Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
2 funny stories
I just thought I'd throw out two funny things that happened today.
1. I had a knee doctor appointment this morning. After waiting for 45+ minutes, I saw the doctor for less than 1 minute. I am not exaggerating. And that is not that funny part. Read on. After the doctor fiasco, I decided to go and get a Jamba Juice. For those of you unfortunate souls who do not know the power of a Jamba Juice smoothie- I'm sorry. They're awesome. I stroll into Jamba Juice and immediately am overwhelmed by the smell of oatmeal. For some reason it reminded me of my Grandma. (Hi, Grams. Love you.) I asked about it and they told me that they were rolling out a new breakfast menu and offered me a sample. I love a good sample so AFTER asking if there was cinnamon in the sample- I took one. Just as I am putting the oatmeal in my mouth a guy screams from the back, "there was cinnamon in that one!" NO! It was too late. The cinnamon had already entered my mouth. NO! SICK! GROSS! I already have the flu. For the love. I was forced to spit it out in a trashcan and pant for my smoothie to get the horrid taste out of my mouth. I hope you all were able to laugh at my expense. I am amazed that cinnamon anything sells. SICK!
2. Jackson went to the grocery store tonight with a list. When he was checking out and the cashier asked him the dutiful question, "did you find everything alright?" He answered, "Well I found the toilet paper and the blueberry muffins overpriced as you can see by my list not being complete!" I'm so glad I was not there. How embarrassing. He says she quickly changed the subject to how good of a deal he was getting on pork chops. I'm still laughing as I type this.
Happy Friday!
1. I had a knee doctor appointment this morning. After waiting for 45+ minutes, I saw the doctor for less than 1 minute. I am not exaggerating. And that is not that funny part. Read on. After the doctor fiasco, I decided to go and get a Jamba Juice. For those of you unfortunate souls who do not know the power of a Jamba Juice smoothie- I'm sorry. They're awesome. I stroll into Jamba Juice and immediately am overwhelmed by the smell of oatmeal. For some reason it reminded me of my Grandma. (Hi, Grams. Love you.) I asked about it and they told me that they were rolling out a new breakfast menu and offered me a sample. I love a good sample so AFTER asking if there was cinnamon in the sample- I took one. Just as I am putting the oatmeal in my mouth a guy screams from the back, "there was cinnamon in that one!" NO! It was too late. The cinnamon had already entered my mouth. NO! SICK! GROSS! I already have the flu. For the love. I was forced to spit it out in a trashcan and pant for my smoothie to get the horrid taste out of my mouth. I hope you all were able to laugh at my expense. I am amazed that cinnamon anything sells. SICK!
2. Jackson went to the grocery store tonight with a list. When he was checking out and the cashier asked him the dutiful question, "did you find everything alright?" He answered, "Well I found the toilet paper and the blueberry muffins overpriced as you can see by my list not being complete!" I'm so glad I was not there. How embarrassing. He says she quickly changed the subject to how good of a deal he was getting on pork chops. I'm still laughing as I type this.
Happy Friday!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I'm still sick. I went to work for half of the day before coming home.
Anyway, I still had to come to class tonight so I was driving in and saw a horrible accident. Well, I did not see the accident happen but I saw the aftermath. It was really bad. This Jeep Cherokee was hardly recognizable. The man inside had on a suit that used to be gray and was now nearly completely red. I'd never seen anything like it. The teenager, whom clearly caused the accident, was pacing around not knowing what to do. I assume the guy is going to live, but it was a pretty bad scene. I cannot imagine being that teenager. Now that's some guilt. Isn't it amazing how quickly things can change? One second you're on your way home from work/school and the next you're being rushed to the hospital. You just never know. I could never be a fireman. They always have to be the first people to these scenes. I just feel like that would wear on a person. I admire them for being willing to do it. It's pretty awesome of them.
That's really about all that is going on here. Jackson made it through the whole day of work today. He's a champ. I am hoping that we both start feeling human again soon.
We hope you're having a good week!
Anyway, I still had to come to class tonight so I was driving in and saw a horrible accident. Well, I did not see the accident happen but I saw the aftermath. It was really bad. This Jeep Cherokee was hardly recognizable. The man inside had on a suit that used to be gray and was now nearly completely red. I'd never seen anything like it. The teenager, whom clearly caused the accident, was pacing around not knowing what to do. I assume the guy is going to live, but it was a pretty bad scene. I cannot imagine being that teenager. Now that's some guilt. Isn't it amazing how quickly things can change? One second you're on your way home from work/school and the next you're being rushed to the hospital. You just never know. I could never be a fireman. They always have to be the first people to these scenes. I just feel like that would wear on a person. I admire them for being willing to do it. It's pretty awesome of them.
That's really about all that is going on here. Jackson made it through the whole day of work today. He's a champ. I am hoping that we both start feeling human again soon.
We hope you're having a good week!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Wild ride
As I watch this crazy stock market give people a wild ride daily, I cannot help but think about what my spending habits are doing for the market. I have come to the conclusion that I do a lot. Read on.
