Thursday, February 28, 2013

Little P kids

We finally got to go see some of our favorite kiddos this week after many postponements due to illnesses. It was worth the wait as those kids are crazy and FUN!

Jax is a boy after my own heart because he "wrote" us a thank you note for his birthday gifts. Keep in mind he'd already sent us a thank you video! (This kid could definitely graduate from the Aunt Janna school of thank you notes that I attended a few years ago.)

He has all the letters of his name there...they're just not in the correct order. I call that a win. ;):)

Heidi made a delicious Mexican meal and Jax was so excited that he tried to eat his entire spoon!

Joss had just let out a big scream of protest and Heidi was not impressed. HA!

Don't you just want to eat her? She's so cute!

I loved the pink pants and Pebbles hairstyle.

Then the little diva changed into the cutest pajamas!

I love the action shot.

Gunner running away...

She looks like she wants to walk, but I have no idea when that begins. I assume soon? (Amateur hour.)

Jax got a new big boy bike for his birthday and his parents are kind enough to let him ride it in the house since it was like -24 degrees outside (give or take). He decided he didn't even need pants on to ride. Hilarious.

While trying to change into his pajamas Jax decided to run around with "power tools" and be a wild one. We found it hilarious. His parents told him to settle down.

Then I came out and found everyone settled down. How sweet!

The settling only lasted for a few minutes because as we were leaving Jax was back on his bike. I'd pay a ton of money to have his energy!

Thanks for hosting us, Porterfield family!

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Still lovin' it least someone isn't tired of the snow. 1 of 3 isn't too bad, eh? ;)

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

"Life is for spending"

I am loving this simple post by one of my favorite bloggers:

Monday, February 25, 2013

Oldest marathoner

I sent the link above to my friend Amber (she's a writer by trade) saying that this guy made me feel bad about myself. She responded with this:

"A few things:
Though he is over 100, his pace was over 14 minutes per mile. We can both easily do could almost walk it!
God gives us each certain gifts. My guess is that he is horrible with his taxes, is a poor writer and has a dry sense of humor."

That's why we are friends. :)

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First world problems read by third world kids

I am seriously obsessed with this video. Doesn't it help bring things into perspective?

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Tax season weekend

I've gotten complaints about not blogging much recently, but it has been for good reason. THERE HAS BEEN NOTHING GOING ON. SNOOOOOOOZE. I've attempted an entry below. You'll be asleep by the time you get to the video at the end. Sorry about that. Someone come up with something fun to do! PLEASE! 
After the nasty ice storm on Friday, I took a few minutes to sit around with MacKenzie and soak up the sun. It is so nice when we finally get a little sunlight.
 Isn't she the sweetest little dog?
We didn't do much on Saturday (went to the gym in the morning, I swear) but we did head to Muncie to eat at La Hacienda with my folks. I LOVE that place. We ate FAR too much food and loved it.
Doesn't Jackson look adorable with his beard?! I love it, too. The sun was out again today so we got to take MacKenzie for a walk. I worked a ton on tax returns today so I didn't get to hang out much. I did get the hilarious video of MacKenzie I've added below. She loves ice and took a hunk that Jackson shoveled from the driveway and acted like a little thief. Hilarious. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Jackson is growing a beard right now and I am loving it. Doesn't he look handsome?

In non-handsome news, Jackson's Jeep and another car hit each other in the parking lot of the Fishers post office. I wasn't there, but he says the other people were likely at fault and really rude. The best part? They had our church's sticker on their car so Jackson mentioned that we attend there, too. Ha! This did not improve their attitude. This proves my point about not having religious claims on your vehicle if you're ever a jerk. (Shout out to Heidi on that opinion!)

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Friday, February 22, 2013

Miracle Pills

I went to the doctor because I've been working out so hard and eating well (most of the time) and not seeing results on the scale. She put me on some diabetic medicine (though I'm not diabetic) to help with insulin processing. These are miracle pills. As of yesterday I was down 7 pounds in one week without really changing anything in my diet and work has been so crazy that we haven't been to the gym as often as we normally do. The medicine does make me feel a little funny so I am hoping that after taking it for a few weeks the side effects will calm down. I think that I'm vain enough to deal with feeling kind of bad to lose weight but I don't know how long I'll be able to deal. Here is hoping that I keep shedding pounds... :)

Friday, February 15, 2013

Hot Pants

I ordered some new "hot pants" from Groupon and Jackson thought they were so silly that he mocked me. I think they are awesome and they keep me super warm when I walk MacKenzie. They do make his legs look nice, though. ;)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

MacKenzie got to give her friend Boomer some treats for the big day. We had dinner at home and relaxed. I had Friday off of work so Jackson worked in the morning while I ran errands and then we did lunch at the Cheesecake Factory. Yum! We also stopped in at Lululemon where Jackson was a brat about being in a yoga store. Weak. He won't even go to a FREE yoga class with me at the gym. Honestly. We were pretty low-key this year so next year we'll try to step it up. At least Jackson remembered to get me a card this year. ;)
I got Jackson this little sign because I thought it was so cute. This was after his candy stripe pants so he wasn't all that excited...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

RIP Barney Bush

I love dogs. That should be clear from my blog. I also really liked George W. Bush (the person, not the mockery the media made of
him). I read his book "Decision Points" and loved the parts about Barney, his beloved pooch. (I'm also a little partial to Jenna Bush Hager because of her moniker.)

