Saturday, August 30, 2008
On our way to Indiana...
MacKenzie has been dropped off at Camp Bow Wow. You can look for her at the following site:
She's the tiny white dog. Really tiny as she got groomed yesterday and they shaved her down! :(
We fly into St. Louis today then rent a car and head for Evansville. The wedding is at a hotel- but I have lost my invitation in the move and don't know which hotel. Hmm. I guess I had better phone the mother of the bride (my mom!). I'm glad it is not my wedding day. I felt sick that whole day! But I hope Leo's is a good one.
We then get to see Jackson's family (CeCe!!!) overnight and for breakfast. We're then off to a quick lunch with my side of the family and then back to St. Louis to catch a 7pm Sunday night flight. I'm tired just thinking about it!
Have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!
She's the tiny white dog. Really tiny as she got groomed yesterday and they shaved her down! :(
We fly into St. Louis today then rent a car and head for Evansville. The wedding is at a hotel- but I have lost my invitation in the move and don't know which hotel. Hmm. I guess I had better phone the mother of the bride (my mom!). I'm glad it is not my wedding day. I felt sick that whole day! But I hope Leo's is a good one.
We then get to see Jackson's family (CeCe!!!) overnight and for breakfast. We're then off to a quick lunch with my side of the family and then back to St. Louis to catch a 7pm Sunday night flight. I'm tired just thinking about it!
Have a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Getting ready for our trip to IN
Today has been spent preparing to go back to Indiana for Nick and Kylie's wedding. (I wonder if she has the nervous poops yet? I always get them before big events! TMI, I'm sure!) We have been busy in the kitchen baking dog treats for all of the family's pets. I got the cutest chinese take-out containers to put the treats in. Thank you, Container Store. I love you so much! We also made some chocolate chip with pecans cookies to take to Duckie. He likes my cookies. I had to do a trial run on baking here at the high altitude so we have 2 batches. Oops! :) I think I have got it down now.
Jackson hit the links today and shot an 83. Not too bad for a kid who didn't play much this summer and had never played the course from today. They say the ball goes 10% further here and Jackson believes it. He was hitting 330+ yards drives today! Whew! I guess that means mine would got about 60. Susie shot a 46 the other day for 9 holes- a personal best. Great job, Susie!
MacKenzie has made a new friend in the neighborhood, Lucky. He is the ugliest dog ever, but his owner asked Mac to come out and play today so she did. She loves it! (She still misses Gunner Porterfield and wanted to make sure that I told him that!) She needs a haircut so badly. Jackson is taking her to the little dog bakery in Parker to see if they know of any good groomers or vets. We need both for little MacKenzie. She has finally adjusted to the altitude- we think. She seems to be more ready to play than ever!
Tomorrow my office will be a ghost town with most everyone using their vacation time to go play. I don't get vacation for 6 months! BAH!!! Not that I have time with school starting, but I HATE being told "no" (Deb, Guy and Jackson will attest to that!). I did get approved to get my knee fixed in late October so that's good news. I had to wait for all of the tax returns on extension to be completed. We're coming in to crunch time- sort of.
Jackson's new territory is the Los Angeles area so we're pretty excited to have to make trips out that way. (And see Meggles!!!!!) He'll find out soon when his first trip is-yippee!
Susie had to go have a new faucet installed at the Noblesville house. So far that has been our only issue with the rentals. Thank you, Jesus- you are very faithful to us! Susie is our "property manager" of sorts. She helps us out a tremendous amount and we really, really appreciate it. Now if I could just get that silly house refinanaced all would be well. It is always something...
That's all for now. I have to finish my cookies. :)
Jackson hit the links today and shot an 83. Not too bad for a kid who didn't play much this summer and had never played the course from today. They say the ball goes 10% further here and Jackson believes it. He was hitting 330+ yards drives today! Whew! I guess that means mine would got about 60. Susie shot a 46 the other day for 9 holes- a personal best. Great job, Susie!
MacKenzie has made a new friend in the neighborhood, Lucky. He is the ugliest dog ever, but his owner asked Mac to come out and play today so she did. She loves it! (She still misses Gunner Porterfield and wanted to make sure that I told him that!) She needs a haircut so badly. Jackson is taking her to the little dog bakery in Parker to see if they know of any good groomers or vets. We need both for little MacKenzie. She has finally adjusted to the altitude- we think. She seems to be more ready to play than ever!
Tomorrow my office will be a ghost town with most everyone using their vacation time to go play. I don't get vacation for 6 months! BAH!!! Not that I have time with school starting, but I HATE being told "no" (Deb, Guy and Jackson will attest to that!). I did get approved to get my knee fixed in late October so that's good news. I had to wait for all of the tax returns on extension to be completed. We're coming in to crunch time- sort of.
Jackson's new territory is the Los Angeles area so we're pretty excited to have to make trips out that way. (And see Meggles!!!!!) He'll find out soon when his first trip is-yippee!
Susie had to go have a new faucet installed at the Noblesville house. So far that has been our only issue with the rentals. Thank you, Jesus- you are very faithful to us! Susie is our "property manager" of sorts. She helps us out a tremendous amount and we really, really appreciate it. Now if I could just get that silly house refinanaced all would be well. It is always something...
That's all for now. I have to finish my cookies. :)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Funny ad...
Today we saw the most hilarious ad in the local Parker newspaper. It read: "FREE YORKSHIRE TERRIER 8-years old. Hateful little dog. Bites!" WE DIED LAUGHING! Too funny! :)
Jackson got all of his benefit info from his new gig and it looks good! I like that because it keeps my paycheck big. :) Since my job is "business professional" and they take it very seriously, I have spent a ton of cash on clothing lately. I even had to have 2 pairs of pants professionally tailored because they were too long but on too good of a sale to pass up. Where are you when I need you, S. Pete?! $23 for 2 pairs of pants- robbery if you ask me. I should learn to sew...I'll put that behind learning to be patient, learning to speak both Spanish and M. Chinese, learning to drive a manual, learning to golf and learning to do underwater basketweaving. ;)
We're really excited to head home this weekend as a part of my "baby steps to moving" plan. We get to see all of my huge family and all of Jackson's small family. I'm still bitter about my lack of ability to change my flights. I tried to leave Jackson in Indiana to hang out since work for him doesn't begin until Sept. 8th, but he refused. Lame. I'd totally stay. School starts for me on Sept. 2nd and I'm excited to see what is going to be like. I dare any of my classes to be harder than my job. Impossible. I think I have the hardest job in taxation. (ok, totally being dramatic, but this richer than rich client stuff isn't easy!)
Jackson is making an art project he saw on HGTV the other day to hang behind our bed. I'll post photos when he is finished. Does anyone have a coupon to JoAnn's? We cannot find them and need to buy fabric! We also need a few for Bed, Bath and Beyond. Many thanks to anyone who can get them our way! We hate to shop at those places without coupons- what a rip!
I hope you are all doing well. I am amazed at how many people care about my boring little life, but I really appreciate it. I miss you all like crazy as being here with just Jackson gets a little lonely at times.
God bless!