A. Most people in the market today own Apple stock. I have helped them out tremendously by purchasing or having purchased for me 4 iPhones. I have 5 iPods (I know that is mildly crazy). I also have a Mac Book. So to Apple shareholders everywhere: you're welcome.
B. I fly A LOT. Sure, my husband finds the cheapest fares ever, but still. I fly. If any of you suckers still own airline stock: you're welcome.
C. That was all I could really think of so maybe I do not do that much, but you get the point. I think that we are all helping to economy little by little.
I think it time that we all stop freaking out about things. The market will correct itself...if it is allowed to do so. I wish the government would butt out and let people decide which companies will make it and which will not. The government running our private banks is not the answer. Since when are we a socialist economy? Ok, I'll stop my rant now. I think you all get the point.
I think we all need to hang on. We need to believe in America. And we need to make sure that we are supporting the companies that we believe in.
Monday, February 23, 2009
My friend has a baby!
I went to go visit my friend Vanessa. She just had a baby a month ago and I wanted to meet him. He was really cute. I have never really been around babies so this hour was a lot for me. I held him. He cried. I fed him. He quit. I held him more and he cried. I tried holding him in every way possible until he was happy. Whew. I was honestly pooped when I left. She changed his diaper. I drew the line there. I really want to save my first diaper change for my own child. So far, so good. Considering how tired I was after an hour and how much I have to learn we pushed back having a child for years. Years. And more years. It was great to see Vanessa though. I had not seen her since college at IU. That was a long time ago. Sigh. I'm getting old.
I went to church with Susie. We went to Grace. Yay! I love Grace. We got to see H'ie, Andrew and Laura. Ah, friend overload. I love it! I am so used to not knowing many people here in Denver so seeing so many people in one day was awesome. Susie and I then went to Mitchell's Fish Market. It is in Clay Terrace and is the best seafood place ever. Oh man is it good. Expensive. Very expensive. Extremely tasty though. It was a fun day.
Sunday I got up early and headed to Upland. I love Upland. I got to see Macy and Madison (my parent's dogs) and had breakfast made for me. I honestly did nothing but eat the whole freaking time that I was in Indiana. I am going on a detox. Anyway, I got to spend some time with my parents before I headed back to Denver. I got to have a quick dinner with Laura at McAlister's. Ah, so good. I got to hear all about her new boyfriend. Yay! I love that kind of stuff.
It was 5:45 and my flight was at 8. Plenty of time to go to the post office and get my rental car fueled up and returned, right?! AH! The post office's drop receptacle was broken but I did not know this until after I bought a $15 stamp for my package. NO! I didn't have time to find another post office. Wah! I had to get to the airport. Oh wait, they moved the airport and I forget how to get there. AH! Where's my Garmin? Oh yeah, Jackson assured me that I would not need it while going home. AH! I am lost and all alone. Ok, call Jackson. I get directions. I cannot find a gas station close to the airport. The rental car is due at 6:30 and it is 6:25 and I'm passing Lucas Oil (not close to the airport). AH! I find a gas station. In the ghetto. Great. I finally make it to the airport and turn in my rental car. I am basically running (as much as I can with a bum knee- do not get me started on that one) to check my bags as they have this 45 minute before departure check in rule. $40 later my bags are checked (Frontier is such a rip off) and I am off to security. I make it through this time without being questioned. Awesome. I get to the gate and have 1 hour to spare. How did that happen!?! Why was I just running through an airport? Oh. Annoyed. I got on the plane and was seated next to a guy hacking his lungs up. The flight is full and I cannot be moved. Awesome. Thanks for flying with us, buddy. It was a long flight with flu bug sitting next to me. I blogged some (see below), I read tax articles, I read a magazine and we still hadn't landed. It was the longest 2.5 hour flight ever. We finally did land and Jackson came with Mac in tow to get me. Yay. Reunited with my little family. I love them.
Jackson and I were both sick this morning. I missed work. Jackson went in for about 2 hours and then went to the doctor. We both have the flu now. Awesome. I am actually warm. I could get used to this. I am never warm and I just cannot cool down right now. I still made it to class tonight, but it was a struggle. I am excited to be back home in bed. I am forcing myself to go to work tomorrow because I hate to even imagine what my desk looks like right now. Sigh. This whole being grown up thing is overrated.
Back home again in Indiana
What a weekend it was for me. I flew home to Indiana on Thursday after working all day in Denver. I do not recommend messing with a girl who is trying to catch her flight home after a long day at the office. I had picked up some horse radish for Guy that was atomic strength. It was in a sealed, glass bottle. I was not checking a bag due to time limitations and figured horse radish, being a chopped up root and all, would not be an issue for airport security. WRONG! They not only searched my bag (and there was no woman on duty- do not get me started), but they also took my horse radish. GRR! They called it a, “matter of national security.” Yep. That’s what our country has come to: horse radish is a treat. Great.
I made my flight. I was angry, but I made my flight. It was an uneventful flight and that is fine with me as that is how I like them. I mean an eventful flight would include dreadful things and I am willing to skip that action. I did sit next to a guy who was studying accounting. I made the mistake of telling him that I am studying to be a tax accountant. He wanted all kind of tips. I shut him down as I do not work for free. ;) I didn’t really, but that would have made a better story.
