I keep getting these "good luck moving" messages from people. I have to say this is how I read them, "Good luck moving in the 16 inches of snow! Sucker!" Now, that may not be what people meant. I will never know. If that is what you meant then the joke is on you. The snow has melted off of the roads and it has been lovely moving weather. So there. ;)
We're slowly but surely getting things from here to there. We got the phone hooked up today and t.v. will there tomorrow. (Just in time for some basketball- yay!!!)
MacKenzie went for a long, unauthorized run today. Not fun. I nearly died trying to catch her. Little punk! As if running and up and down stairs all day and physical therapy isn't enough. GRR.
Well...I better get to moving...literally. HA! Have a good weekend!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Photos- Random
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
March Madness- AGAIN
Let's GO:
- Kansas! Rock Chalk Jayhawk! Win! But not the whole thing, please. I need NC.
-Louisville! I enjoy your style of play- TOUGH
-UConn (even if you are cheaters. Funny how IU is ruined due to cheating by Sampson- UConn you're next! Take that jerk-off coach. Don't get me started on him.)
-Memphis- ugh, that's a painful cheer- sore winners
-Pitt- I actually like you- play well
-Duke- that's an extremely tough team to cheer for...I love Coach K, but after how Duke handled that Lacrosse rape deal I'm out as a fan- OUT
-Syracuse- I love watching you play- good luck! :)
We are supposed to get a ton of snow tonight and through tomorrow. I called it. I knew that it would snow on our moving day! ARG! We were all set to get things moving tomorrow. Now it looks like we will be spending all weekend doing it. Sigh. We'll get it done. We always do.
I am headed to Indiana for a longer stay on Tuesday morning. I am pleased that my classes are super understanding and not counting absences until April 15th. They do have a heart for the tax preparers enrolled. Amen. I have heard from a few clients that I didn't expect to hear from again so that was exciting. One client even said they couldn't imagine going to a "boring accountant" ever again. How Sweet. :) I think. ;)
There has not been a lot going on around here. The house is a mess from moving. I hope to get things organized before I leave for Indiana. I would hate for Heidi and Andrew to come visit a messy house! :/
Jackson's ears are still bothering him. He has an appointment with the doctor on Monday. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. We're a little worried...
Monday, March 23, 2009
March Madness
A few things to celebrate:
1. March Madness is here- yay!
2. Jackson and I have 15 out of the 16 "Sweet 16" teams left in our Auto Pros bracket
3. I've been blogging for one year now! Wild!
4. We move starting on Thursday- yippee
5. I am headed back home to Indiana to work more starting on the 31st
Not so exciting things:
1. School starts back up today- just when I was getting used to having a life!
2. When I head home I have to be away from Jackson :(
3. That's all my non-exciting things :)
1. March Madness is here- yay!
2. Jackson and I have 15 out of the 16 "Sweet 16" teams left in our Auto Pros bracket
3. I've been blogging for one year now! Wild!
4. We move starting on Thursday- yippee
5. I am headed back home to Indiana to work more starting on the 31st
Not so exciting things:
1. School starts back up today- just when I was getting used to having a life!
2. When I head home I have to be away from Jackson :(
3. That's all my non-exciting things :)
"I am the author of my own life. Unfortunately, I'm writing in pen so I cannot erase all of my mistakes."
I saw this quote today and thought it was very applicable to our lives. Don't we all wish that we could go back and speak with the younger version of ourselves? We could save ourselves some heartache. We could save ourselves some grief. We don't get to do that, though. And that's probably a good thing. What is life without heartache and grief? A smooth ride? No. Surely something would pop up and without past experience in dealing with pain we'd never know what to do with it in the future.
I still like the quote.
I saw this quote today and thought it was very applicable to our lives. Don't we all wish that we could go back and speak with the younger version of ourselves? We could save ourselves some heartache. We could save ourselves some grief. We don't get to do that, though. And that's probably a good thing. What is life without heartache and grief? A smooth ride? No. Surely something would pop up and without past experience in dealing with pain we'd never know what to do with it in the future.
