jackson and me. We love to watch her show! Callers pose questions to her about what to do with their financial lives and she answers- she typically does an OK job, but I always feel that she lacks getting the whole picture. I scream when she gives tax advice because she does not know all of their information. And then viewers take her tax advice as fitting for them and it is a big mess. Anyway. We pause the show before she answers and give our answers. It is really fun. Jackson hates her because she thinks men are evil. She is a big lesbian and really does man bash quite a bit. I wanted to get a photo with her and tell her how we watch her show, but she was with some kids and we didn't wanted to bother her. It was still cool to see her. I assume she had GREAT seats. ;)
We found Jenna and headed to our seats- on the 3rd floor! Oops! They really were not bad seats though. I enjoyed the show. The set was incredible as were the costumes. I was unaware that they'd sing the ENTIRE show, but I lived. It was a cute story. Cuter since I'd been on the yellow brick road in Kansas and all. ;) Jenna entertained me before the show started. She is seriously so funny. It brought back memories of laughing myself to sleep in college. She is so witty and quick. She really kills me. My self-diagnosed ADD did not act up too much during the show because it was so fast-paced.
We left there and headed to dinner at a place called Juniors on Times Square. Our food was excellent. They were so busy and their cheesecakes are so popular that they sell them outside! I had to pretend to eat one. ;) Anyhow, we really enjoyed getting to see Jenna. She is seriously hilarious. MacKenzie would love to meet her, we're sure. :)

We went back to the hotel to change into comfy clothes and headed to the Empire State Building. It was a 2 mile walk, but since we'd had dessert we decided we'd better hoof it. We actually steered off course and saw Grand Central Station and the Chrysler building because they were pretty. When we finally go the to ESB, we walked through lines and lines. It was not crowded at all, but they make you go through lines so they can try to sell you things. I was annoyed. Mostly because I had a ridiculous fear of heights and I just wanted to get it over with. We finally got to the 86th floor and Jackson headed outside. It took me a second to get up the nerve to go outside. I finally did and found Jackson- on the other side of the building! UGH! I had to hold the wall the entire time. I did not feel steady walking on my own. I did it though. That was my second time atop the building and I am finished with it! The sights were incredible. I will admit that.
We went to the world's biggest Macy's for a few minutes then headed home to the hotel. We wanted to wake up early today, but that did not happen. Our room was so dark and the bed was so comfy. It just sucked us in. We went to Central Park for a little bit to check it out. We ate at a cute little diner for lunch. Then we headed to that cab ride I mentioned earlier.
Well this blog has taken me within 2 hours of our flight. Excellent.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend. We're headed to Harry & Izzy's tonight with Susie. I love that place. And I love free food. Life is good. :)