Jackson got all of his benefit info from his new gig and it looks good! I like that because it keeps my paycheck big. :) Since my job is "business professional" and they take it very seriously, I have spent a ton of cash on clothing lately. I even had to have 2 pairs of pants professionally tailored because they were too long but on too good of a sale to pass up. Where are you when I need you, S. Pete?! $23 for 2 pairs of pants- robbery if you ask me. I should learn to sew...I'll put that behind learning to be patient, learning to speak both Spanish and M. Chinese, learning to drive a manual, learning to golf and learning to do underwater basketweaving. ;)
We're really excited to head home this weekend as a part of my "baby steps to moving" plan. We get to see all of my huge family and all of Jackson's small family. I'm still bitter about my lack of ability to change my flights. I tried to leave Jackson in Indiana to hang out since work for him doesn't begin until Sept. 8th, but he refused. Lame. I'd totally stay. School starts for me on Sept. 2nd and I'm excited to see what is going to be like. I dare any of my classes to be harder than my job. Impossible. I think I have the hardest job in taxation. (ok, totally being dramatic, but this richer than rich client stuff isn't easy!)
Jackson is making an art project he saw on HGTV the other day to hang behind our bed. I'll post photos when he is finished. Does anyone have a coupon to JoAnn's? We cannot find them and need to buy fabric! We also need a few for Bed, Bath and Beyond. Many thanks to anyone who can get them our way! We hate to shop at those places without coupons- what a rip!
I hope you are all doing well. I am amazed at how many people care about my boring little life, but I really appreciate it. I miss you all like crazy as being here with just Jackson gets a little lonely at times.
God bless!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Big news for Mr. Petefish <><
This is what I have to leave every morning. *tear* Isn't she so cute?! :)

And this is where I go. Not so bad.
Jackson got a new job today- yay! :) He's pretty excited. He won't start until September 8th though. Lucky duck. We went out to our favorite little dive restaurant in town tonight to celebrate. The Cherry Cricket is so good- come visit and we'll take you there. :) Then we did a little celebratory shopping. I heart Crate and Barrel. :)
We took MacKenzie on a nice long walk tonight so she is crashed out on the guest bed. What a little baby! Last night as I took Mac out for her final pee on the hiking trail behind our condo I saw a coyote! AHHHH! I picked up my little Mac and held perfectly still until it passed us by. Close one. Some neighbors had a cat killed by one and Mac is smaller than most cats. Speaking of cats, my mom now has 2: Donnie and Marie (b/c they're brother and sister and those are her favorite famous siblings-nerd). Jackson says they have a regular petting zoo these days. Addie the giant schnauzer is getting HUGE, too! They refuse to bring Ms. Madison to Kylie's wedding. I had both Madison and Macy as guests of honor at my wedding. I hope the girls don't get their feelings hurt. (Check out both Jackson and Madison's faces- priceless!)

I am off to catch a movie with Jackson.
Have a nice day! :)

Jackson got a new job today- yay! :) He's pretty excited. He won't start until September 8th though. Lucky duck. We went out to our favorite little dive restaurant in town tonight to celebrate. The Cherry Cricket is so good- come visit and we'll take you there. :) Then we did a little celebratory shopping. I heart Crate and Barrel. :)
We took MacKenzie on a nice long walk tonight so she is crashed out on the guest bed. What a little baby! Last night as I took Mac out for her final pee on the hiking trail behind our condo I saw a coyote! AHHHH! I picked up my little Mac and held perfectly still until it passed us by. Close one. Some neighbors had a cat killed by one and Mac is smaller than most cats. Speaking of cats, my mom now has 2: Donnie and Marie (b/c they're brother and sister and those are her favorite famous siblings-nerd). Jackson says they have a regular petting zoo these days. Addie the giant schnauzer is getting HUGE, too! They refuse to bring Ms. Madison to Kylie's wedding. I had both Madison and Macy as guests of honor at my wedding. I hope the girls don't get their feelings hurt. (Check out both Jackson and Madison's faces- priceless!)

I am off to catch a movie with Jackson.
Have a nice day! :)
Monday, August 25, 2008
Down with the DNC...
Yes folks, it has happened. I will whine openly about the DNC messing up my life.
A. I wanted to change my flight home this weekend to go Friday night instead of Saturday morning. Nope. DNC people are leaving that day causing the charge to change flights to be $569 per person. PER PERSON FOR A ONE DAY CHANGE! Are you kidding me? Ugh.
B. Traffic was a mess today. Not so much on my way to work, but I got really sick of hearing about it on the radio. Everything downtown is closed. Stay home. Thank you.
C. A radio station that I like actually changed their name to "Jackass" during the convention. Are you kidding me? I can hardly listen to you idiots swear over and over again in jest. I will be boycotting it until next week. Idiots.
D. The Park Meadows shopping area was swarming with people on a Monday night. Are you kidding me? What need to do you have for the Container Store's products when you're in town covering the DNC? Bah!
Speaking of the Container Store...I came up with a very "green" idea for Kylie's goodie bags to give out at the hotel: Reusable lunch bags! They are the colors of her wedding and will be filled with treats for each guest room. (Proud, Cortny? I know you probably hate the rest of my post. I will say your t-shirt was cute even if I don't agree with who you're advertising!) My Mom hadn't gotten enough of the lunch bags so I hurried in to get more and 2-day them to Upland. (I wish I could ship myself to Upland for $10!) Happy wedding week, Nick and Kylie! Enjoy! :)
Jackson has had some positive news on the work front. Fingers crossed and prayers said- please. He also has a really nasty bee sting that he is battling. Poor kid.
An update on my little fender bender: The lady was totally nice about the whole thing so I got her an edible arrangement today. She loved it and had even forgotten her lunch so it was perfect! Yay!
I am off to watch The Hills and Exciled on Mtv. I'm really excited to see the girls from Sweet 16 get sent to foreign lands to work! Haha! I'm bummed that the Olympics are over and I didn't get to watch one single swimming event with Bluey. :( Maybe in 2012?
A. I wanted to change my flight home this weekend to go Friday night instead of Saturday morning. Nope. DNC people are leaving that day causing the charge to change flights to be $569 per person. PER PERSON FOR A ONE DAY CHANGE! Are you kidding me? Ugh.
B. Traffic was a mess today. Not so much on my way to work, but I got really sick of hearing about it on the radio. Everything downtown is closed. Stay home. Thank you.
C. A radio station that I like actually changed their name to "Jackass" during the convention. Are you kidding me? I can hardly listen to you idiots swear over and over again in jest. I will be boycotting it until next week. Idiots.
D. The Park Meadows shopping area was swarming with people on a Monday night. Are you kidding me? What need to do you have for the Container Store's products when you're in town covering the DNC? Bah!
Speaking of the Container Store...I came up with a very "green" idea for Kylie's goodie bags to give out at the hotel: Reusable lunch bags! They are the colors of her wedding and will be filled with treats for each guest room. (Proud, Cortny? I know you probably hate the rest of my post. I will say your t-shirt was cute even if I don't agree with who you're advertising!) My Mom hadn't gotten enough of the lunch bags so I hurried in to get more and 2-day them to Upland. (I wish I could ship myself to Upland for $10!) Happy wedding week, Nick and Kylie! Enjoy! :)
Jackson has had some positive news on the work front. Fingers crossed and prayers said- please. He also has a really nasty bee sting that he is battling. Poor kid.
An update on my little fender bender: The lady was totally nice about the whole thing so I got her an edible arrangement today. She loved it and had even forgotten her lunch so it was perfect! Yay!
I am off to watch The Hills and Exciled on Mtv. I'm really excited to see the girls from Sweet 16 get sent to foreign lands to work! Haha! I'm bummed that the Olympics are over and I didn't get to watch one single swimming event with Bluey. :( Maybe in 2012?
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Yes, that is the view of a tornado from my balcony this evening around 5:45pm Mountain Time. Thankfully it did not hit our neighborhood, but we understand that some places were hit hard. :(
I'd like to thank Jackson for moving me 1,100 miles from home just to be in harm's way!!!! What the heck? They act like tornadoes are old hat here. We're not in Kansas- I was not expecting this.