Indy’s new airport is so nice. I miss the old one though because it was familiar and homey. This one is very new and sterile. It is functional though. I rented a car because I over-committed myself this weekend (I’m thinking of giving up over-committing for lent?!) and I didn’t want to steal Susie’s car that often. Had this have been a summer time trip I probably would not be saying that as I love convertible time. Moving on. I rented a car and the lady tried to tell me that she could not rent to a 16 year old. Me?! I worked all day, I was wearing glasses and I had on a sweater vest for pete’s sake! Work with me lady. I actually graciously thanked her for thinking I was young. I have not been 16 for a good 8 years. Ha! Anyway, that was the real excitement of the evening because from there I headed to Susie’s to pass out. I was exhausted.
Friday morning I slept in a bit as the time difference is a real killer. I went to my old office and played catch up with Bill for like an hour! I had forgotten how easy it is to talk to him. It is so funny how close we are when he is in his mid-60’s and I am in my mid-20’s. I guess he is not different than Susie and she and I get along famously. I call them young souls. Or maybe I’m an old soul? No. They’re young. I met my mom at McAlister’s deli for lunch that day. Yum. It was nice to catch up with her. Some people never change though. She was whipping out her iPhone during lunch and rambling about work stuff that made no sense. Ah, you cannot expect full attention of people I guess. Darn technology addicts. (I write that as I blog from 35,000 feet. Whatever.) I picked up Shannon that evening and we headed to Muncie’s Hacienda to meet my parents for dinner. Ah, God bless excellent Mexican food. Honestly. The place is awesome. And it was free (Guy paid) so that makes things taste much better in my book. (I am not ashamed of being cheap.) We had a great time catching up and laughing. We closed down our section.
I'm being told that we're landing soon so I will finish this later. Have a GREAT week!
I made my flight. I was angry, but I made my flight. It was an uneventful flight and that is fine with me as that is how I like them. I mean an eventful flight would include dreadful things and I am willing to skip that action. I did sit next to a guy who was studying accounting. I made the mistake of telling him that I am studying to be a tax accountant. He wanted all kind of tips. I shut him down as I do not work for free. ;) I didn’t really, but that would have made a better story.
Indy’s new airport is so nice. I miss the old one though because it was familiar and homey. This one is very new and sterile. It is functional though. I rented a car because I over-committed myself this weekend (I’m thinking of giving up over-committing for lent?!) and I didn’t want to steal Susie’s car that often. Had this have been a summer time trip I probably would not be saying that as I love convertible time. Moving on. I rented a car and the lady tried to tell me that she could not rent to a 16 year old. Me?! I worked all day, I was wearing glasses and I had on a sweater vest for pete’s sake! Work with me lady. I actually graciously thanked her for thinking I was young. I have not been 16 for a good 8 years. Ha! Anyway, that was the real excitement of the evening because from there I headed to Susie’s to pass out. I was exhausted.
Friday morning I slept in a bit as the time difference is a real killer. I went to my old office and played catch up with Bill for like an hour! I had forgotten how easy it is to talk to him. It is so funny how close we are when he is in his mid-60’s and I am in my mid-20’s. I guess he is not different than Susie and she and I get along famously. I call them young souls. Or maybe I’m an old soul? No. They’re young. I met my mom at McAlister’s deli for lunch that day. Yum. It was nice to catch up with her. Some people never change though. She was whipping out her iPhone during lunch and rambling about work stuff that made no sense. Ah, you cannot expect full attention of people I guess. Darn technology addicts. (I write that as I blog from 35,000 feet. Whatever.) I picked up Shannon that evening and we headed to Muncie’s Hacienda to meet my parents for dinner. Ah, God bless excellent Mexican food. Honestly. The place is awesome. And it was free (Guy paid) so that makes things taste much better in my book. (I am not ashamed of being cheap.) We had a great time catching up and laughing. We closed down our section.
I'm being told that we're landing soon so I will finish this later. Have a GREAT week!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Things have been crazy busy around here. We got home really late Monday night from San Diego. Tuesday we were both pooped at work! We got home that evening and did mounds of laundry. It is amazing how one weekend sets you so far behind. We went to bed early as we planned to get a great night's sleep. NOPE! At 2a.m. our neighbor's car alarm went off. And it kept going off. And it kept going off. UGH! Then I was worried that it was a real break-in so Jackson had to go investigate. We still do not know, but my car was fine. Jackson, since getting his new car, always seems to find his way into the garage first. GRR.
Today was another day of being tired. Arf. This is getting old. I am in class right now- on a break- and I am hungry and tired. Triple GRR. Tomorrow I have to work in Denver, but then I fly home to INDIANA. Yippee! I am so excited to go home.
