Friday, October 31, 2008
Presents in the mail!!

Happy Halloween

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
He proposed! :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Dear Apple

Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
MacKenzie on ice :)
As you can see, MacKenzie was not at all afraid of the ice! I'm glad we kept her on her leash though. We parked next to some guys who had 3 large dogs: 2 huskies and 1 German Shepard. They beat us to the top, but we saw them at the lake throwing the football to the dogs in the water. We both questioned this because of how cold it was and the fact that there was still a lot of ice on the lake. Then on the way down we ran into them and they only had 2 dogs: 1 husky and 1 German Shepard. They explained that the other husky fell through the ice and drowned. No kidding. The guy was crying. I felt really bad for them. So sad.
The glacier was really not accessible today as the snow was slick!
A view of neighboring mountains from the top 11,500 feet...
It was a really fun hike. Jackson only fell once. :) He skinned his shin up. :( Poor baby. MacKenzie is officially a mountain dog as she loved this trip! My physical therapist actually recommended this hike to me. I will be having a discussion with him about it tomorrow as my knee is THROBBING. :) Oh well, we had a nice time and there is always my trusty ice pack!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Laundry day!

Friday, October 24, 2008
Festive puppy
Thursday, October 23, 2008


This morning I had physical therapy. I really love it. The pilates reformer exercises are so much fun and super effective. My knee is getting stronger every day. I digress. Anyway, after PT I ran to Jackson's office (Jackson National Life, LOL hard to miss that it is his office) to pick up some paperwork. Jackson needed to do some data entry but did not have time. I volunteered my services. I was about 5 minutes from home when Jackson calls to say he gave me to originals and needs it back. Boo. I told him I'd make copies and head back. I felt bad about leaving MacKenzie in her cage so I tossed her in the car (after a quick pee!) and headed back to Jackson. I took the toll-road near our place because it is a ton faster, but expensive. Grr. Anyway, as we are riding along Mac starts shaking. I figure she is cold as it is a solid 33 outside so I turn on the heat. The next thing I know she has jumped on my lap and it is all warm. I push her to the passenger side (safety over her comfort) to find that she has POOPED ON MY LAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going 80 miles an hour (yes, I speed, hush) and have a lap of poop! I knock it on the floor and have to open the window to breathe. So now I am freezing save my leg where the poop has been. No, it is nice and warm. SICK!! I get to Jackson's office and she poops more outside. Jackson helped me pick up the poop from the car. The whole thing was awful. Gross! Gross! Gross! I know MacKenzie just had to go but come on! My lap? Sick. I came home and showered and my pants are in the wash. I have forgiven her as she is so darn cute. :) Anyway, I hope none of you were pooped on today!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
I love Ruby!
Crazy dog!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Check point
Monday, October 20, 2008
San Fran
Friday evening we arrived and went to visit Kate at work. I hate hospitals! She works on the 11th floor and the sights are awesome. We just checked out the view and waited for her to finish her shift. We saw a few of her cancer patients. It always amazes me what she does for a living. I wish I could deal with blood and such- I'd like to make a difference in people's lives the way she gets to. Once she was finished with work, we headed out to a nice seafood dinner. It was such great food! We then headed for ice cream at a local place that was delicious!!! I love how the town is so friendly to walkers. We walked a lot that evening and I really enjoyed it. We were pretty tired after all of that so we played a bit more catch-up then headed to bed.

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Headed out west further! :)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Comfy dog?!
Good news!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Quiet day!
Quite the day(s)!

Ok, back to the pumpkin patch story. It was a bust! My one requirement was that they have carmel apples. NOPE! So the photo below is my best attempt to smile at this rinky-dink pumpkin patch that has a fancy website, but doesn't live up to the hype! Grr. Jackson wants to make it known that they had a cannon launching pumpkins across a field that he loved.

The funny thing is that right across the field from the pumpkin patch was an Anheuser Busch brewing plant that we had never even heard of. They had a sign advertising daily tours so we decided to hop on in. (Get it, hop? Anyway.) The tour was really quite cool (both literally and figuratively as it was FREEZING today!) The plant was so clean! I was blown away by how automated it is. They really only have people on the bottling side. After the tour you get free beer. I was uninterested in this because I hate beer so they hooked me up with a Sprite. They were very, very kind and we really enjoyed our time there!

We walked around Fort Collins' old town for a bit, but it was raining and cold so we plan to visit again in the spring or summer. It was also homecoming so we wanted to be out of town before the masses left the football game! The campus was not as nice as CU Boulder, but it was a cute town. It reminded us of Lawrence, Kansas, but in KS we never saw kids with a huge, homemade sign that read "you honk, we drink" with a keg on their front lawn like we did at CSU. CLASSY! (Jackson, of course, honked and they promptly filled their glasses and tossed it back)
Friday, October 10, 2008

In other medical news, MacKenzie has a bacterial infection. The vet believes it came from playing with Sam (the neighborhood dog) who lives with 2 other dogs and 3 cats. MacKenzie is to avoid all contact with him from now on. I never knew that her playmates needed to be screened. I guess one can never be too careful. Anyway, she is on anti-biotics for the next 10 days. We leave in 6 for San Francisco so she has to go to the kennel while sick. :( I hate that. I wish we knew people out here that could care for her. She misses her Grammy and Carla weekend stays! The vet charged me another office visit even though Mac was in last week for the same issue. This would never have happened in Fishers. Grr! I also waited 1.25 hours for her to be seen today and she had an appointment. Again, never happened at Bridgeview. I got a little emotional at the vet as MacKenzie is such a big part of our lives and I hate when she's sick. Please keep her in your prayers, too.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Mac users: PLEASE HELP!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A new "sport coat"
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Friends and babes
We have a friend that we worked with at American Funds who is having a baby boy in a few months. She shops a lot for him, lucky little man! Guess his name? JACKSON! Well, technically William Jackson, but they are calling him Jackson. She knew my Jackson. How could she not see that the name Jackson is trouble!? Each time I hear a mother scolding her son his name is Jackson. (My Jackson says this is selective exposure) It just cracks me up that she's having a Jackson. Anyway, seeing all of her purchases for little Jackson gives me the baby fever! And I am forbidden from the fever (by Deb Duck) until I reside in Indiana. I want to have Kate/Carter in mid-May. You see I love having a summer birthday (perfectly space for Christmas). I do not, however, want any chance of sharing my birthday with my beloved child. Call me selfish or whatever you need to- I do not care. I'm not sharing my day! As a tax accountant, I also do not want a chance of having a child during tax season (which is really mid-December through mid-April). So May it is. It seems safe to aim for mid-May because even if they're late (I was 2 weeks late! Ask Deb...she'll tell you all about it!!!) they still will not come on my day. We'll have to watch for them coming on Jackson's day, May 12, but what are the odds? Really. I mean CeCe was born on Tom's birthday (may 25) so the chances of that repeating are quite low in my opinion. All of this to say, I want a baby but I have passed my window for this year. Grr.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Care package!
I also got my Proactiv Solution- thanks Susie! :) And our absentee ballot! I couldn't vote straight Rep. because of Dan Burton. So annoyed. I did my party though and cast my ballot. Whether you agree with my selection or not voting is really important! Rock the vote! :)
I think you can tell that I had my hands full on my walk home. Yay! :)
Breaking news!
I cannot wait to move home! :) Yum! Moe's! :)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
MacKenzie's cookies

65,000 Race for the Cure!

Saturday, October 4, 2008
MacKenzie's play time