I'll keep you posted on anymore activity. For now we are making dog cookies to take to Kylie and Nick's wedding. I'm not looking forward to Monday. I'm just not a workaholic. A big shout out to Danielle- I hope the hurricanes didn't do any damage to the Stuart area! :/
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Things I meant to post long ago...
Our "hike"
Obviously we are not meant to hike! We drove up to Golden Gate Canyon State Park in Golden, CO. It is gorgeous up there. However, as soon as we exited our vehicle it began pouring buckets of rain. Keep in mind we left Parker on a gorgeous, hot and sunny day. 40 minutes later we were in a downpour. Arg! MacKenzie and I gave hiking in the rain a try, but it was not fun. It was cold and wet- duh.
MacKenzie's after "hike" photo
We gave up on the hike and came home. We broke down and went out to dinner tonight to a BBQ place called Hickory House. We'd been there before but it was much better this time. (They had baked potatoes this time, S. Pete!!) They have sweet tea which is like finding water in a desert around here.
Other than that a pretty quiet day around the Petefish home. We napped and watched Olympics. Not a bad Saturday!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Random photos from my iPhone
Some random photos
Not a good day for the Mazda....

Jackson and I got new backpacks tonight for our hiking adventure. They have little "water bladders" in them and all. They are some camel brand that the people at REI were all amped up about. *Yawn* I prefer the Northface but so be it. I am excited for our adventure tomorrow.
Jackson took MacKenzie to the creek today to play. I guess she had quite the audience watching her play ball in the water. What a ham! We cannot find a little backpack to fit her. Bummer. We'll keep our eyes peeled. You all can do the same!
I called my friend Heidi tonight and was informed that she was at the new Lucas Oil Stadium watching a high school football game-HOW COOL!!! :) I hope it was fun, Porterfields!
I think that is all for today. My car accident story should be enough of a tale of woe for one session. :/
Thursday, August 21, 2008
slow news day

Macy chasing a cat up a tree!
My official name tag at work! How exciting ;)

As you can see it has been a slow news day here.
MacKenzie had an interview yesterday at Camp Bow Wow and we got word today that she was accepted into their program! :) Yay! She has to have somewhere to stay during Nick & Kylie's wedding since it cost $100 each way to fly her home. They have webcams so I can watch her while I'm at work. (I do not really plan on taking her there unless we out of town as it is $36 a night!)
Here is a link to where we'll be hiking this weekend:
MacKenzie will be going along. We are going to REI (some outdoor store here in CO) tomorrow to get a backpack for us and hopefully one for Mac. It has been so hard to find one that fits her!
Once again sorry for the slow news day...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
50 states
I've decided to figure out how close I am to my goal of visiting each of the 50 states.
1Alabama- been there
Alaska- not yet, but I hear it is lovely
2Arizona- Grand Canyon. Yippee. Yippee. (Sarcasm)
Arkansas- unsure so I'll go with no. I'd like to visit Little Rock and listen to the song by Collin Raye about Little Rock
3California- Yes and I prefer Nor Cal :) Napa Valley and San Fran are amazing
4Colorado- I live here. (boo)
Connecticut- No and I would totally love to be all poshed up and hang with the rich folks
Delaware- I've always wanted to go to Dover. I don't know why.
5Florida- I've lived there. Palm Beach is really the best. I have visited other places in the state before but I have vowed to only do PB from now on
6Georgia- Atlanta- I HATE Atlanta. Let's just say their HOV lanes end without notice into cement walls and they have an underground mall that is so ghetto you fear for your life. (Shannon- we risked our lives for that Braves shirt- brave we were!!)
7Hawaii- I was terribly unimpressed but I went 2 weeks agter 9/11 happened. I intend to visit again sometime. Possibly sometime that I am on a hunger strike because the food there was awful.
Idaho- No, but I intend to visit in the near future to enjoy a potato festival I have heard about. Doesn't that seem so fitting?!
8Illinois- Jackson used to live in Champaign ;) ha! I love Chicago- fun city!
9Indiana- home to God's country- I've been there most of my life
Iowa- I hate the hawkeyes and will only visit Iowa to mark it off of my list
10Kansas- I LOVE Kansas!!! Lawrence is awesome and western Kansas is gorgeous
11Kentucky- home to the biggest church I have ever attended- Southeast Christian- very cool place
Louisiana- no but I hope to one day
Maine- another one I plan to get to but it is so darn out of the way
12Maryland- Yes and Baltimore was the dirtiest city I have ever visited. Gag.
Massachusetts- No, but I get to do some continuing education at Harvard this December (YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
13Michigan- St. Joe's is such a cute place to spend the 4th of July!
14Minnesota- Mall of America. 'nuff said
15Mississippi- They have a spaceship at a rest area I think
16Missouri- St. Louis arch is totally worth a trip up- even if you're deathly afraid of heights like myself
Montana- No but who honestly goes to Montana?
Nebraska- see above
17Nevada- Vegas was pretty cool but we stayed at an awesome hotel in Henderson and jet skiied on Lake Mead- way cooler than the strip
New Hampshire- Nope and I'm not sure that there is much going on there...
18New Jersey- Princeton is one of my favorite college towns ever! So wonderful! and the Cherry Hills country club was top notch, thanks Jenna Hess
19New Mexico- White Sands was awesome!
20New York- NYC was great except my neck KILLED after a day of tourist behavior (looking up marveling at the buildings)
North Carolina- No and I need to go because Ashville looks wonderful
North Dakota- really? I'll go just to mark it off
21Ohio- I really like Cincy! What a great shopping city!
22Oklahoma- Oklahoma City right after the bombing- by request. What an odd child.
Oregon- No, but since Greg Oden plays there and DeeDee lives there we should head out sometime
23Pennsylvania- yes, and I saw the Liberty Bell- wonderful!
Rhode Island- No and I'd love to go!
24South Carolina- Yes Charleston is one of my favorite cities. The food there is amazing.
South Dakota- I think Mount Rushmore would be cool to see
25Tennessee- Nashville is a gorgeous place
26Texas- I loved seeing tumble weed
Utah- no and I hear Salt Lake is gorgeous
Vermont- No but I hear the Ben & Jerry's tour is superb
27Virginia- Yes for Meg's gorgeous wedding
Washington- I'd love to visit the first Starbucks
28West Virginia- Yes and I am not any smarter for having been there
29Wisconsin- the dells are awesome!!!
Wyoming- Cheyenne is only like 2 hours from here so we are headed up some weekend so I can mark it off of this very list!
So far I have 29...not bad! I'll keep working on it! :)
1Alabama- been there
Alaska- not yet, but I hear it is lovely
2Arizona- Grand Canyon. Yippee. Yippee. (Sarcasm)
Arkansas- unsure so I'll go with no. I'd like to visit Little Rock and listen to the song by Collin Raye about Little Rock
3California- Yes and I prefer Nor Cal :) Napa Valley and San Fran are amazing
4Colorado- I live here. (boo)
Connecticut- No and I would totally love to be all poshed up and hang with the rich folks
Delaware- I've always wanted to go to Dover. I don't know why.
5Florida- I've lived there. Palm Beach is really the best. I have visited other places in the state before but I have vowed to only do PB from now on
6Georgia- Atlanta- I HATE Atlanta. Let's just say their HOV lanes end without notice into cement walls and they have an underground mall that is so ghetto you fear for your life. (Shannon- we risked our lives for that Braves shirt- brave we were!!)
