Today we went for a cruise of Boston Harbor. It took us over to the Navy Yard in Charlestown (a suburb of Boston). It was really cool to see the city from the water.

The building in the middle of this photo is our apartment home. We live on the right edge- as you look at this photo- on the 8th floor with the corner windows.

We loved seeing all of boats out on the harbor.

The bridge seen here is a double decker bridge with traffic going one way on the top and another way on the bottom. I hate it because it is old and looks like it will crumble shortly.

A big Coast Guard ship on the harbor.

The bridge at the end of the "big dig" tunnels. Isn't it so pretty?!

A different view of the city from Charlestown.

Jackson on the cruise.

Jackson pretending to shoot Navy cannons.

Susie and Jackson waiting in line to go tour the U.S.S. Constitution.

He was excited.

Oh my gosh. Look at the smile on Susie's face: she loves this sailor. His name was John Fisher and boy was he cute. He got to come right to this job after bootcamp. We decided it was because he was too gorgeous to be stuck on a ship with a bunch of other sailors all of the time. Susie is quite the cougar. ;):)

The inside of the ship.

Susie was a good sport for all of the silly photos that I wanted to take.

This "Bell in Hand" is the oldest bar in the United States.

We took in a game at historic Fenway Park today. We rooted the Red Sox onto a 6-0 victory over the Blue Jays.

Even though the Red Sox are no longer in contention, it was still a packed game. We were able to scalp tickets with a face value of $47 for $30 each. Woo hoo. I will admit that scalping is quite stressful and I hate it.

We all had hotdogs and Susie had a beer. I got a lemonade and it was the first non-water drink that I had had in over 3 weeks. Needless to say it tasted pretty darned good to me!

I laughed because John Hancock is where Jackson works now and you simply cannot escape that name here in Boston. All of the history seems to be related to him and the company itself sponsors all kinds of things in the city.

My favorite Red Sox player, David Ortiz, up to bat. He didn't play so well. :( They still won. :)

Go team!

It was a great weather day. It was a bit chilly this morning then it was warm and then it got chilly again. I was quite prepared with my oversized fleece zip-up. I love it. Bring on Fall!
Jackson insisted that we record the 7th inning stretch and called it a "blogging tradition." Whatever. Here it is.
We had a really good dinner tonight of salad, lobster and baked potatoes here at home. We love living by the fish market to get fresh lobster for $5.99 per pound. Now we are all settled in to cheer the Colts on to- hopefully- a victory! :) It was a great weekend!
The sailor was cute. However, susie has always been a sucker for a man in uniform.
What a great time I had with J&J. There is so much to do and see in Boston, so I hope you stay there for a long time so I can see more. The lobster was delicious. Jackson did a superb job of cooking the poor fellas. I miss MacK but I know she is happy to be home with her parents.
And, oh yes, he was soooo cute.
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