I still like the quote.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Bluey comes to Denver
Our friend from home, Christina, came to visit us in Denver for the weekend. She got in at 7:45 (AH! Freakin' early!!) Friday morning and off we went! She came back to our place to settle in and then we headed to out to Red Rocks. We like to take guests there because it is so neat. She really enjoyed the sights and the hike. On our way to the hike we stopped at a Harley store for her to buy a t-shirt for her fiancee. Talk about a place that I had never been before! I had never felt so out of place. I just wanted to lecture all of the people in there about wearing their helmets and riding like they have some sense! I didn't lecture, no worries. When we finished at Red Rocks we headed to the Coors Brewery for a tour. Note: Both Bluey and I still hate beer. SICK!
The brewery was cool (it was my first time seeing it and Jackson's second), but not nearly as cool as the Budweiser plant in Ft. Collins. We didn't have time to get all the way up there! I was interesting to see the place, but I'm all set on it. No need to return.
We headed to Boulder to grab some lunch and walk around the Pearl Street Mall. We really like Boulder, but the shopping is so expensive. We enjoyed our time there and then headed to Denver to the 16th Street Mall. We needed to grab some souvenirs for Christina's family. We finally decided to call it a day and headed home.
We had the oddest dinner ever: wonton soup (yum!), queso, bagels and beef with vegetables. Yep. A ton of left overs. How funny. It was totally random!!
We're not sure yet what today will bring. I think we're all a little worn out from yesterday!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Blog break

I have been informed that people really like when I post photos of MacKenzie so here she is wishing you a happy St. Patrick's Day. I cannot stop laughing at this photo. It reminds me of when my Grams wears a plastic thing on her head to save her hair from rain. (Hi, Grams! I'll call you back soon- I promise!)
I'll throw in a few quick updates:
1. My mom got a clean bill of health from the Neurologist- yay!
2. I went home to Indiana for a quick trip and had a great time
3. I got a B+ on my Corporate Taxation final- Whew!!!
4. Jackson's hearing has not completely returned yet...we're hopeful that it still will
5. Bluey is visiting this weekend
6. We're moving soon and you'll be getting a little card updating you on how to contact us
That's about all I have the energy for right now. We truly help that this update finds you all doing well.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Still upset...
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Times are not easy for anyone right now. The cost of things continue to rise and our pay surely doesn't. (If we get paid! Unemployment is at 8.1% right now. AHH!) Jackson and I have caught the frugal bug that's been going around and have tried to change our spending habits. We've decided to eat out less. That's really our biggest non-fixed expense. We have been taking our lunches and eating dinner at home. It isn't always fun. Sometimes we break our rules and go out, but when we do it means something. We've also taken to sharing meals while dining out. All in the name of a smaller waist and larger wallet.
This all brings me to a photo of this soup. See below.
I love this soup. It is wonton soup from a neighborhood Chinese joint. It is only $2 a bowl! YES! I can carry this out and have a cheap treat whenever. It has been an awesome alternative. I love it. This is one of the few places in Parker that I will miss when we move into Denver.
This is a photo of $5 Apple Juice. It is not frugal and I should not have purchased it. I did, though. I do not regret it. I thought this goodness was only sold in Northern Cali- wrong! God Bless Denver! It finally came through for me on something.
This all brings me to a photo of this soup. See below.

Moving on from my frugal posting. We've been pretty busy around here. Things at my job as so busy that I had to work from overtime this weekend. That's never happened before. I did not mind as it gave me a chance to get to know my co-workers a little better in a more laid-back environment. I enjoy working with people my age.
Jackson is still having issues with his hearing. He is going to a 2nd doctor Monday afternoon for another check and opinion. We'd appreciate your prayers for him.
I have a final on Monday that I have been studying for this weekend. I am excited to have a small 2 week break from school. We have a really busy schedule for the next 4 weeks so having time off of school is awesome. Wish me luck on the final...I hear it is not easy!