7Hawaii- I was terribly unimpressed but I went 2 weeks agter 9/11 happened. I intend to visit again sometime. Possibly sometime that I am on a hunger strike because the food there was awful.
Idaho- No, but I intend to visit in the near future to enjoy a potato festival I have heard about. Doesn't that seem so fitting?!
8Illinois- Jackson used to live in Champaign ;) ha! I love Chicago- fun city!
9Indiana- home to God's country- I've been there most of my life
Iowa- I hate the hawkeyes and will only visit Iowa to mark it off of my list
10Kansas- I LOVE Kansas!!! Lawrence is awesome and western Kansas is gorgeous
11Kentucky- home to the biggest church I have ever attended- Southeast Christian- very cool place
Louisiana- no but I hope to one day
Maine- another one I plan to get to but it is so darn out of the way
12Maryland- Yes and Baltimore was the dirtiest city I have ever visited. Gag.
Massachusetts- No, but I get to do some continuing education at Harvard this December (YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
13Michigan- St. Joe's is such a cute place to spend the 4th of July!
14Minnesota- Mall of America. 'nuff said
15Mississippi- They have a spaceship at a rest area I think
16Missouri- St. Louis arch is totally worth a trip up- even if you're deathly afraid of heights like myself
Montana- No but who honestly goes to Montana?
Nebraska- see above
17Nevada- Vegas was pretty cool but we stayed at an awesome hotel in Henderson and jet skiied on Lake Mead- way cooler than the strip
New Hampshire- Nope and I'm not sure that there is much going on there...
18New Jersey- Princeton is one of my favorite college towns ever! So wonderful! and the Cherry Hills country club was top notch, thanks Jenna Hess
19New Mexico- White Sands was awesome!
20New York- NYC was great except my neck KILLED after a day of tourist behavior (looking up marveling at the buildings)
North Carolina- No and I need to go because Ashville looks wonderful
North Dakota- really? I'll go just to mark it off
21Ohio- I really like Cincy! What a great shopping city!
22Oklahoma- Oklahoma City right after the bombing- by request. What an odd child.
Oregon- No, but since Greg Oden plays there and DeeDee lives there we should head out sometime
23Pennsylvania- yes, and I saw the Liberty Bell- wonderful!
Rhode Island- No and I'd love to go!
24South Carolina- Yes Charleston is one of my favorite cities. The food there is amazing.
South Dakota- I think Mount Rushmore would be cool to see
25Tennessee- Nashville is a gorgeous place
26Texas- I loved seeing tumble weed
Utah- no and I hear Salt Lake is gorgeous
Vermont- No but I hear the Ben & Jerry's tour is superb
27Virginia- Yes for Meg's gorgeous wedding
Washington- I'd love to visit the first Starbucks
28West Virginia- Yes and I am not any smarter for having been there
29Wisconsin- the dells are awesome!!!
Wyoming- Cheyenne is only like 2 hours from here so we are headed up some weekend so I can mark it off of this very list!
So far I have 29...not bad! I'll keep working on it! :)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I have been informed that quite a few people are reading my daily (or almost daily) blogs and are amused at my life. Hmm. I'm not sure that I love people laughing at my struggles! ;) Just kidding.
We had our friend Meg over tonight for dinner. She is always a good time. She was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and has had the tumor removed. Next up is chemo and radiation...she has taken this all like the champ that she is. She has great stories of odd boob positions she has been put in and has really kept a great sense of humor through it all. She's one of my favorites. Your continued prayers for her are much appreciated.
I am currently not speaking to Jackson as he lied today about getting chores done. What is he? 10 years old?! Idiot. So I am a wife on strike. I refused to be lied to, especially about something so dumb. Feel free to think he's a dork- I do.
Things are going pretty well at work. I am starting to feel more at home and comfortable with things. Speaking of home we get to fly back to Indiana on the 30th! YAY! :) I'm really craving a McAlister's Deli, but I fear the mighty town of Evansville lacks one. Maybe Guy will bring pot pies?! (hint, hint)
My grandpa & grandma were recently in a car accident on the by-pass. Thankfully everyone is ok and they're getting a new van because of it! All is well that ends well. (I sure hope they do not insure with Allstate)
I thought of another thing about myself this morning on my drive so I will add it:
8. I HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE Allstate insurance company (ranks right up there with cinnamon). I was in an accident April 9, 2006 and they settled with me- in court no less- July 1, 2008. Their check did not clear until August 1, 2008. Their insured hit me and it took over 2 years to solve the issue. Each time I pass an Allstate office I am tempted to leave a note asking if they know they work for Satan's spawn. I also nearly gag when I hear that I'm "in good hands with Allstate" yeah right!
I figure this is my blog and I will whine about whatever I want. If readers don't like it-they'll stop reading I guess!
Another weird thing going on here: Jackson and I are no longer eating at restaurants. We always get poor service so we decided that we'd save money, time and calories by eating at home. This includes lunches at work (no more 40 minute 2 block trips for this hoosier) and everything. We see how long our strike lasts.
I think that is all for now. Nothing too interesting today, I'm sorry.
We had our friend Meg over tonight for dinner. She is always a good time. She was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and has had the tumor removed. Next up is chemo and radiation...she has taken this all like the champ that she is. She has great stories of odd boob positions she has been put in and has really kept a great sense of humor through it all. She's one of my favorites. Your continued prayers for her are much appreciated.
I am currently not speaking to Jackson as he lied today about getting chores done. What is he? 10 years old?! Idiot. So I am a wife on strike. I refused to be lied to, especially about something so dumb. Feel free to think he's a dork- I do.
Things are going pretty well at work. I am starting to feel more at home and comfortable with things. Speaking of home we get to fly back to Indiana on the 30th! YAY! :) I'm really craving a McAlister's Deli, but I fear the mighty town of Evansville lacks one. Maybe Guy will bring pot pies?! (hint, hint)
My grandpa & grandma were recently in a car accident on the by-pass. Thankfully everyone is ok and they're getting a new van because of it! All is well that ends well. (I sure hope they do not insure with Allstate)
I thought of another thing about myself this morning on my drive so I will add it:
8. I HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE Allstate insurance company (ranks right up there with cinnamon). I was in an accident April 9, 2006 and they settled with me- in court no less- July 1, 2008. Their check did not clear until August 1, 2008. Their insured hit me and it took over 2 years to solve the issue. Each time I pass an Allstate office I am tempted to leave a note asking if they know they work for Satan's spawn. I also nearly gag when I hear that I'm "in good hands with Allstate" yeah right!
I figure this is my blog and I will whine about whatever I want. If readers don't like it-they'll stop reading I guess!
Another weird thing going on here: Jackson and I are no longer eating at restaurants. We always get poor service so we decided that we'd save money, time and calories by eating at home. This includes lunches at work (no more 40 minute 2 block trips for this hoosier) and everything. We see how long our strike lasts.
I think that is all for now. Nothing too interesting today, I'm sorry.
Photo link
A link to a photo book filled with pictures of our new home
A link to a photo book filled with pictures of our new home
7 things...
Hey all. I got "tagged" from my cousin Cortny to make a list of 7 things about me (Miley Cyrus style?!;)) so here goes
1. I am from Upland, Indiana aka "God's Country" and I am quite proud. I loved being an Eastbrook Panther and have had some of the best days of my life in Upland. (I got married there, love you Jackson ;)) My parents still live there (I love and miss you both) and I'm so glad. I can't imagine any other place on earth truly being "home." It is also where Madison Duckwall lives and she is my favorite (good thing MacKenzie cannot read!) dog ever. Someone please give her a pet for me. Macy isn't bad, but she's not Madison.
