Coming back to reality is never easy. We've tried to keep ourselves busy, though.
We kicked off coming home by baking blueberry muffins. You know, because we didn't get enough blueberry stuff in Maine! ;)
Still eating blueberry muffins! |
My dear friend Shannon was kind enough to deliver peaches to us from the Georgia peach truck. This truck legitimately comes from Georgia filled to the brim with peaches and delivers the goodness to Central Indiana. Shannon dealt with the rain and crowds to score some produce and we appreciate it!
Peach cobbler...
Thanks again for the delivery, Shannon! |
Jackson spent some time in Bloomington for work so I took a day off to hang with him down there (thanks again for the use of the condo, Uncle Charlie and Aunt Jill)! We went for an old fashioned tenderloin and Jackson loved life.
An Indiana tenderloin! |
He kept MacKenzie with him for his time in Btown so they sent me a selfie to let me know they were OK.
MacKenzie selfie |
We finally got a chance to hang out with the Porterfield kiddos again, but Jax is too quick to photograph these days.
Making cookies is yummy! |
MacKenzie was happy to be home and back on her perch. She actually waits at the door to be let out onto her balcony in the morning. I love it!
Keeping watch... |
Since summer is winding down it was important that I get to see Sir Liam Mauck and his mommy before she returns to school. He was just a little happy to see me! Ok fine, maybe he was hungry and knew we would have food soon. Whatever!
Excited lunch date! |
We had a family wedding this weekend so Alex was in town. He and Jackson are
on roughly the same maturity level friends so they played together around Van Buren.
Alex and Garfield |
The only time he is still |
Until Alex finally stopped playing and fell asleep. He fought that sleep like none other, but eventually he was out! Jackson then had no choice but to play with the pups. They all were worn out by the end, too.
Macy, Addie and MacK playing ball with Jack |
We're wrapping up house projects and look forward to continuing a relaxing summer around Fishers!
MacK ready for a game |