Last weekend we had dinner with Shaya and Josslyn Bates. Mr. Bates was in Puerto Rico for a family funeral so we took dinner to Shaya and made sure all was well. It was and we enjoyed some baby time!
Adorable sleeping baby |
We got brave and took MacKenzie with us as she'd been in her cage all day and we didn't want her to have to stay in there. She did really well with Josslyn. Once she got a chance to sniff her she was cool to just hang with Shaya's dog, Fiona.
MacKenzie checking our baby Josslyn |
Busy baby! |
Josslyn is getting so big already. She really likes looking in mirrors right now. I don't blame her, she's adorable!
"Say what?!?" |
Baby J even joined us at the dinner table. Allow me to brag on Jackson for a moment. He worked all day on Friday (ok, working is a stretch for his job, but still) and still came home to make, from scratch, garlic mashed potatoes, the mandarin orange salad that Shaya loves (thanks again, Aunt Janna, this salad has been a smashing success with all of our friends and a new signature for Jackson and since he never gives you credit, I shall!) and he grilled steaks at her house. I made brownies and bought ice cream so we had sundaes. It was excellent. I'm glad that Jackson was willing to do all of that. I think Shaya enjoyed the company and I know I loved it.
Snuggles |
I spent a ton of time just loving on Josslyn. I love this stage where they're adorable and then I can hand them back to Mom for a diaper change.
Why am on this dude's lap?! |
Jackson still isn't comfortable holding her because she's so small. She can tell who doesn't want her and being a lady who knows what she wants that doesn't please her. She let him know about it, too.
"Why is MY mommy talking to that baby?!" |
MacKenzie, as I mentioned above, did well until she got ignored for Josslyn. Then her little nose looked like Jackson's (crooked) and it wasn't her best look. She got over it quickly once we headed out on a walk.
Group walk! |
Baby J lovin' the walk! |
Shaya grabbed a jogging stroller for a steal of a deal at a garage sale so we put Baby J in it and hit the streets. We had 3 adults, 2 dogs and a baby. It was like a t.v. show but it went really well. The next day we saw Shaya and Josslyn again for a bit before we headed to Marion to visit my Dad and Diana to celebrate Father's Day. We got to have Marion's Pizza King pizza (the best!) and catch up with them before stopping in for a quick visit in Upland.
Addie still isn't aware that she is not a lapdog. Some things never change! |
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