It will be good to be home. Jackson and MacKenzie will be holding down the fort here in Denver. Mac gets groomed on Saturday. She needs it! All of this time at Camp Bow Wow has made her a matted mess. I think Jackson is looking forward to a quiet weekend without me making him clean to house, run errands, or go do fun stuff. Ha! :)
We hope you all are having a great week. I intend to see most of you this weekend. YAY!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Another day in So. Cal
Jackson likes golf- A LOT. Well, he used to like it more, but he still likes it now. He's really good at it, too. I like to brag. :) He's an awesome teacher and maybe one day I'll be good, too. That day will come when I practice, lose my perfectionism and have a decent knee. Shoot. Check back on that one. Anyway, right outside of San Diego in La Jolla is a gorgeous course called Torrey Pines. It was the site of the U.S. Open in 2008. (They're really proud of that fact.) It was super rainy here this morning and the course was closed. We still got to see it and visit the pro shop. Jackson got a nice golf shirt and a ball. I don't collect golf stuff so I passed. I love the course, though. I had a hook up for Jackson to play this weekend, but he did not want to use all of our time together to play. Sweet. I wish he would have played though. The place was awesome.

On our way to Torrey Pines we saw a really nasty car accident. There was a man on the side of the road being worked on by emergency personal. It was clear to us that he was dead. That was really scary and sad. I imagine that he had a family at home that is pretty sad tonight. God bless them.

In-n-Out Burger is a very popular restaurant here in the West. Jackson likes their burgers and fresh cut fries. I hate burgers so I watched him eat. It is kind of a crazy fast food place because it only has burgers. No chicken. No fish. Nothing. Burgers. Only.

We decided to spend the day in Coronado. It is a barrier island off of San Diego. It is really nice. This a photo of Jackson all bundled up on the windy beach. It was so chilly! The beach is still awesome. We spent some time walking around the pier and watching a guy surf. He was a bad surfer and I was disappointed.
San Diego has a cool park district that is full of museums, walking paths and their zoo. No, we did not go to the zoo. I do not love the zoo like some people seem to. I do not care if it is the best zoo ever. I do not want to go. It is overpriced, too. I did get to see a video of 2 giant turtles going at it during Meg and Kyle's trip to the zoo. Classic. We walked through the area and really enjoyed it. Another gorgeous area tucked in the middle of a city.
We came to the airport early because of security being a nightmare when we landed on Saturday. This place is a mad house. Honestly. Luckily, our flight is not delayed yet so we are hoping to sleep in our own bed tonight. MacKenzie can stay at Camp Bow Wow until tomorrow evening as a part of her boarding so we are going to let her. Poor pup has to go back on Friday so that Jackson can have a guy's night. (I'm kidding, it is fine Jack.)
This is a short week of work for me. I go Tuesday through Thursday and then fly to Indiana. YAY! I am really excited to go home. We have a busy couple of weeks coming up. Im headed home. I have my final. Our friend Christina is coming on March 20th. We move March 27th. Heidi and Andrew are coming April 3. We're excited! We LOVE visitors. We don't love moving, but so be it. I love having things to look forward to! :)
We hope you all have a great week.
Los Angeles

We went to the Santa Monica Pier first because Jackson had never seen it. It has a little amusement park on the pier that is pretty cute. We didn't stay for long because it was chilly. From there we went to The Grove. It is an outdoor shopping mall/lifestyle center in the center of L.A. It was really nice. It was a lot like City Place, but bigger. (I still prefer City Place. Hands down.) We walked around and ate lunch at Cheesecake Factory. I know, I normally try to eat somewhere that is a local treat, but we were hungry and wanted to know what to expect. Plus, I hear Victoria Beckham eats at this location sometimes. Not on Sunday, though. Boo.
We went into Coach to buy my gorgeous red purse and they did not have it! WAH! (It is now a good thing that we didn't drop cash on a purse because a lady bumped into Jackson and made him break his iPhone-GRR!!) I left empty handed and a bit miffed because the saleswoman was a witch. That's not the Coach I know and love. Someone in corporate is getting an email about that trip.
After looking for parking for about 30 minutes-I'm not kidding- we hiked at Runyon Canyon Park. It was an awesome place. It is an off-leash dog park that climbs into the Hollywood hills. We loved it. It was a little slice of paradise in the middle of a huge city. My knee held up pretty well. I may have winced 56 times or so, but darn it we got to hike!!!
I collect college t-shirts and I love campuses so we had to head to USC. It has a gorgeous campus. For some reason that surprised me. It shouldn't have since John McCain calls it the "University of Spoiled Children." That was totally true. The cars on campus were unreal. There was not a single non-luxury car in sight. Wild! The buildings were awesome and the campus felt safe right there in the middle of L.A. We got our t-shirts and all was well.
That night we had planned to have dinner with our friends Kyle and Megan Parton. They live in San Clemente. It is a great location almost exactly half-way between L.A. and San Diego. We got to San Clemente a little early and walked on the pier and sat on the beach. It was so nice to see the ocean and hear the waves. We love that. Megan cooked a lovely meal for us and we enjoyed catching up with our friends.
It was quite a busy day and we went back to the hotel and slept like logs. You have to love sleep like that. :)
Valentine's Day
Let me begin this post with a rant: THE SAN DIEGO AIRPORT IS A MESS! AN ABSOLUTE MESS! They are not prepared for the volume that they are receiving and it shows. Do not fly to San Diego. If you do, you have no one to blame but yourself as I warned you.