(Author's note: Jackson read this post and thought it looked like a plea for money. It is certainly not. We're doing perfectly fine. We'd just like to have a larger cushion in uncertain times. Please be advised. If you do feel like sending money our way- we'll take it! ;) Just kidding! Kind of.)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
A simple "thank you" will suffice
I'm just beside myself with how odd people are sometimes. Today I was in the elevator at school with a girl who had on adorable sandals. I commented on how cute they were and she said, "oh they're cheap and falling apart." I was in shock. Since when does a simple "thank you" not do the trick when someone compliments you?! If someone tells you they like something please do not scream out, "it was on sale!" or "it was a great find at the thrift store" or anything else. Just say thank you and smile smugly to yourself. You know that you got a good deal. Why share? You honestly look crazy when you spill the beans.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
A 30% loss
And no the title is no in reference to people's stock portfolios. Jackson woke up this morning unable to hear out of his left ear. He heard some buzzing and some muffled sounds like he was underwater, but it just was not normal. He told me about it and thought that he had gotten Drano in his ear from unplugging our drains last night. I was fairly certain that was not the case, but we decided to have it checked out anyway. He made a doctor's appointment for 2:15. He had a ton of tests run and they found that he had lost 30% of his hearing. They are certain that is was not Drano but was the flu. He has some kind of nerve damage from having the flu that has caused a permanent loss. Thankfully he sought medical help in time to save any additional damage. God is good.
Things have been pretty hectic around here. I only have 1 more class left before the final. YAY! That means I need to study all weekend. BOO! You win some, you lose some. :) I'm looking forward to 2- count 'em- 2 whole weeks off of school. Yay!!
Jackson is feeling better- finally. He's worried sick about this hearing loss thing, though. Poor kid.
Not too much else going on here. Sorry for the boring post. Oh, funny story. There is a girl at work who is in the beginning stages of dating an ER doctor. She had her second official date with him tonight. Everyone had advice for her. The best? Her mother calling and telling her not to answer the phone during dinner as that's rude (so true- see previous cell phone post) and not to tell him that she just found out that she has 8 cavities because she doesn't want the doctor to think she doesn't care for her teeth. I almost died. Too funny. One has got to love moms. :)
Things have been pretty hectic around here. I only have 1 more class left before the final. YAY! That means I need to study all weekend. BOO! You win some, you lose some. :) I'm looking forward to 2- count 'em- 2 whole weeks off of school. Yay!!
Jackson is feeling better- finally. He's worried sick about this hearing loss thing, though. Poor kid.
Not too much else going on here. Sorry for the boring post. Oh, funny story. There is a girl at work who is in the beginning stages of dating an ER doctor. She had her second official date with him tonight. Everyone had advice for her. The best? Her mother calling and telling her not to answer the phone during dinner as that's rude (so true- see previous cell phone post) and not to tell him that she just found out that she has 8 cavities because she doesn't want the doctor to think she doesn't care for her teeth. I almost died. Too funny. One has got to love moms. :)
Sunday, March 1, 2009

I got my hair trimmed yesterday-finally. I was a little nervous that it was short, but Jackson assured me that it still looks long. Sigh. I hate haircuts. We spent some time at Golf Galaxy. I think Jackson is excited to get back out and hit the ball. We sent out all of our wedding, birthday and baby shower gifts yesterday. If you have a birthday during April expect to see your gift early. I was already finished shopping with us moving next month and visitors coming our way (YAY!) I didn't want things to get lost in the shuffle. Call me overly prepared. Whatever. ;)
We were going to go back to the glacier today, but it is not nearly as warm as they said it was going to be this weekend. Boo. We still may take MacKenzie out on the trails but hiking in the mountains seems to be out of the question. Jackson is still battling his illness. He's going on his 11th day of being sick. :*( As you can see, it has been a relaxing weekend. I guess sometimes you need those. I'm bored, though.