Wednesday, November 30, 2011
The kindness of a Kindle

HEY! I'm walking here

This all happened in front of Huntington Bank (seriously thinking of moving all my accounts there now. Those people were so incredibly nice to me.) and within moment people were helping me gather my bruised laptop, cell phone, wallet and lunchbox. I was so embarrassed at first, but then once I realized that my left leg was a mess I let people help me. An ambulance arrived and I was treated at the scene. My blood pressure was, obviously, sky high so I had to wait with them for a bit until it came down. Jackson got my text message and was able to meet me in the ambulance. He was so sweet how he just burst into the back with an, "ARE YOU OK?!!" The paramedics were stunned that he had let himself in and I just giggled.
Jackson drove me home to let me change out of my dirty (it was raining so I was all wet and nasty from being on the ground) clothes and get a warm shower. When my back continued to hurt, as we thought it might, we headed to the doctor's office for X-rays. After about 1.5 hours spent with a doctor poking me and asking if it hurt (YES!) I got my prescriptions and was released.
Praise the Lord, I have no broken bones. This situation could have been a lot worse and I'm so thankful that the Lord was watching over me. I am, however, as sore as I have ever been in my life. I'm on a lot of pain medication and that makes me feel pretty foggy. I was able to only work for a few hours today from the comfort of my warm bed (thanks again for the heated mattress pad, Kathi!) and take a lot of naps. I plan to be back to work tomorrow. I just hope no one expects me to be in a hurry. ;)
And no the humor of getting hit by a crazy driver in Indianapolis and not in Boston is not lost on me. :)
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Bieber Fever
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Wireless Printer
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Christmas explosion
Friday, November 18, 2011
Blog entry #1,000...Anniversary #5
The Petefish Family
I dug up my favorite family photo for my big 5th anniversary post. How lucky am I? I just look at the photo and my heart explodes with love and thankfulness for the blessing I have received in this life.
Who would have thought that about 6 years ago when I first mentioned Jackson's name to my family at Thanksgiving that we would have been married for 5 years now? I'm pretty sure the people we worked with at American Funds lost that bet. ;) I truly believe that we were made for each other. I love Jackson like I did not know was possible. He truly makes me a better person and is my very best friend. There is no one else I would rather spend time with no matter what I am doing. He is supportive. He is funny. He is the best. Period.
Would you like an example of how awesome he is? I had a miserable day at work today- on our actual anniversary- so he stopped at the Villa Inn (my absolute favorite spa ever) and got me a gift card for a massage. And that was not an anniversary present, it was a "I know you had a bad day" present. Seriously sweet.
I made the mistake the other day of telling Jackson that I don't think about things as impossible anymore because I know that if I ask him to make something happen for me, he will make it happen. (I'm pretty sure that quote will live on forever. Great. HA!) We just have so much fun together that I simply cannot imagine my life without him in it. I flipped through some of my old blog posts and the amount of fun we have together is so evident to me. I feel blessed each day that we get to spend together and look forward to spending the rest of our lives living and laughing together. I love you, Jackson!