Thursday, March 31, 2011
Feel better
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
This is the 900th entry on the Petefish Post. Wow. I took a 3 week break from blogging because we have been busy. It is tax season, folks. We are still house hunting almost every weekend. We are really set on a house that we expect to hit the market at some point in the near future as a foreclosure. We are kind of waiting on that one. This weekend we are going to Evansville to celebrate Alex's 1st birthday! YAY! We cannot wait to see that little guy again.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Ok, I'm sorry for the long absense on the blog. We've been busy. :)
My car is fixed! $517 later I was back on the road. I do not recall what was wrong, but it was $517. I know that. It was not fun, but I was lucky that it was not any worse.
Jackson got a new car! I don't have a photo for some reason-? He got a Jeep Grand Cherokee. It is really pretty. MacKenzie likes it because it has cloth seats. :) Jackson is loving being mobile again. He got to go to the auction with Guy and bid on it. He loved it!
Jackson started his new job this week. Things are going well so far. Today he even got to have lunch with a nice, young tax accountant (me!) at McCormick & Schmick's. YUM!! I think we will enjoy working near one another downtown so we can dine together sometimes.
We went to look at our "dream house" last weekend. The basement had flooded since it was a foreclosure and the entire house had been consumed with mold. It was a mess. You've never seen anything like it. Ever. We were heart-broken. We have a realtor now and will be looking for places again on Saturday.
Tax season is in full force right now. I have been working on individual returns on the weekends to make extra cash. I love being able to do that, but it makes for some long weeks. I never get a full day off anymore. That is just how it is. I only have about 5 weeks left until April 18th (yes, it is the 18th this year. Do not get me started on that one.) arrives and relieves some of this work. :)
That is the update here. Things are busy but kind of boring. We're quite fortunate to have a place to live while we house hunt, but we are ready to be in our place and settled. There is always something!
My car is fixed! $517 later I was back on the road. I do not recall what was wrong, but it was $517. I know that. It was not fun, but I was lucky that it was not any worse.
Jackson got a new car! I don't have a photo for some reason-? He got a Jeep Grand Cherokee. It is really pretty. MacKenzie likes it because it has cloth seats. :) Jackson is loving being mobile again. He got to go to the auction with Guy and bid on it. He loved it!
Jackson started his new job this week. Things are going well so far. Today he even got to have lunch with a nice, young tax accountant (me!) at McCormick & Schmick's. YUM!! I think we will enjoy working near one another downtown so we can dine together sometimes.
We went to look at our "dream house" last weekend. The basement had flooded since it was a foreclosure and the entire house had been consumed with mold. It was a mess. You've never seen anything like it. Ever. We were heart-broken. We have a realtor now and will be looking for places again on Saturday.
Tax season is in full force right now. I have been working on individual returns on the weekends to make extra cash. I love being able to do that, but it makes for some long weeks. I never get a full day off anymore. That is just how it is. I only have about 5 weeks left until April 18th (yes, it is the 18th this year. Do not get me started on that one.) arrives and relieves some of this work. :)
That is the update here. Things are busy but kind of boring. We're quite fortunate to have a place to live while we house hunt, but we are ready to be in our place and settled. There is always something!
Pillow Pet update
If you think of it, please visit:
I heard this story on the radio the other day and just cried. What a sweet mission. I hope you'll buy a Pillow Pet and donate it to a good cause.