I must begin this post with a tribute to our Indiana Hoosiers who were able to survive a tight game against Temple and make it do the Sweet Sixteen. WOOT. I think it is all because we put our new IU flag up on the door. Just sayin'...
Purdue fans need not bother knocking as they're not welcome... :) |
Heidi makes a run for it! |
I posted previously about Jackson's antics with trying to help Heidi (the dog) lose weight. By Sunday morning (also known as day 2 of her visit) she was finished with "fat camp" and shot out the door and down the street. Thankfully she uses sidewalks and we don't live on a busy road. Jackson took off after her and I caught the photo above as they made their way home. I could hardly get my iPhone to take a photo I was laughing so hard. I'm actually still laughing as I type this two days later. :) Atta girl, Heidi!

We left the girls in their cages and headed to Upland for a family dinner. We came back to Fishers just as the bad weather was arriving. The girls enjoyed a little evening romp in the snow while Jackson and I shoveled.

You thought I was kidding about helping with shoveling, didn't you? Photographic evidence doesn't lie, folks.

Heidi had clearly forgotten that we restrict her food and have her jogging and running stairs because she actually stayed in our yard. Score. ;)
MacKenzie mildly enjoyed having another dog to play with in the snow. (Doesn't MacK look like this is flying in this photo?! Hilarious.) I say mildly because the two dogs would play for about 3 minutes before one would get mad and snap at the other. Oops. :)

Heidi was a natural snow dog. She stuck her whole head in a snow pile that we made while shoveling. Jackson said she was looking for food. HAAAAA!

MacKenzie got herself all snowy trying to catch snowballs. Hint: they cannot be caught. She's not figured that out in her 6+ years. Poor girl is a slow learner. That or she has an evil father. I'll let you decide.

All was well with our doggie guest until bedtime. Heidi sat in MacK's nighttime spot which meant MacKenzie had to sit on Heidi's pillow. She was not impressed.

The good news is that Heidi is stubborn and didn't move so MacKenzie gave up and got comfy on Heidi's pillow. It was pretty funny to see our little princess get put in her place. (I know. I'm a mean dog owner for that. Sue me.)
We got plenty of snow over the evening hours and woke up to a winter wonderland on MARCH 25TH. Yes, a winter wonderland only it is supposedly SPRING. Annoying. This meant to girls got another round of playing in the snow while we shoveled our driveway and the neighbor's drive, too. They loved it. I loved having a 2-hour delay (my first since high school) and getting to work from the comfort of home.
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