Moving on. Saturday we left way too late for the airport in Denver. After we parked in long-term parking for a 3 day weekend trip (we're cheap like that and wanted to save the $3 a day) we nearly missed our flight. We didn't miss it though and we did not have to wait at the terminal. AWESOME! I love that! I hate waiting at airports (like I am at this very second...).
We headed from the airport to San Diego's Gas Lamp District. It is a cute little part of downtown that they have restored. It was a nice place. It was certainly worth visiting. We ate at a yummy mexican place (see photo of Jackson with burrito in previous post). We also bought a sweatshirt because it is a lot cooler down by the water than we expected it to be. We did make time for ice cream, though. Ghiradelli is awesome. They're $9 sundae was excellent. We shared. There is no way I was paying for 2 sundaes. (Remember, I'm cheap!)
That evening we checked into the hotel and I got my roses. Again, see the previous post. We went to dinner at a NY style pizza before going to see Confessions of a Shopaholic. A few notes: the movie was cheesy and not as good as the book, stay away from NY style food in So. Cal- it is just too far away to be authentic and never be that person checking your phone in a movie. End of notes. We had a very nice day, though. We hope you did, too.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!!
We're coming to you from San Diego. :) The weather here has been gorgeous: sunny and warm. We love it!
This is a photo of the sweetest boy ever at lunch today. That was a BIG burrito! Why is he the sweetest boy ever? This (see photo below) is what I walked into: ROSES! He sent roses to the hotel. Collective Aww. Swoon. I'm smitten. I love this kid. :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Quick post...
I'm sorry to be such a blog slacker, but I have been extremely busy. I've had to work in physical therapy twice a week plus class two times! AHH! I'm tired. :) I was out of the house today from 6:45a.m. to 9p.m. (The good thing about going in early is seeing the sunrise sparkling on the snow-covered mountains- GORGEOUS!)
Things have been going well here. Jackson is having a ton of success at his job and really seems to enjoy it. We got some snow-very little- the other day and it reminded us that we are going to have a winter. BOO.
We head out to San Diego and L.A. on Saturday morning and our hotel has free wifi so I intend to post about our vacation adventures. We have a lot to see and do- we're excited! MacKenzie went to camp today and will be there all weekend, too. I'll post the link to check on her next time. She's wearing her Valentine's Day bandanna so she's hard to miss. She's so pretty.
I hope you all are having a great week!!
Things have been going well here. Jackson is having a ton of success at his job and really seems to enjoy it. We got some snow-very little- the other day and it reminded us that we are going to have a winter. BOO.
We head out to San Diego and L.A. on Saturday morning and our hotel has free wifi so I intend to post about our vacation adventures. We have a lot to see and do- we're excited! MacKenzie went to camp today and will be there all weekend, too. I'll post the link to check on her next time. She's wearing her Valentine's Day bandanna so she's hard to miss. She's so pretty.
I hope you all are having a great week!!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
"I went to Taylor"
MacKenzie had to go to the vet yesterday for her yearly shots. She took them like a champ. She was awesome. She got a clean bill of health and lots of praise for being so cute. :) Her visit was only $52! YAY! I had worried about how much it was going to be for a few months now. Last year it was well over $250. I guess we should have shopped around! ;) Anyway, all is well with MacKenzie and she is enjoying her new Victoria's Secret dog that I got for free yesterday.
After MacKenzie's appointment went to so well (and cheap!) we decided to go to breakfast in Colorado Springs. Jackson really likes the drive down there as it is breath-taking. We ate at, of course, Cracker Barrel. Again with the bad service but seriously good food. Our waitress was from Indiana. (Jackson was rocking an IU sweatshirt and I had on an IU t-shirt. They still lost last night. Badly.) She was from Gary, though. That's really not exciting. At all. We left breakfast and decided to stop at a mall we always see from the interstate. It was really nice. Jackson says he is too spoiled by Clay Terrace to think just any outdoor mall is nice, but I will vouch for it. I needed a new white dress shirt because I spilled hot tea on myself Friday and the stain was not leaving. Grr. We shopped around and I brought up to Jackson that I wanted a new couch. He was somewhat agreeable, but not running to the furniture store that instant as I wished. We decided to stop in at Pottery Barn as I was still looking for the perfect present for my friend Kate's birthday. In Pottery Barn we saw that the euro size of our existing throw pillows were on sale. PERFECT! We decided to just recover the back couch cushions to extend the life of our couch. (See photo.) A mere $60 outlay instead of several hundred. Awesome! Needless to say, we were in Pottery Barn for a LONG time making decisions and mulling things over. One associate kept coming by to ask if we were ok. Jackson started giving her a hard time about it and we got to talking. She asked if were from Indiana. Yes. She went to school there. Where? TAYLOR UNIVERSITY! I screamed, "SHUT UP!! I'M FROM UPLAND!!!!" I was so excited that if I didn't have a bad knee I would have jumped up and down. Honestly. I was that excited. We talked Upland for another 15 minutes or so and I was smiling so much (I love small world moments) that my face hurt! We agreed to come back and visit her often. How fun. She was a really nice girl and was at TU at the same time as a lot of my friends. Crazy!
