I got home from Phoenix on Thursday in the wee hours of the morning. This meant that I didn’t work Thursday which was awesome. I caught up on sleep and laundry. Oh my, the laundry! I did pop into work on Friday for the day. It was nice to see everyone and dig out of my inbox a tiny amount. Why is it that no one needs when you’re there and then you leave and no one can move without your input. Sigh. Job Security? Who knows? Anyway, we made plans weeks ago to go with my sister and Alex to Holiday World for their fall festivities. Saturday morning we got up somewhat early and headed South. The weather was a little iffy so we moved Holiday World to Sunday and decided to spend the day in Evansville. My Dad and Diana were also in town so we all met up at Kylie’s house.
The puzzle that nearly beat me. |
Alex quickly sought out a puzzle so that he could beat me at putting it together and put me in my place. HA! ;) He is a master of puzzles, though. It blows my mind. I just don’t see things the way puzzle people do. I think it has to do with my attention span. Maybe.
Anyway, because my sister has always hated me, we went to lunch at a place called “GattiTown.” It was basically Chuckie Cheese. Their food was OK. It was pricey but Dad paid (thanks again, Dad!) so I cannot really complain. Kylie got a game card so after we ate it was on to the arcade. Jackson schooled me in pop-a-shot. Ugh. Alex and Kylie took on Dad and Diana on the wall light game. D&D had a decisive victory. Diana and Jackson played an intense game of air hockey. Diana was the winner, but it was a valiant effort on Jackson’s part. Dad and I started wondering if their game would ever end. I did have a great time beating first Alex (my competitiveness knows no ages) and then Kylie at skee-ball. Finally the card ran out of money and we got to escape GattiTown.
Diana and Dad playing arcade games |
Diana and Jackson in a heated battle |
Jackson is a goof! |
The gang all headed to the Children’s Museum but Jackson and I had errands to run and other things to tend to so we skipped that part. We put together Alex’s Halloween bucket early since we likely wouldn’t be seeing him again before the holiday. We followed Kylie’s request of less candy this year. Lame! We did get him a ton of stickers and noisemakers. (I did mention that my sister made us drive 3.5 hours only to dine at a Chuckie Cheese-ish restaurant, right? She deserves a loud 4-year-old for such offenses.) We checked in at the hotel and actually had to take a nap to regenerate after all of the excitement of GattiTown. Whew.
Our Halloween basket for Alex |
Wearing mustaches with Alex |
Cool dude! |
Dad and Diana agreed to watch Alex so that we could go with Kylie to a movie. Kylie and I do not see eye-to-eye on much in life but we both agreed that Gone Girl looked like a great flick. We were right; it was excellent. I cannot recommend it enough. If you did not read the book you will be absolutely shocked at how it develops. It was 2.5 hours long and none of us wanted it to be over when it did end. That’s saying something! Jackson was pleasantly surprised as he thought it was a “chick movie” and it totally was not. Note: He likes “chick movies” so I am not sure why he feared such a fate.
We dropped Kylie off and tucked in for the night. We needed plenty of rest to be ready for a big day at Holiday World.
We stopped in at Kylie’s before heading to the park to hang some pictures and change her air filter. She hates having me in town because I help her clean her house. Yes, you read that correctly. She does not appreciate my assistance. The nerve. ;) We said goodbye to Dad and Diana
who were wise enough not to join us at Holiday World not joining us at the park.
Starting the rides early |
It is only about 45 minutes from Kylie’s house so she has season passes. I’d only been once before and that was to the water park. It all started off well.
Lovin' the SCRAMBLER |
We went on the scrambler and loved it. It was so fun that I just could not stop laughing the entire ride. Then we snuck down to the rollercoaster area. Jackson and Kylie like rollercoasters. Alex doesn’t. This meant he’d be getting some quality “Aunt Ninny” time. Hey, someone had to “sacrifice” and not ride the rides. I’m a giver, what can I say? ;) Kylie left me with $5 and said to entertain Alex. $5! In an amusement park! Jackson had all of my money so we were stuck. $5! $5! $5!
Leo, Jackson and Alex posing! Notice Jackson's face! |
Plan A: Alex wanted to play a game. It was $6. We couldn’t play! AGH! He was not pleased.
Plan B: We’ll go on some other kiddie ride. That will please him. WRONG! I didn’t know that that I was supposed to let him win at the turkey shooting game. I beat him by 1,000 points and he was NOT pleased. Listen, I don’t LET people win. I don’t care if you’re the Pope, fair is fair. I tried to explain to him that it was a valuable life lesson and I was just helping him to prepare for the future. Shockingly that doesn’t ease a 4-year-old and he repeatedly asked for his Mommy. CRAP! This exchange between Alex and I was highly entertaining for the father behind us as we exited the ride. I’d not seen a grown man laugh that hard in a long time. I was not entirely sure why he thought my ways were so funny…?