2. I am a complete and utter business nerd. I love all things business related- especially taxation. (Hence the Masters' of Taxation that I'm working towards...) I will read anything that has to do with tax or business and some of my favorite novels are business oriented. (Think Good to Great, Blink, Freakonomics and Tipping Point just to name a few) I would love and hate to have myself as a customer because I am super hard on places, but when they live up to my expectations I make sure that I let them know. My fav. college prof- Dr. Millage- once told our class that complaining is the best way to make a company better. If they do not know you're mad, how can they fix it?
3. I really, really LOVE high-heeled shoes and designer purses. I think this is partially because I am chunky and shoes and purses always fit, but hey! :) Anyway, I have far too many shoes to disclose and purses run a close second to that number. I hate to think what I have invested in those 2 things. Hmm. A lot! (Side note: my high heel collection does me no good at this point in my broken knee life...I have been wearing them to work and suffering to my desk only to kick them off and put my feet up on my crate!)
4. I am EXTREMELY against anything CINNAMON!!!!! I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE CINNAMON!!! I hate the smell. I hate the color. I hate any food that reminds me of cinnamon (think brown sugar or ginger) and I can taste cinnamon in anything (pizza sauce- SICK! enchilada sauce- SICK! pies- UGH! I could go on forever)
Moving on...
5. I love colleges/ universities. Jackson says I have a "Big gulp sized thirst for knowledge" and he is right! I love to go to institutions of higher education and just walk around observing all of the students studying and talking. I like to sit in on lectures. I just love school! I always have. (This point kind of ties in with being a nerd, but it has a lot to do with me!!) Jackson wants me to point out that while I love school so much I managed to graduate from undergrad in 3 years. Also 3 different schools. I consider myself lucky to have met all of the wonderful people that I did along the way. What would my life have been like without Julie, Jenna &Cali Kate from IU? And Pooch, Danielle and Meg from PBA? And Laura, Meggles and Fly from IWU? (I already knew and loved you, Heidi) I can't say that my graduate time at Butler or IUPUI produced any close friends. Boo.
6. I am an avid car fan. I know quite a bit about cars, their values and if they are good for resale or not. (Thanks, Guy!) I am completely against after-market upgrades (window tinting on a perfectly beautiful red convertible...) because they're never perfect and hurt the trade-in value. Guy's philosophy of things always being for sale rings true for all of my cars (minus Val to Volvo- RIP babe). I look forward to having another red convertible by my 30th birthday (hint, hint).
7. My favorite month of the year is MARCH!!!!!!! MARCH MADNESS!!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE MARCH MADNESS!!!!!!! March is a really stressful time for tax accountants (obviously so close to April 15th and all) and March madness just lightens the mood. I love beating Ethan each year in the Auto Pros bracket! (That's for you, Amy!) I honestly will root against a team if it means that Ethan will lose! (He is just always boastful about his picks- I don't really have anything against him!!) I almost always have Kansas winning the whole thing- that happened even before I knew that they had a Petefish Drive on campus. I love Lawrence, KS. You should all visit there. Anyway, March always proves to be such a fun time for a basketball fan such as myself. Being it on.
I hope you all enjoyed my list. I don't know that many bloggers, but Shannon- you're it! Type away!
Have a great day everyone.
1. I am from Upland, Indiana aka "God's Country" and I am quite proud. I loved being an Eastbrook Panther and have had some of the best days of my life in Upland. (I got married there, love you Jackson ;)) My parents still live there (I love and miss you both) and I'm so glad. I can't imagine any other place on earth truly being "home." It is also where Madison Duckwall lives and she is my favorite (good thing MacKenzie cannot read!) dog ever. Someone please give her a pet for me. Macy isn't bad, but she's not Madison.
2. I am a complete and utter business nerd. I love all things business related- especially taxation. (Hence the Masters' of Taxation that I'm working towards...) I will read anything that has to do with tax or business and some of my favorite novels are business oriented. (Think Good to Great, Blink, Freakonomics and Tipping Point just to name a few) I would love and hate to have myself as a customer because I am super hard on places, but when they live up to my expectations I make sure that I let them know. My fav. college prof- Dr. Millage- once told our class that complaining is the best way to make a company better. If they do not know you're mad, how can they fix it?
3. I really, really LOVE high-heeled shoes and designer purses. I think this is partially because I am chunky and shoes and purses always fit, but hey! :) Anyway, I have far too many shoes to disclose and purses run a close second to that number. I hate to think what I have invested in those 2 things. Hmm. A lot! (Side note: my high heel collection does me no good at this point in my broken knee life...I have been wearing them to work and suffering to my desk only to kick them off and put my feet up on my crate!)
4. I am EXTREMELY against anything CINNAMON!!!!! I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE CINNAMON!!! I hate the smell. I hate the color. I hate any food that reminds me of cinnamon (think brown sugar or ginger) and I can taste cinnamon in anything (pizza sauce- SICK! enchilada sauce- SICK! pies- UGH! I could go on forever)
Moving on...
5. I love colleges/ universities. Jackson says I have a "Big gulp sized thirst for knowledge" and he is right! I love to go to institutions of higher education and just walk around observing all of the students studying and talking. I like to sit in on lectures. I just love school! I always have. (This point kind of ties in with being a nerd, but it has a lot to do with me!!) Jackson wants me to point out that while I love school so much I managed to graduate from undergrad in 3 years. Also 3 different schools. I consider myself lucky to have met all of the wonderful people that I did along the way. What would my life have been like without Julie, Jenna &Cali Kate from IU? And Pooch, Danielle and Meg from PBA? And Laura, Meggles and Fly from IWU? (I already knew and loved you, Heidi) I can't say that my graduate time at Butler or IUPUI produced any close friends. Boo.
6. I am an avid car fan. I know quite a bit about cars, their values and if they are good for resale or not. (Thanks, Guy!) I am completely against after-market upgrades (window tinting on a perfectly beautiful red convertible...) because they're never perfect and hurt the trade-in value. Guy's philosophy of things always being for sale rings true for all of my cars (minus Val to Volvo- RIP babe). I look forward to having another red convertible by my 30th birthday (hint, hint).
7. My favorite month of the year is MARCH!!!!!!! MARCH MADNESS!!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE MARCH MADNESS!!!!!!! March is a really stressful time for tax accountants (obviously so close to April 15th and all) and March madness just lightens the mood. I love beating Ethan each year in the Auto Pros bracket! (That's for you, Amy!) I honestly will root against a team if it means that Ethan will lose! (He is just always boastful about his picks- I don't really have anything against him!!) I almost always have Kansas winning the whole thing- that happened even before I knew that they had a Petefish Drive on campus. I love Lawrence, KS. You should all visit there. Anyway, March always proves to be such a fun time for a basketball fan such as myself. Being it on.
I hope you all enjoyed my list. I don't know that many bloggers, but Shannon- you're it! Type away!
Have a great day everyone.
Monday, August 18, 2008
"You have the most comfortable guest bed ever!"