I also got out all of my Valentine's Day decor yesterday. A little late, I know. It looks pretty cute! I love the placemats from Susie. They really doll up the table.
After we finished shopping in Colorado Springs we came home and played a lot of ball with MacKenzie outside. It was supposed to snow today, but we have had a stay of execution and it is not coming. Excellent. Anyway, we feared she'd be stuck inside all day today so she got a lot of ball playing action. Then we went to see He's Just Not That Into You last evening.
It was so cute!! There were a few "signs" that I disagreed with, but for the most part it was spot on! I highly recommend it. We had to go back to the mall after the movie because the gift I got Kate was broken inside of its box. Oh man! I hate that. Of course this Pottery Barn did not have a replacement so I am back on the hunt with only a few days left. Grr!

All in all it was a productive Saturday. Sunday looks like it will be lazy. We overslept church, again. Next time I'm setting an alarm.
Friday, February 6, 2009
The weekend is here
Whew! We had a very busy week this week. I have been slacking on the blog...oops! We're happy that the weekend has arrived. MacKenzie goes to the vet tomorrow for her 2 year shots. Wish her luck!
It was a glorious week weather wise in Denver. I really enjoyed being outside and looking at the snow-covered mountains. God's creation is magnificent.
Work was insanely busy for both of this week. Jackson had an awesome week in sales and I'm very proud of him. I feel like I am really getting the hang of my new job and contributing to the team. That always feels good.
Physical therapy nearly killed me again today. I love Pilates, but right now it is pretty painful. I really miss taking MacKenzie for walks so I may sneak one in tomorrow and see how it goes. My scars are healing up really nicely and I am super pleased with that. I went to the dentist today and had not one single issue. Thank you. I was amped. Ever since my 18th birthday I have felt like my teeth were falling out. (I have issues with aging.) The dentist did assure me, though, that all of orthodontic work growing up would come back to haunt me in the form of arthritis of the jaw. Thanks, pal. (Side note: his last name was Jackson. That name is stalking me now! ;)) I mean Dr. Roper (R.I.P. as you were an awesome man) you could have warned Deb about this and spared me years of brace face. Arf! The dentist also told me that biting my nails was wearing on my teeth. I told him to spare me the lecture that the nail biting was not going anywhere. HA! :) I also had to repeatedly tell the hygienist not to come near me with anything cinnamon flavored. She had the shortest attention span ever. I'm not above biting a finger or two if cinnamon comes into contact with me.
Tomorrow, February 7th, is my sister's 27th birthday! AH! I cannot believe that we're getting so old. I'll be 25 this year. *tear* I hope that you have a great day, Leo. (Disclosure: I do not think that my sister reads this blog or even slightly cares about what is going on with me, but I felt compelled to wish her a happy day anyway.)
Tomorrow afternoon we intend to go see He's Just Not That Into You. I've been excited to see it as I loved the book- it is all so true. I feel lucky to have found Jackson and not have to be a part of the single world! :)
In national news, I have been watching the new stimulus bill closely this week. I completely and utterly disagree with it, but as a tax person I need to know the ins and outs. It could potentially mean a lot of money back in your pockets after you file your taxes. That's good news now. It will not be good news when our nation is bankrupt. (Take California, their government offices are now closed on Fridays and their employees' pay has been cut. They are not issuing state income tax refunds but they are issuing IOU's. The last time I checked an IOU didn't feed my family. I'm just sayin'...) Let's pray for the nation's leadership and lawmakers. I'm praying for guidance and wisdom for them (and all of us).
Have a great weekend.
It was a glorious week weather wise in Denver. I really enjoyed being outside and looking at the snow-covered mountains. God's creation is magnificent.
Work was insanely busy for both of this week. Jackson had an awesome week in sales and I'm very proud of him. I feel like I am really getting the hang of my new job and contributing to the team. That always feels good.
Physical therapy nearly killed me again today. I love Pilates, but right now it is pretty painful. I really miss taking MacKenzie for walks so I may sneak one in tomorrow and see how it goes. My scars are healing up really nicely and I am super pleased with that. I went to the dentist today and had not one single issue. Thank you. I was amped. Ever since my 18th birthday I have felt like my teeth were falling out. (I have issues with aging.) The dentist did assure me, though, that all of orthodontic work growing up would come back to haunt me in the form of arthritis of the jaw. Thanks, pal. (Side note: his last name was Jackson. That name is stalking me now! ;)) I mean Dr. Roper (R.I.P. as you were an awesome man) you could have warned Deb about this and spared me years of brace face. Arf! The dentist also told me that biting my nails was wearing on my teeth. I told him to spare me the lecture that the nail biting was not going anywhere. HA! :) I also had to repeatedly tell the hygienist not to come near me with anything cinnamon flavored. She had the shortest attention span ever. I'm not above biting a finger or two if cinnamon comes into contact with me.
