Friday, November 6, 2009


Do you all use Google regularly? I do. My answer to near every unknown is to "google it!" One of my favorite things about Google is how they change the letters for special days. For instance, today it is this:Now, who doesn't love Bert & Ernie?! Come on! It has been Sesame Street characters all week in honor of the show's 40th anniversary. Sometimes you see what they've done and don't know why so all you have to do is click to picture and it takes you to a Google newstory explaining it. I love it!

I have read quite a few business books about Google because let's face it: I'm a nerd. I love to see how businesses are structured and what kind of employee benefit plans they run. (Stop rolling your eyes. I'm sure you have weird things that interest you, too.) An interesting thing about Google is that a lot of their employees are millionaires thanks to stock options and the such, but they still come to work everyday and work HARD! Google has a campus Mountain View, CA that is supposed to be just awesome. I think is the coolest job at Google is the person who gets to make Bert & Ernie part of the homepage. I read about the guy once and he only works like one week a month doing all of these images. Rough life, pal.

Anyway, his job adds a smile to my face. Happy weekend!

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