An exact quote from my Mom after she stayed with us. I told her I'd be using it as a promo to get my friends to come visit. (Shannon, H'ie, Laura, Cali, Bluey, Meggles, Danielle--hint, hint)
We had a really nice weekend. Friday night Mom's flight was delayed so I waited in the 45 minute lot for 2 hours. Sweet. We were both super hungry so when we came home to Jackson cooking dinner we were thrilled. He made homemade chicken parm with spaghetti. YUM!! He is quite the cook these days! :) Then we headed to the Container Store (a requirement for visiting Hotel de Petefish) and got the goodie bags for my sister's wedding. They're super cute and I think will really work out well. I'm a little bummed that I cannot help my Mom build them though. :( We also hit up our 2-story Bed, Bath & Beyond. Everything here is so darn BIG! Finally, we headed downtown to the 16th street mall. It is a really cool part of Denver with lots of little shops and one big mall. Mom got her Hard Rock pin and all was well with the world. ;) She also got to taste "Rocky Mountain Chocolate" YUM again.
Saturday Jackson made his world famous french toast. It was wonderful. Then we lounged a bit before heading out to go on a "hike" with MacKenzie. I put quotes because it was POURING down rain and therefore there was not a hike. We drove to Boulder to see CU (I LOVE colleges and collect college t-shirts) and we loved it there! Boulder is such a cute place. So fun! We drove through the mountains to Estes Park. If you previously read of my distain for misnomers you will understand my annoyance with this place. It is not a park! It is just a city plunked in the mountains! There was no park!! No park!! Grr. I drove the winding roads through the mountains for nothing! (Except great scenery) Years of my life were taken from the stress of the height and lack of guardrails. We did stop at a winery (a very great place for a winery- on the side of a mountain?! Drive much?) and did some tasting. It was a really cute place. We dined in Boulder then headed back to Parker. We were pooped!
Today we planned to go on the Cog Railway up Pike's Peak, but the rain prevented this. Instead Mom and I went shopping. :) We hit Nordstrom Rack- LOVE and of course the Park Meadows Mall. Mom was quite impressed with the mall. Not to point any fingers at anyone who wasn't (S. Pete). We did some serious damage and had fun. We met Jackson for lunch then headed for the airport. I got Mom all dropped off and during my crying session went the wrong way on I-70. (Note: Jackson told me yesterday that to get home always got South or East) I guess I was headed back to Indy as I went I-70 East for quite a while. Oops. LOST AGAIN! GRR!! I was supposed to go West however I had previosuly been advised that South or East took me home. Hmm. I eventually got myself back on track. I swear this 2 year stint in CO is going to age me. I'm going to have gray hair when I return.
Tomorrow is a big day for Jackson as he has a presentation to make to like 10 very important people. Prayers and fingers crossed please. He was wonderful this weekend and I love him.
Thanks for coming out, Mom. I had a lot of fun. It was nice to get to hang out again. I miss you!
Have a great Monday everyone!
We had a really nice weekend. Friday night Mom's flight was delayed so I waited in the 45 minute lot for 2 hours. Sweet. We were both super hungry so when we came home to Jackson cooking dinner we were thrilled. He made homemade chicken parm with spaghetti. YUM!! He is quite the cook these days! :) Then we headed to the Container Store (a requirement for visiting Hotel de Petefish) and got the goodie bags for my sister's wedding. They're super cute and I think will really work out well. I'm a little bummed that I cannot help my Mom build them though. :( We also hit up our 2-story Bed, Bath & Beyond. Everything here is so darn BIG! Finally, we headed downtown to the 16th street mall. It is a really cool part of Denver with lots of little shops and one big mall. Mom got her Hard Rock pin and all was well with the world. ;) She also got to taste "Rocky Mountain Chocolate" YUM again.
Saturday Jackson made his world famous french toast. It was wonderful. Then we lounged a bit before heading out to go on a "hike" with MacKenzie. I put quotes because it was POURING down rain and therefore there was not a hike. We drove to Boulder to see CU (I LOVE colleges and collect college t-shirts) and we loved it there! Boulder is such a cute place. So fun! We drove through the mountains to Estes Park. If you previously read of my distain for misnomers you will understand my annoyance with this place. It is not a park! It is just a city plunked in the mountains! There was no park!! No park!! Grr. I drove the winding roads through the mountains for nothing! (Except great scenery) Years of my life were taken from the stress of the height and lack of guardrails. We did stop at a winery (a very great place for a winery- on the side of a mountain?! Drive much?) and did some tasting. It was a really cute place. We dined in Boulder then headed back to Parker. We were pooped!
Today we planned to go on the Cog Railway up Pike's Peak, but the rain prevented this. Instead Mom and I went shopping. :) We hit Nordstrom Rack- LOVE and of course the Park Meadows Mall. Mom was quite impressed with the mall. Not to point any fingers at anyone who wasn't (S. Pete). We did some serious damage and had fun. We met Jackson for lunch then headed for the airport. I got Mom all dropped off and during my crying session went the wrong way on I-70. (Note: Jackson told me yesterday that to get home always got South or East) I guess I was headed back to Indy as I went I-70 East for quite a while. Oops. LOST AGAIN! GRR!! I was supposed to go West however I had previosuly been advised that South or East took me home. Hmm. I eventually got myself back on track. I swear this 2 year stint in CO is going to age me. I'm going to have gray hair when I return.
Tomorrow is a big day for Jackson as he has a presentation to make to like 10 very important people. Prayers and fingers crossed please. He was wonderful this weekend and I love him.
Thanks for coming out, Mom. I had a lot of fun. It was nice to get to hang out again. I miss you!
Have a great Monday everyone!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Mom's here...
Hey bloggers.
My Mom is here and it is raining! :( Boo. We can't even see the mountains. She wants you to all know that she could see her breath! This won't hamper us from shopping, however. :) Park Meadows here we come!!
Have a great weekend.
My Mom is here and it is raining! :( Boo. We can't even see the mountains. She wants you to all know that she could see her breath! This won't hamper us from shopping, however. :) Park Meadows here we come!!
Have a great weekend.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
This and that...

A picture of us in front of our "green bean tree" that S. Petefish insisted on taking. We don't look our best as it had been a looooong day!
Today was a super frustrating day. I am so overwhelmed by work right now. They are so hardcore. Then I went to lunch to unwind and got lost. AGAIN! I just wanted a Jamba Juice. 40 minutes later I was at the Jamba Juice 4 minutes from my office. I am officially toting my Garmin from now on!! I cannot believe that I haven't wrecked my "luxury unit" yet. (I call my CX-7 the luxury unit because Jackson drives a stick- whiplash!!!)
Our new bed came today from and apart from a few scratches we feel it was a heck of a deal. Jackson had me help him lug it upstairs. Where are these neighbors when you need them?! Save a few extra tears in my knee, I think we got it up in one piece. The house is really coming together. Jackson has been taking advantage of his days off to paint things that I have requested be black and not wood colored. He's such a champ like that. He also hung all of the pictures around the house today. I don't think he minds this house-husband stuff!!
Well I am off to help assemble this bed. Let's hope it is not too complex!
Hope you are all doing well!
P.S. Shannon has a new blog: check her out! (Disregard her spouse talk- she clearly has something to tell me!?!)
Just the two of us...
Well...3 with MacKenzie. But for a few days it will be just Jackson and me. Let the walking around naked resume! ;) (We both got a little whispy when Susie left making it "official" that we live here now.) But the walking around naked again thing helped a little with that.
We're looking forward to my Mom's visit. We'll be headed to Boulder to hike. She's terrified. :)
Off to work I go. Again. I am kind of over this 40 hours a week thing. Ugh.
We're looking forward to my Mom's visit. We'll be headed to Boulder to hike. She's terrified. :)
Off to work I go. Again. I am kind of over this 40 hours a week thing. Ugh.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Big day...
Hello bloggers.