Tomorrow, February 7th, is my sister's 27th birthday! AH! I cannot believe that we're getting so old. I'll be 25 this year. *tear* I hope that you have a great day, Leo. (Disclosure: I do not think that my sister reads this blog or even slightly cares about what is going on with me, but I felt compelled to wish her a happy day anyway.)
Tomorrow afternoon we intend to go see He's Just Not That Into You. I've been excited to see it as I loved the book- it is all so true. I feel lucky to have found Jackson and not have to be a part of the single world! :)
In national news, I have been watching the new stimulus bill closely this week. I completely and utterly disagree with it, but as a tax person I need to know the ins and outs. It could potentially mean a lot of money back in your pockets after you file your taxes. That's good news now. It will not be good news when our nation is bankrupt. (Take California, their government offices are now closed on Fridays and their employees' pay has been cut. They are not issuing state income tax refunds but they are issuing IOU's. The last time I checked an IOU didn't feed my family. I'm just sayin'...) Let's pray for the nation's leadership and lawmakers. I'm praying for guidance and wisdom for them (and all of us).
Have a great weekend.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Oh the warmth!!

I had physical therapy today. It nearly killed me. I was so sore and beat down that I skipped school tonight. Only my 2nd miss of this semester. That has to be a record. ;) Jackson and I had to be out of the house tonight for it to be shown so we went to dinner. We have been just slammed at work this week so it was nice to not cook. Tomorrow we are hosting Meg for Mexican night. Yay! We love to host. :)
My Mom found out that she has a "bubble" on her brain. She will be going in for more tests and meeting with a neurologist sometime in the near future. If you could keep her in your prayers, I'd be extremely grateful. She may not always be in my good graces but I do love her and prayers work.
There is not much else going on here. We're just excited for the weekend! :)
Monday, February 2, 2009
25 random things...
This list of 25 random things about me is all the rage on Facebook right now. I decided that since I had spent so much time on it that I'd post it as a blog, too. Enjoy ;)
1. I think this thing is silly, but the Super Bowl is boring so I'm doing it. (Ok, the end was so not boring. Thank goodness I was finished with this thing already!)
2. I really enjoy sports- so much so that random men often tell my husband to appreciate having a "jock wife" HA!
3. In direct connection to #2 I embarrass my husband by SCREAMING at the tv at the gym, restaurant or wherever we happen to watch games...oops. ;)
4. I moved from Indy to Denver in August 2008 and will never look back!
5. I LOVE living near the mountains and cannot imagine not waking up to them each morning - GORGEOUS
6. I HATE insurance companies, but I work for an insurance company. Don't ask. And do not get me stated on Allstate.
7. I have a miniature Schnauzer whom I absolutely adore, MacKenzie. She's a great dog.
8. I hope to have kids one day in the distant- 10 yearsish- future
9. I am working on my Masters of Taxation at the University of Denver. Yes, it is a real degree. No, I will not help you evade taxation- that is up to you. ;)
10. I am a very orderly, neat person. I hate messes. I really HATE messes. Just clean up after yourself. Ugh.
11. I love the Indiana Hoosiers. I went to IU and hated it, but I LOVE the HOOSIERS. (We are rebuilding this year- leave us alone.) I also met Cali Kate and Dr. Phil at IU so I will change that hate to a dislike! ;):)
12. I am a reluctant landlord to my home in Noblesville and my husband's home in Westfield.
13. I studied marketing in college so that I would not fall for great ad campaigns. I now buy things solely based on how much I loved the marketing campaign. So annoying.
14. I love shoes and I own far too many pairs. I will not say how many to avoid persecution.
15. One of my best friends, Kyle Feller, is someone I met in a chatroom in 8th grade. Yes, I know that is dangerous. No, he has never tried to kill me. HA! :) He's a good guy and I feel blessed that our paths crossed.
16. I have gone to a lot of institutions of higher education: Indiana University, Palm Beach Atlantic University, Indiana Wesleyan University, Butler University, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, and University of Denver. At press time I do not anticipate anymore additions to this list.
17. I only dated my husband for 6 months before getting engaged. We were engaged for 6 months before getting married. It was a whirlwind romance. I am married to a wonderful man and could not ask for more. :) (Don't throw up, please.)
18. My friend Meg Lewis has breast cancer and has taken it like a champ. I can only hope that if I were in her situation that I would be 1/5 as brave as she has been. It has been a privilege to be at her side during this time.
19. I have friends all over the country and visit them quite often. Cali Kate in San Fran. Meggles in San Clemente. Danielle in S. Florida. Britt is Palm Beach. Pooch in Baltimore. Heidi, Laura and Shannon in Indy. Jenna in Chicago. Kyle in NYC. Bluey in Grant County. And others but I got tired of typing.
20. I really love getting things in the mail. Dorky? Sure. Leave it alone.
21. In college my roomie's name was Jenna. It was a bit confusing, but really fun. Mostly because the other Jenna was ridiculously hilarious.
22. I live in Colorado and will NEVER ski. NEVER. I just do not see the fun in being freezing cold flying down the side of a mountain. I'll pass.