Anyway, Barney recently passed away. I was SO sad to hear the news. Pets become family and he was only 12 years old.

President Bush remembered his friend by saying the following:

“Laura and I are sad to announce that our Scottish Terrier, Barney, has passed away. The little fellow had been suffering from lymphoma and after twelve and a half years of life, his body could not fight off the illness. Barney and I enjoyed the outdoors. He loved to accompany me when I fished for bass at the ranch. He was a fierce armadillo hunter. At Camp David, his favorite activity was chasing golf balls on the chipping green. Barney guarded the South Lawn entrance of the White House as if he were a Secret Service agent. He wandered the halls of the West Wing looking for treats from his many friends. He starred in Barney Cam and gave the American people Christmas tours of the White House. Barney greeted Queens, Heads of State, and Prime Ministers. He was always polite and never jumped in their laps. He never discussed politics and was always a faithful friend. Laura and I will miss our pal."

I won't lie...that statement made me cry. At least we can rest assured that all dogs go to Heaven.

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Candy stripes

My Valentine got his gift early so that he could "dress for the game" this evening.

MacKenzie, who has rocked an IU collar for quite awhile now, wasn't impressed. Ha! :)

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Indiana weather...

I hate the weather here. The forecast shown below was a "nice day for a run" on Saturday. Honestly. 28 isn't nice for doing much.

We really need a location change...

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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Happy birthday, Leo!

Kylie and Alex blowing out her candles
Today is my older sister, Leo Kylie's, 31st birthday. I've been commenting all week about how odd it is that she's turning 31 and I'm only going to be turning 25 in a couple of months. We used to be only 2 years, 4 months and 1 week apart. Isn't that just strange? I simply cannot explain it and I'm an accountant by trade. HA! Anyway, Leo (forget it. I'm not even going to try to use her given name because in my head she'll always be Leo. I cannot even recall why on earth I starting calling her that.) celebrated her birthday with my folks last weekend and Alex helped her blow out her candles. I think he is the best birthday present she gets each year. What a cutie! I was quite impressed that trying to get her to give me birthday gift ideas this year was like pulling teeth. Is she a grown woman or something? Weird. ;) I've noticed this year just how ingrained her birthday is to me. All week I've thought about how when we were younger this would have meant I'd attend some sort of party and eat cake this weekend, but instead we're adults and she'll celebrate with her own family and we just sent a card and a gift. My parents did not even invite us to last weekend's celebration. Time marching on is a funny thing...

Anyway, we hope you have a wonderful day, Leo!!! And that you get even more cake if that is your heart's desire. :) I can recall when you turned 16 like it was yesterday...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Same old...

Around this time every year I feel like I post about it being a slow news time. It is really true this year. We're just settling back in to this new life of living at Susie's while she's in Florida for the winter (I still love the price of being here...FREE) and Jackson is adjusting to his new job. I've started my weekend work again at Bill's so I'll be pretty busy with that again. I'm always accepting new clients, blog readers. (Shameless plug!) We're both healthy again and intend to start training to Mini Marathon hardcore now that the time is drawing near. We're planning a post-tax season trip to Philadelphia (to see Penn- it is one of the two elusive Ivy League schools that I need to still see and run the steps from Rocky- nope, not kidding, that is really something that I'd like to do) and then catch a train to NYC to see a Yankees' game. I've always wanted to see a Yankees game live. I love live baseball games, but televised ones are for the birds. We'll also do a training run in Central Park because what would be more awesome than that? Not much, in our opinion. I think planning our trip is seriously the only exciting thing going on right now. Lame. We're aware of that. ;)


Sadly, due to my illness, we had to miss our friend Jax's 3rd birthday party. It looked like an awesome time. We did, however, drop off his gift last night after he went to bed. Check out his video above (or click the link if my YouTube imbedding isn't working anymore). A few notes: Hallmark has nothing on this little guy; what an awesome thank you card! Also, doesn't he look like a future politician? He sells it. I told Heidi that I hoped he was willing to spring for ice cream for her and Andrew, too, but that it was HIS "credit card." HA! :) I'd also like to note that we got Jax an Orange Leaf gift card because his original two requests of Colts tickets (I explained that the Colts were a terrible team to root for) and an iPad (a little pricey) weren't able to be met. HA!!! We love that kid! :)

Let's go play!

I love this photo of Alex! He loaded up his wagon with toys (please note that the bear has his arm around Elmo- adorable!) and told them they were going to play. I think he wants a little sister... ;)

Little lady

I was feeling better until I saw this photo of my little baby niece Gracie/CeCe Grace ready for an evening out with her mother. Umm...I had a heart attack. Where is my little girl?!? Isn't she gorgeous? Kathi is going to have her hands full...