Today I began my work at AMG National Trust Bank as a tax accountant. I think the job will be very challenging, but very rewarding too! I do not remember a time when my brain was more tired...ugh! The clients at AMG are extrememly wealthy (think $400 million net worth) and that kind of cash blows my mind. Thankfully, many of them give back generously to charities! I hate doing work for the selfish.
I went out to lunch today (with it being my first day I didn't know the lunch routine) and got on the interstate going south instead of north. Grr. I HATE getting lost! And my Garmin was locked in my glove box- I may have to start carrying it in my purse! ;):) Once I turned myself around and got to a Qdoba all was well again. I have been craving Qdoba ever since we left Indiana. Jackson says it is because I miss Guy! (Side note: Guy eats there like 3 times a week and has for years!) The people at the office thought I got on the interstate going the wrong way in traffic! I assured them that I was not that lost!!!!!
I have an office on the 4th floor with an amazing view of the mountains. I will have to snap a photo tomorrow. It is really gorgeous!
Jackson had some cool work stuff going on today. He hopes to get some positive news back soon.
I do not notice the time difference until I realize that I get off of work at the same time that my parents are eating dinner. Weird!
Speaking of dinner...I think it is time for this little Petefish to eat. Turkey tacos- yum!
Hope all is well with you all.
Jenna P<><
P.S. Some of you may know the story of the green bean tree (I thought a catalpa tree was a green bean tree when I first moved to Upland) and how my high school algebra teacher just got a kick out of that- so much so that he made a test question about Jenna's green bean tree that he still uses today- well guess what...THERE IS A GREEN BEAN TREE (CATALPA) IN MY NEW FRONT YARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I laughed for a really long time. Cheers, Mr. Kerlin. Thanks for always making my show my work!
Today I began my work at AMG National Trust Bank as a tax accountant. I think the job will be very challenging, but very rewarding too! I do not remember a time when my brain was more tired...ugh! The clients at AMG are extrememly wealthy (think $400 million net worth) and that kind of cash blows my mind. Thankfully, many of them give back generously to charities! I hate doing work for the selfish.
I went out to lunch today (with it being my first day I didn't know the lunch routine) and got on the interstate going south instead of north. Grr. I HATE getting lost! And my Garmin was locked in my glove box- I may have to start carrying it in my purse! ;):) Once I turned myself around and got to a Qdoba all was well again. I have been craving Qdoba ever since we left Indiana. Jackson says it is because I miss Guy! (Side note: Guy eats there like 3 times a week and has for years!) The people at the office thought I got on the interstate going the wrong way in traffic! I assured them that I was not that lost!!!!!
I have an office on the 4th floor with an amazing view of the mountains. I will have to snap a photo tomorrow. It is really gorgeous!
Jackson had some cool work stuff going on today. He hopes to get some positive news back soon.
I do not notice the time difference until I realize that I get off of work at the same time that my parents are eating dinner. Weird!
Speaking of dinner...I think it is time for this little Petefish to eat. Turkey tacos- yum!
Hope all is well with you all.
Jenna P<><
P.S. Some of you may know the story of the green bean tree (I thought a catalpa tree was a green bean tree when I first moved to Upland) and how my high school algebra teacher just got a kick out of that- so much so that he made a test question about Jenna's green bean tree that he still uses today- well guess what...THERE IS A GREEN BEAN TREE (CATALPA) IN MY NEW FRONT YARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I laughed for a really long time. Cheers, Mr. Kerlin. Thanks for always making my show my work!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Settling in out west....
Hello bloggers.
We are finally settling in to our new place here in Parker. The last few days have been so busy. We left Indianapolis Wednesday morning at 7 am and drove to Lawrence, Kansas (2nd place in the God's country status). We walked around Lawrence and shopped some. I love it there! Then we headed to our hotel in Topeka. There is not much happening in Topeka! Thursday morning we were off again headed for Parker. We got here at about 2pm mountain time (we're 2 hours behind Indianapolis people and will always be- I checked and we have DST). Thursday afternoon to right now (late Saturday evening) has been a blur. We have not stopped going the whole time. I just wanted to be settled! We are now. The bedrooms are unpacked, the bathrooms are all setup, the kitchen is complete- it feels great! I got all new pottery barn furniture for my home office/guest room. It looks so cute. The bedford collection- check it out. In black, of course.
Jackson's mom has been a huge help. Today she got on her hands and knees to scrub the floors! What a champ! (Side note: I totally would have done this myself except my knee-cap is still cracked and she insisted that being Cinderella was fine with her) Anyway, we really appreciate all of her help.
The stress of all of this moving and settling has taken its toll. Jackson has never gotten on my nerves more!!! ARG!!!!! I'm ready for a routine so this madness stops.
Tonight we showed Susie the huge mall here, Park Meadows. I was far more excited than she was to see it in all of its glory. My mom will love it. So there. ;)
Speaking of, my mom is coming out to visit this coming weekend. Susie heads home on Tuesday morning then Deb will be here Friday. I call this my baby steps process. Then August 30 we head to Evansville to Leo (Kylie's) wedding. We got some scary news about Nick the other day and have kept him in our prayers. We hope that the lung specialist delivers only good news. This is such a happy time and we pray that this ailment won't overshadow that.
I start work on Monday at 8:30- I'm so nervous! I think I will like what I am doing but the idea of working full-time again stinks! (That is for you, Guy.) Jackson has some work stuff Monday too. I think he's equally nervous! (He is complaining that I do not give enough detail about him. I say type it yourself, bum!)
We are headed to a big church tomorrow morning that I think will be our new home church. I like big churches because I hate when you miss a week and someone notices. Ugh, leave me alone! Maybe I visited another church! Maybe I attended bedside baptist! Give it up. Anyway, I find that their music is normally better and the pastors have to really prepare great sermons since there are 5,000 people listening.
Well Susie wants to go to bed now so I will end this monster of a blog.
Hope all is well with all of you!
(and Jackson, ugh)
P.S. Cort I will do my "tag" tomorrow! ;) I really enjoyed yours!
We are finally settling in to our new place here in Parker. The last few days have been so busy. We left Indianapolis Wednesday morning at 7 am and drove to Lawrence, Kansas (2nd place in the God's country status). We walked around Lawrence and shopped some. I love it there! Then we headed to our hotel in Topeka. There is not much happening in Topeka! Thursday morning we were off again headed for Parker. We got here at about 2pm mountain time (we're 2 hours behind Indianapolis people and will always be- I checked and we have DST). Thursday afternoon to right now (late Saturday evening) has been a blur. We have not stopped going the whole time. I just wanted to be settled! We are now. The bedrooms are unpacked, the bathrooms are all setup, the kitchen is complete- it feels great! I got all new pottery barn furniture for my home office/guest room. It looks so cute. The bedford collection- check it out. In black, of course.
Jackson's mom has been a huge help. Today she got on her hands and knees to scrub the floors! What a champ! (Side note: I totally would have done this myself except my knee-cap is still cracked and she insisted that being Cinderella was fine with her) Anyway, we really appreciate all of her help.
The stress of all of this moving and settling has taken its toll. Jackson has never gotten on my nerves more!!! ARG!!!!! I'm ready for a routine so this madness stops.
Tonight we showed Susie the huge mall here, Park Meadows. I was far more excited than she was to see it in all of its glory. My mom will love it. So there. ;)
Speaking of, my mom is coming out to visit this coming weekend. Susie heads home on Tuesday morning then Deb will be here Friday. I call this my baby steps process. Then August 30 we head to Evansville to Leo (Kylie's) wedding. We got some scary news about Nick the other day and have kept him in our prayers. We hope that the lung specialist delivers only good news. This is such a happy time and we pray that this ailment won't overshadow that.
