Today we took a bus tour all around the city. This building is where "O magazine" is headquartered.

The Time Warner center, near Central Park. They're huge.

Hotel Empire! (Any Gossip Girl fans?! XoXo!)

I just really liked the looks of this building.

Jackson liked this building.

We hopped off the bus at St. John's Cathedral. It was the most gorgeous building that I have ever been in. Period.

I just love Gothic architecture.

It is shame that we do not build churches like this much anymore. What an act of worship these gorgeous buildings are.

These windows were just breath-takingly gorgeous.

We thought this restaurant looked like the one on Seinfield!

We also got to go to Columbia University. It was really pretty- like a little oasis in middle of the city.

Tonight we went to dinner at a little place we saw in the movies ("Something Borrowed") called the Shake Shack. It was really good. It was right near this famous Flat Iron building.

We liked the apartment building on the right. It was brand new and just really pretty.

The lines at the Shake Shack was pretty long, but it moved quickly and was well worth the wait. The food was really good and they had a mean Arnold Palmer (iced tea mixed with lemonade-my favorite).

Our walk home provided us with a great view of the Empire State Building. The clouds started rolling in and covering the top of the building. It was so pretty.
We certainly were tourists today, but it was fun! :)
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