This morning I had physical therapy. I really love it. The pilates reformer exercises are so much fun and super effective. My knee is getting stronger every day. I digress. Anyway, after PT I ran to Jackson's office (Jackson National Life, LOL hard to miss that it is his office) to pick up some paperwork. Jackson needed to do some data entry but did not have time. I volunteered my services. I was about 5 minutes from home when Jackson calls to say he gave me to originals and needs it back. Boo. I told him I'd make copies and head back. I felt bad about leaving MacKenzie in her cage so I tossed her in the car (after a quick pee!) and headed back to Jackson. I took the toll-road near our place because it is a ton faster, but expensive. Grr. Anyway, as we are riding along Mac starts shaking. I figure she is cold as it is a solid 33 outside so I turn on the heat. The next thing I know she has jumped on my lap and it is all warm. I push her to the passenger side (safety over her comfort) to find that she has POOPED ON MY LAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going 80 miles an hour (yes, I speed, hush) and have a lap of poop! I knock it on the floor and have to open the window to breathe. So now I am freezing save my leg where the poop has been. No, it is nice and warm. SICK!! I get to Jackson's office and she poops more outside. Jackson helped me pick up the poop from the car. The whole thing was awful. Gross! Gross! Gross! I know MacKenzie just had to go but come on! My lap? Sick. I came home and showered and my pants are in the wash. I have forgiven her as she is so darn cute. :) Anyway, I hope none of you were pooped on today!

That is so freakin' hilarious!!! I am so sorry you're having a sh**y day! lol Sorry I couldn't resist. ;-D
That is pretty funny...I can relate but puppy Addie had a full bladder on the way home from a quick trip to Muncie one night, oh yeah she relieved herself in my lap, very very warm. What can you do? She had tried to get out and we decided she could wait...I guess she couldn't!
Hey, thank you so much for my Hard Rock pin from San Francisco, I love it!
Miss Jenn...just wanted to let you know that you weren't alone in getting pooped on today!:) I also was pooped on...only not by my dog but by my niece!:) Gillian had a "blow-out" and yes, poop was pretty much everywhere, including all over my hands, the sleeve of my sweatshirt and pants! Like you, though, I also was not mad because she is so darn CUTE! Luckily, Gretchen and Gerald came to my rescue!:) Anyways...haha...I am glad we could have this bonding moment of both being pooped on the same day!:) Love YOU!!!!!
oh my goodness! I can't believe this story! Actually, I can...It's amazing the things I've done for little Mocha, and usually if she makes a mess, she looks so pathetic and upset that she did something bad. At that moment, my heart melts and all is forgiven. No matter, I am sorry you had a lap of poo! Love you!
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