I start work on Monday at 8:30- I'm so nervous! I think I will like what I am doing but the idea of working full-time again stinks! (That is for you, Guy.) Jackson has some work stuff Monday too. I think he's equally nervous! (He is complaining that I do not give enough detail about him. I say type it yourself, bum!)
We are headed to a big church tomorrow morning that I think will be our new home church. I like big churches because I hate when you miss a week and someone notices. Ugh, leave me alone! Maybe I visited another church! Maybe I attended bedside baptist! Give it up. Anyway, I find that their music is normally better and the pastors have to really prepare great sermons since there are 5,000 people listening.
Well Susie wants to go to bed now so I will end this monster of a blog.
Hope all is well with all of you!
(and Jackson, ugh)
P.S. Cort I will do my "tag" tomorrow! ;) I really enjoyed yours!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Last supper...
Good evening bloggers.
Today was a busy day. Our last day here in Indiana. Sad. Extremely sad. I went to my last day of work and I think that transition will be flawless. Then we ran about 500 errands to get ready for this big move. Shaya's boyfriend (I set them up- had to get that in there) is just a doll and came to help us load the truck. Thank you, Bates! Keep ahold of him, Shaya, he's a keeper! :) I do good work.
Jackson had some exciting news from work today so we will keep high hopes that things work out. I registered for my classes. I am taking 6 credit hours. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (yes, Friday. No, I really don't hate myself) night classes. It should be a really interesting semester- I'll keep you all posted, of course! ;)
My parents came down for dinner tonight. My dad made chicken and noodles. YUM! Susie made a blackberry cobbler- delicious. And Heidi brought over chocolate chip cookies- she's a wonderful baker. We're going to be gaining weight on this trip!!
I had a tough time with saying good-bye to my parents. They brought down Macy & Madison (their 2 mini schnauzers) which made it even harder. I will miss them quite a bit. Thank goodness for cellphones and blogs!
After my parents left I resorted to cleaning. Cleaning is what I do when I am sad or upset. It restores order to my world. After vaccuuming Susie's whole house (no small feat) and scrubbing down a bathroom and a few doors I feel a little better. If only she didn't keep such a clean house already...
Well Jackson broke my parents' crockpot so I'm headed to to order them a new one!
Wish us luck on our drive. And if you're bored in the next 2 me. I'll be in my car. Yep. For 1,100 miles.
Today was a busy day. Our last day here in Indiana. Sad. Extremely sad. I went to my last day of work and I think that transition will be flawless. Then we ran about 500 errands to get ready for this big move. Shaya's boyfriend (I set them up- had to get that in there) is just a doll and came to help us load the truck. Thank you, Bates! Keep ahold of him, Shaya, he's a keeper! :) I do good work.
Jackson had some exciting news from work today so we will keep high hopes that things work out. I registered for my classes. I am taking 6 credit hours. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (yes, Friday. No, I really don't hate myself) night classes. It should be a really interesting semester- I'll keep you all posted, of course! ;)
My parents came down for dinner tonight. My dad made chicken and noodles. YUM! Susie made a blackberry cobbler- delicious. And Heidi brought over chocolate chip cookies- she's a wonderful baker. We're going to be gaining weight on this trip!!
I had a tough time with saying good-bye to my parents. They brought down Macy & Madison (their 2 mini schnauzers) which made it even harder. I will miss them quite a bit. Thank goodness for cellphones and blogs!
After my parents left I resorted to cleaning. Cleaning is what I do when I am sad or upset. It restores order to my world. After vaccuuming Susie's whole house (no small feat) and scrubbing down a bathroom and a few doors I feel a little better. If only she didn't keep such a clean house already...
Well Jackson broke my parents' crockpot so I'm headed to to order them a new one!
Wish us luck on our drive. And if you're bored in the next 2 me. I'll be in my car. Yep. For 1,100 miles.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Packing the truck!
Today Jackson and Susan loaded the truck. I had planned to help, but then I had to work. And then Christina came down and I went with her to try on her wedding dress (GORGEOUS!!!) and to lunch. Thanks for a GREAT time Bluey. (You will always be Bluey to me, married or not!) Again this cracked kneecap came through and allowed me to play all day while they worked so hard. Love you both!
Tomorrow is my last day at MicroSystems for a long time. Physically. I will there in spirit and in mind, of course. Don't worry, Bill! :)
Tomorrow we will have a "last supper" with my parents and Susie. I cried myself to sleep last night and there will probably be a repeat of that for a long time.
On a good note- I ordered a desk from Pottery Barn and I feared things would get messed up (if you read Cort's blog, you've seen the horror stories) but I must say those people are EXCELLENT! As a business-minded person I am RARELY ever impressed with customer service because let's face it, it usually sucks. Not so at Pottery Barn Keystone! My lady, Kathy, was awesome. Loved her! (Side note: She looked so much like Aunt Jara that I called her Jara like 6 times..oops!)
Well I think I have typed enough of this nonsense for the evening.
Type to you later,
Tomorrow is my last day at MicroSystems for a long time. Physically. I will there in spirit and in mind, of course. Don't worry, Bill! :)
Tomorrow we will have a "last supper" with my parents and Susie. I cried myself to sleep last night and there will probably be a repeat of that for a long time.
On a good note- I ordered a desk from Pottery Barn and I feared things would get messed up (if you read Cort's blog, you've seen the horror stories) but I must say those people are EXCELLENT! As a business-minded person I am RARELY ever impressed with customer service because let's face it, it usually sucks. Not so at Pottery Barn Keystone! My lady, Kathy, was awesome. Loved her! (Side note: She looked so much like Aunt Jara that I called her Jara like 6 times..oops!)
Well I think I have typed enough of this nonsense for the evening.
Type to you later,
Sunday, August 3, 2008
A lot going on...
Good evening bloggers.
Last night we had a wonderful going-away party with quite a few friends and family members coming here to Susie's for free beer and BBQ. :) We had such a nice time. A huge thank you to all who came out. My dad cooked for us...yum! Summer has some of our favorite foods.
Today we went to Grace (our church) for the last time in a long time. Sad. Wonderful service though! Then we came home and slept! That party wore us out. Eventually we got motivated to start packing things up and boy did we. We have the entire attic cleared out and have now offically taken over Susie's garage!!!
Now we're off to Handel's for one last ice cream treat there before we head west. We will certainly miss that place!
Tomorrow Jackson gets the truck and will start loading up. I will be at work...I think I got the better end of the deal. This whole cracked kneecap thing has come in handy during the move! ;) (Although I would gladly be whole again and help pack!)
Type to you later,
Jenna P<><
Last night we had a wonderful going-away party with quite a few friends and family members coming here to Susie's for free beer and BBQ. :) We had such a nice time. A huge thank you to all who came out. My dad cooked for us...yum! Summer has some of our favorite foods.
Today we went to Grace (our church) for the last time in a long time. Sad. Wonderful service though! Then we came home and slept! That party wore us out. Eventually we got motivated to start packing things up and boy did we. We have the entire attic cleared out and have now offically taken over Susie's garage!!!
Now we're off to Handel's for one last ice cream treat there before we head west. We will certainly miss that place!
Tomorrow Jackson gets the truck and will start loading up. I will be at work...I think I got the better end of the deal. This whole cracked kneecap thing has come in handy during the move! ;) (Although I would gladly be whole again and help pack!)
Type to you later,
Jenna P<><