Hello blog readers. I hope this post finds you doing well.
Today was a mixed bag: some good, some bad. Work was well...work. Always eventful this time of year. We had a client stop in today that was honestly suicidal because of IRS tax warrants. I love, love, love when people decide to NOT pay taxes then whine to me- an honest taxpayer- that they're in trouble with the feds. Hmmm. Not so much. However, I do love a good story so I won't complain too much.
Then we had a meeting with a client who works a "jib." Ask me what that is and I'll tell you that I haven't got a clue. I know that he makes awesome money and gets front row seats at all of the NASCAR events, NCAA Final Fours and Superbowls. Can you believe the luck some people have? I told him he'd hopefully be watching my Hoosiers at the final four and he laughed. Jerk. What?! Like they haven't been playing well or something...oh wait. They haven't. Buck up Hoosiers. D.J. White can't carry you forever. I digress.
I cut out of the office a bit early to let my puppies out. MacKenzie has to take her steroid on Thursday and it makes her a little pee-pee machine (I hope you're not eating, Duckie!). She and Heidi would play forever if I let them. I didn't. I had to head to Westfield to help Jackson at the rental house. It is coming along nicely. If only we could get rid of our slop of a renter and his dog. I won't go into how I feel about our renter.
I looked forward to going for a "training walk" all day and when I finally got home it was raining. Like I said, a mixed bag day. Win some and lose some. It gave me a little time to blog. I am a bit worried that when the mini marathon comes along I won't be ready. If Susie in all of her 64 years beats me I'll just die.
My friend Cali Kate (can't wait to see you in May, Cal!) is a nurse in San Francisco who also keeps a blog (http://www.sunsetandthecity.blogspot.com/) and her job really makes a difference in people's lives. I had been struggling lately with feeling like my job doesn't really help anyone. I love my job and didn't want to do anything else. I felt lead to start giving charitably as we all know accountants make their money this time of the year. Jackson and I started really giving and have seen rich dividends from it (a little stock broker joke for my hubby). God has been so faithful to Jackson and I and we will continue to be to Him.
I think I have covered most of what was on my mind. I got to talk to my Dad for about 20 minutes today and that was great. It may seem silly but I count him as my best friend (next to Jackson, of course). I could not have asked for a more wonderful man to join my (and my mother's) life. I love you, Guy.
Type to you soon,
Jenna P.<><
Tax Tip of the Day: Speaking of charitable giving...GIVE! You can take it as an itemized deduction so long as you gave to a real charity (a 501(c)(3)). Get proof though, the IRS is cracking down on cheaters! :)

Heidi lovin' on MacKenzie. Love it! :)
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