Plan C: Ice cream! What kid doesn’t love ice cream? We see a Dippin’ Dots vendor and head her way. Then I remember that I only have $5! CRAP! I beg and plead with the girl to give Alex a dish for this amount and she lets me know that I “only” owe her $4.21 for his small, icy treat. Praise the LORD! He wanted to hold the ice cream dish but old Aunt Ninny is not a slow learner. After watching him drop the donut I brought him that morning on the floor in his living room I was certainly not letting him hold this ice cream dish in a busy amusement park. Is the fact that I am not a parent apparently clear yet? Thought so. We sit down by the rollercoaster’s exit to eat his treat and wait patiently for his mother.
Total time spent entertaining Alex? Approximately 15 minutes. I’m now exhausted!
Happy boy with Dippin' Dots |
Smiling through meltdowns |
Jackson and Kylie come off the rollercoaster loving life. I’ve never been happier to see my sister. I turn her kid back over.
At this point I am up for anything. Jackson suggests that he thinks I'll enjoy the wooden rollercoaster he just rode on with Kylie. I think, "He's been married to be for what feels like 20 years. He knows me. If he thinks I'll like it. I'll like it, right?!" Friends, I was wrong. We got on that ride and I've never hated that man more.
The Voyager |
What would lead him to think I would enjoy climbing 346 stories and then fall so fast that my butt left my seat for a good long time? (Real fact: the hill climb is 163 feet and you feel weightless for around 24 seconds.)
Is it my fearless nature? Nope. I don't have one of those.
Is it my love of heights? Nope. I don't love heights.
Is it my love of being beat to near death by a trashing wooden rollercoaster? Nope. I've always maintained that I'm not a huge fan of the rides.
To keep my mind off the beating I was taking on this horrendous ride I counted the seconds reasoning that it couldn't last long (that always soothes me). I was wrong. (Real fact: The ride lasts 2 minutes 45 seconds.) I moved to analyzing why anyone would enjoy this ride. I came to the conclusion that rides like this were everything that's wrong with America.
I then started worrying that my head was going to fall off my neck. I kept my eyes closed to whole ride because I just didn't trust my $4,000 eyes not to get something in them at a high rate of speed. (And
maybe I was a
little scared, too!) Jackson thinks my lack of anticipating the next move lent to my neck's soreness. Whatever. I think it may have been the whole wooden roller coaster going 6,000 mph thrashing me around that did the trick. (Real fact: The ride's top speed is 67.4 MPH.) Finally, God smiled on me and it ended. My head was still attached. I promptly bit Jackson's head off for suggesting such a ride to me when I was in a fragile post-childcare state.
I've used the official video but there are others available online that give a more accurate representation of the true beating offered on this ride.
We took another trip on the turkey shooting game and my sister let Alex win. HE DID NOT SCORE A SINGLE POINT! She did! What the world?! Jackson beat me fair and square so that was fine. Sure, I wasn't pleased but such is life. Note: I may have claimed that my gun was broken which resulted in his victory.
We had lunch at some Thanksgiving world place. It was pretty good.
He won a "forever" ice cream cone |
MacKenzie also likes corn ;) |
Jackson rode the pirate ship alone (he loves punishment) and then the tilt-awhirl with Alex. Alex looked so comfy next to him. It was hilarious. Alex liked it so much that he recruited his mom to ride it again with him. Notice Aunt Ninny didn't get the invite? I blame it on not letting him win. ;)
Riding the tilt-a-whirl with Jackson |
Leo and Alex riding again! |
Jackson and Kylie rode a few more rides and left Alex with me. He got less and less impressed each time. He wanted to hang with his mom!
We went through some off maze that my sister swore didn't have people hidden in it. Just then a person jumped out and scared the crap out of me. Ugh. It was getting to be time to leave and Alex wanted to do one more thing. He decided Uncle Jackson should take him through the Fun House. Kylie cannot do it because she's afraid of clowns. (True story.) Jackson said it was the craziest thing he'd ever been in. Midway through the house Alex was so scared that he'd jumped into Jackson's arms. They came out with Alex still clamped to Jackson. It was hilarious! I'm still not sure who got more comfort from that arrangement. ;)
Alex and Jackson terrified after a trip through the "Fun House" |
As you can see, our plans for children have not been changed by our trip. Something about my nature just doesn't appeal to little ones. ;) We did actually have a good time, though. Thanks for hosting, Kylie!