23. I am terribly afraid of heights. It annoys me so I push myself to try to get over it. I went to NYC for Christmas and puked on top of the Empire State Building but HEY I was on top dang it. 24. 55 is my favorite number because my 2nd grade teacher taught us that 5's were upside down question marks with hats on top and I loved that they accessorized. HA :)
25. I am from the small town of Upland, Indiana. We had a flashing stop light, 3 gas stations, a small university and Ivanhoe's. Ivanhoe's is the best ice cream place EVER. I would never trade my life in Upland for anything. High School was awesome and some of my classmates are still my best friends. Go Panthers! :)
Hope you're all having a great week thus far!
1. I think this thing is silly, but the Super Bowl is boring so I'm doing it. (Ok, the end was so not boring. Thank goodness I was finished with this thing already!)
2. I really enjoy sports- so much so that random men often tell my husband to appreciate having a "jock wife" HA!
3. In direct connection to #2 I embarrass my husband by SCREAMING at the tv at the gym, restaurant or wherever we happen to watch games...oops. ;)
4. I moved from Indy to Denver in August 2008 and will never look back!
5. I LOVE living near the mountains and cannot imagine not waking up to them each morning - GORGEOUS
6. I HATE insurance companies, but I work for an insurance company. Don't ask. And do not get me stated on Allstate.
7. I have a miniature Schnauzer whom I absolutely adore, MacKenzie. She's a great dog.
8. I hope to have kids one day in the distant- 10 yearsish- future
9. I am working on my Masters of Taxation at the University of Denver. Yes, it is a real degree. No, I will not help you evade taxation- that is up to you. ;)
10. I am a very orderly, neat person. I hate messes. I really HATE messes. Just clean up after yourself. Ugh.
11. I love the Indiana Hoosiers. I went to IU and hated it, but I LOVE the HOOSIERS. (We are rebuilding this year- leave us alone.) I also met Cali Kate and Dr. Phil at IU so I will change that hate to a dislike! ;):)
12. I am a reluctant landlord to my home in Noblesville and my husband's home in Westfield.
13. I studied marketing in college so that I would not fall for great ad campaigns. I now buy things solely based on how much I loved the marketing campaign. So annoying.
14. I love shoes and I own far too many pairs. I will not say how many to avoid persecution.
15. One of my best friends, Kyle Feller, is someone I met in a chatroom in 8th grade. Yes, I know that is dangerous. No, he has never tried to kill me. HA! :) He's a good guy and I feel blessed that our paths crossed.
16. I have gone to a lot of institutions of higher education: Indiana University, Palm Beach Atlantic University, Indiana Wesleyan University, Butler University, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, and University of Denver. At press time I do not anticipate anymore additions to this list.
17. I only dated my husband for 6 months before getting engaged. We were engaged for 6 months before getting married. It was a whirlwind romance. I am married to a wonderful man and could not ask for more. :) (Don't throw up, please.)
18. My friend Meg Lewis has breast cancer and has taken it like a champ. I can only hope that if I were in her situation that I would be 1/5 as brave as she has been. It has been a privilege to be at her side during this time.
19. I have friends all over the country and visit them quite often. Cali Kate in San Fran. Meggles in San Clemente. Danielle in S. Florida. Britt is Palm Beach. Pooch in Baltimore. Heidi, Laura and Shannon in Indy. Jenna in Chicago. Kyle in NYC. Bluey in Grant County. And others but I got tired of typing.
20. I really love getting things in the mail. Dorky? Sure. Leave it alone.
21. In college my roomie's name was Jenna. It was a bit confusing, but really fun. Mostly because the other Jenna was ridiculously hilarious.
22. I live in Colorado and will NEVER ski. NEVER. I just do not see the fun in being freezing cold flying down the side of a mountain. I'll pass.
23. I am terribly afraid of heights. It annoys me so I push myself to try to get over it. I went to NYC for Christmas and puked on top of the Empire State Building but HEY I was on top dang it. 24. 55 is my favorite number because my 2nd grade teacher taught us that 5's were upside down question marks with hats on top and I loved that they accessorized. HA :)
25. I am from the small town of Upland, Indiana. We had a flashing stop light, 3 gas stations, a small university and Ivanhoe's. Ivanhoe's is the best ice cream place EVER. I would never trade my life in Upland for anything. High School was awesome and some of my classmates are still my best friends. Go Panthers! :)
Hope you're all having a great week thus far!
Sunday, February 1, 2009

It has been a relaxing weekend for the Petefish family. Friday night I went to bed at 8 because I was not feeling well. Ick. Saturday we cleaned the house and ran errands. We also went to see New in Town. It was a dud. Do not bother seeing it! Boo.
As you all know, we are reluctant landlords. This winter we had already dealt with a bad furnace in Jackson's old house. This morning we were awakened by our other tenant's furnace not working! AH! This never happened to us when we lived there. What the heck?! Ugh. So we missed church dealing with this madness. In the end it turned out that she had not been changing the furnace filter...something I told her to do about 1,000 times. GRR. So now we're out $150 because she does not listen. I will never again be a landlord. I cannot wait to sell these places.
Anyway, we are excited to watch the Super Bowl this afternoon. It is on so early here. Weird!