Alex is such a good boy! He just rode along taking in the sights and sounds of his neighborhood. Kylie came home shortly after to find us trying to get Alex into his pajamas. That was a nightmare and we were glad to see his mommy. Once again, we love handing children back to the parents. We're exhausted and we even got naps today. We'll stick to MacKenzie. Forever. :) We had a really fun time this weekend, though. Thanks Kylie, Nick, Dad, Diana and of course, Alex.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Visiting Alex
Alex is such a good boy! He just rode along taking in the sights and sounds of his neighborhood. Kylie came home shortly after to find us trying to get Alex into his pajamas. That was a nightmare and we were glad to see his mommy. Once again, we love handing children back to the parents. We're exhausted and we even got naps today. We'll stick to MacKenzie. Forever. :) We had a really fun time this weekend, though. Thanks Kylie, Nick, Dad, Diana and of course, Alex.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Running man
I watched this video last night and had a "WOW GOD!" moment. (I listen to K-LOVE every morning. That may sound familiar to some of you if you listen to that station, too.) I remember being so worried about this little guy a little over a year ago and look at him go. He doesn't have a care in the world. God is good!
We're on our way to see the little guy now so expect a lot more Alex posts. :)
Freedom! And a plan...
Yesterday I paid off 2 of my student loans. I'm now down to 6. I know that sounds like a lot left to pay off, but the balance down to less than $34,000 from closer to $50,000 in 1 year. (Can you believe that I finished school a year ago?! Wow! It flew by!!) I'm quite pleased. (And I don't even like Dave Ramsey!) I know that without my education I would not make nearly the wage that I do so I try to stay positive about making those huge payments each month. We have saved a lot of money by living with Susie for the past couple of months (thanks again, Susie!) and we have come to a BIG decision. Our tenant in the Noblesville house, Rochelle, is moving out and getting married at the end of June. We did not find a house that really spoke to us during our hunt so we are going to move back to our little place in Noblesville. It is a pretty big sacrifice from what we really wanted, but it will allow us to really knock out these student loans and save a lot of money each month on top of that. It will be awesome to live on just one of our salaries and save all of the other person's compensation. I wish that I could say that we are exciting about this responsible decision. We are not. We are disappointed that we did not find a place that really caught our hearts. That being said, we are financial people and we understand how large of an investments a home is. We feel confident that we can rent out Noblesville whenever we decide to move on- whether that is in the Indianapolis area or God-willing somewhere a little more exciting. I know. It makes for a really unexciting end to our journey. Stay tuned, though, as there is always something going on. Right?! :)
We will have the carpets replaced and have the interior of the house painted after we return from our July 4th vacation to New York City. Then we will select which of our things will go into the house and what we will keep in storage. Oh, I can hardly stand all of the excitement. (Sarcasm. As I said, neither of us are super keen on this, but it seems to make sense. Sigh. I don't want to be a grown up anymore!)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Last day of vaca
We really enjoyed Ken (the owner)- he is a trip in and of himself. We were new to the whole Bed and Breakfast deal, but we really enjoyed it and will surely return.
Isn't the Inn just a perfect little beach getaway? It looks like it belongs in a Nicholas Sparks novel. Those are the bikes that we got to ride as a part of our stay. We also got to use the beach chairs and umbrellas. It was so, so nice to have a lot of the comforts of home at our fingertips.
This was taken from the front of the Inn. That hill of sand is that entrance to the beach. The sand was sometimes unbearably hot, but well worth the pain to get to the beach for sure!
There was even a little outdoor shower for those hot summer days. Jackson decided to clean up in there before we headed to Raleigh to fly home.
He got a kick out of his outdoor shower. Silly boy. :)
On our way back to Raleigh (about a 3.5 hour trip), I noticed the car was really hard to steer. As it turns out, we had a messed up tire. UGH! Thankfully my knight in shining armor, Jackson, was able to fix our issue and get us on the road again in no time.
It was seriously the hottest day ever to have car trouble in the middle of North Carolina. I swear I have never felt such intense heat. Whew. No wonder those people down the sweet tea. ;) THEN, when we were nearly to Raleigh a truck in front of us had a ladder blow out of his bed and onto the roadway. Jackson, thankfully, had taken over driving and was able to do minimal damage by swerving and missing some of the ladder. It flew up and hit a van behind us. It was a really scary couple of moments, but everyone was fine. We pulled over and checked our car, the van and then carried on. The old man with the flying ladder was able to get it off the roadway pretty quickly, too. It would have been a lot worse of a situation and we were certainly being looked over on this trip.
Even with all of the car surprises, we made it to Raleigh in time to see North Carolina State University's campus. I am working with them on a project at work and wanted to see their campus. It was really nice. We were pleasantly surprised. We made it to the airport in plenty of time to grab some dinner and do a little people watching. This lady was our favorite. Check out her hair. Yep. She was awesome. We were separated on our second flight from D.C. and I was seated next to an off-duty flight attendant. We had such a nice time chatting. I simply love sitting next to interesting people on planes. I think it is one of my favorite things. I feel like in today's world of constant interruption, the skies are where we can really slow down and reconnect to what is important. Anyway, we made it home safely and returned to work today.
I did not got in to work until after lunch so I got to eat lunch with this sweet little girl. It is always so nice to be reunited with my little love after some time away. I had a team dinner at St. Elmo's tonight. I know. A 4 day vacation and then a half-day of work that includes dinner at Indy's most famous steakhouse? Life is rough. ;)
Happy birthday, Grace!
Monday, May 23, 2011
A day at the beach
We took a walk on the beach tonight, but there were a ton of "ghost crabs" out due to the forest fire smoke. It was so creepy. I could not get off of the beach fast enough. Eww. Jackson had such a great time freaking me out with the crabs. Ugh. It was just gross! HA! Anyway, it was a good and relaxing day here in the OBX.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Jockey Ridge
The little girl with the "recovery" is the girl I wrote about in the post below this one- just so you're not a confused viewer. :)