I talked Jackson into signing up for a 6-week biking challenge sponsored by Ball State. We have to ride 150 miles in that time span. No big deal, right? Yeah...Jackson didn't have a bike. I only had one because Kathy got a new one and brought her old one to me from Evansville a few months ago. Guy graciously let Jackson borrow his bike so we didn't have to go buy one. The program we signed up for involved getting an odometer for each bike. It is so awesome to know how fast and far you've gone.

We found our old bike rack and we've been in business since. We've ridden as many as 8 miles at one time. We've done a lot of biking to Hamilton Town Center (only about 2 miles down the road) for little errands instead of driving. Sometimes we grab breakfast or dinner there. Other times we just stop in at the grocery or a store. It is so nice to not have to drive everywhere all of the time. The 150 mile challenge doesn't kick off until September 16th, but we wanted to be ready for it. We are looking forward to the cooler temperatures to aid in making our longer rides more enjoyable. Riding more often has certainly made us see the areas around us differently. We look for paths and sidewalks along major roads now to see if we could SAFELY ride to new places. So far we've stuck to Hamilton Town Center and our exercise class at 146 & Cumberland. We'd like to be able to get to other places, but the Fishers/Noblesville area just isn't ready for bicyclists to be completely mobile around town just yet.

Jackson has also been working on getting his golf game back in shape. I gladly go coach him when he hits the range at River Glen aka my new favorite. The sunsets at this place rock my world.

I feel like we are on vacation when I'm at this driving range. Jackson has been using his days off to play golf more often. He's been shooting in the mid-80s which is pretty good, but he'd like to be in low 70s like he used to be when he played all of the time. Who wouldn't?

No, River Glen doesn't pay me for my affection; I pay them! That's ok. It is cheap therapy after a long day at the office and sometimes I even stop looking around and soaking in the beauty long enough to fix Jackson's swing. I wouldn't be a good coach for anyone else but I know his swing so well that I can pick out exactly what the hitch is after only a few shots. Pesky elbows. ;)
Jackson just used his last Groupon credit for our TRX classes. I have a few sessions left there before we start our newest fitness adventure: two weeks of unlimited boxing classes. Yes, boxing. I am so excited! And until I break a finger, hand, wrist, arm, shoulder, forearm, etc. I'll maintain that excitement. Groupon has been the best thing to ever happen to our fitness regimen. I cannot recommend enough signing up to see what is available in your neck of the woods.
Our final "new thing" is eating "real food." I recently finished reading "In Defense of Food" and "Food Rules," both by Michael Pollan, and felt as if my idea that our processed and/or chemically-enhanced food is the root of many health issues including weight gain was proven to be true. We signed up for a cleanse that starts when we return from vacation and lasts for 15 days. After that we'll be transitioning to significantly less meat and a focus more on local, organic produce. I've also recently become very lactose sensitive so I'm going non-dairy. You guys, CHEESE is dairy. No, I don't think aging is cool at all. I used to eat all of that stuff without issues. Tear. Anyway, we are excited to see how much it will change how we feel. We recently did a pre-cleanse and felt really good. There is never a good time to cleanse, by the way. Do you even realize how many events are built on "bad" food? Hello, football season! Oh we'll, we'll persevere.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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