Today we decided to test out my new wheels with a trip to Colorado Springs. (About 50 miles south of us.)

We took MacKenzie and promised her a ball game. Look at her protecting that darned pink ball. Love it.

The 3 photos above are of the view from Colorado Springs' Cracker Barrel. Gorgeous.

Then we took MacKenzie to Palmer Park to do some hiking and go to the dog park.

Pike's Peak from the top of the mountain that we climbed. Pretty amazing.

Our view of Garden of the God's - it looked so small from there!

This was me taking a phone call from Meg Lewis. She called to let me know that I had butt dialed her and that she was sure that MacKenzie was a "great mountain dog." (She had heard us praising MacKenzie's climbing skills!) Too funny!

MacK and me pointing out Pike's Peak. :)


Jackson and MacK climbed some rocks.

"I think I see my pink ball..."

MacK in action!

Still playing with pops.

That little dog has NO fear!
We had such a fun day. It is days like today that make us appreciate living in Colorado. Yes, MacKenzie was bathed as soon as she got home. No, she did NOT like the dog park. At all.
So nice to see my cute little granddog and oh, yes her parents, too.
Wow, your took really nice pictures today. Looks like a great day! I love it that MacKenzie likes her little red blanket. Poor baby looking out the back window, she was sure you simply forgot her!
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