Jackson got a new job today- yay! :) He's pretty excited. He won't start until September 8th though. Lucky duck. We went out to our favorite little dive restaurant in town tonight to celebrate. The Cherry Cricket is so good- come visit and we'll take you there. :) Then we did a little celebratory shopping. I heart Crate and Barrel. :)
We took MacKenzie on a nice long walk tonight so she is crashed out on the guest bed. What a little baby! Last night as I took Mac out for her final pee on the hiking trail behind our condo I saw a coyote! AHHHH! I picked up my little Mac and held perfectly still until it passed us by. Close one. Some neighbors had a cat killed by one and Mac is smaller than most cats. Speaking of cats, my mom now has 2: Donnie and Marie (b/c they're brother and sister and those are her favorite famous siblings-nerd). Jackson says they have a regular petting zoo these days. Addie the giant schnauzer is getting HUGE, too! They refuse to bring Ms. Madison to Kylie's wedding. I had both Madison and Macy as guests of honor at my wedding. I hope the girls don't get their feelings hurt. (Check out both Jackson and Madison's faces- priceless!)

I am off to catch a movie with Jackson.
Have a nice day! :)
Hey! Those are the prettiest Bride dogs ever!! Now how many people do you suppose have a wedding picture like that one?
Congrats, Jackson on the new job!! I have officially started the post-college job hunt. Yikes! So scary!!
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