Times are not easy for anyone right now. The cost of things continue to rise and our pay surely doesn't. (If we get paid! Unemployment is at 8.1% right now.
AHH!) Jackson and I have caught the frugal bug that's been going around and have tried to change our spending habits. We've decided to eat out less. That's really our biggest non-fixed expense. We have been taking our lunches and eating dinner at home. It isn't always fun. Sometimes we break our rules and go out, but when we do it means something. We've also taken to sharing meals while dining out. All in the name of a smaller waist and larger wallet.
This all brings me to a photo of this soup. See below.

I love this soup. It is
wonton soup from a neighborhood Chinese joint. It is only $2 a bowl! YES! I can carry this out and have a cheap treat whenever. It has been an awesome alternative. I love it. This is one of the few places in Parker that I will miss when we move into Denver.

This is a photo of $5 Apple Juice. It is not frugal and I should not have purchased it. I did, though. I do not regret it. I thought this goodness was only sold in Northern Cali- wrong! God Bless Denver! It finally came through for me on something.
Moving on from my frugal posting. We've been pretty busy around here. Things at my job as so busy that I had to work from overtime this weekend. That's never happened before. I did not mind as it gave me a chance to get to know my co-workers a little better in a more laid-back environment. I enjoy working with people my age.
Jackson is still having issues with his hearing. He is going to a 2nd doctor Monday afternoon for another check and opinion. We'd appreciate your prayers for him.
I have a final on Monday that I have been studying for this weekend. I am excited to have a small 2 week break from school. We have a really busy schedule for the next 4 weeks so having time off of school is awesome. Wish me luck on the final...I hear it is not easy!
(Author's note: Jackson read this post and thought it looked like a plea for money. It is certainly not. We're doing perfectly fine. We'd just like to have a larger cushion in uncertain times. Please be advised. If you do feel like sending money our way- we'll take it! ;) Just kidding! Kind of.)
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