We've not had a ton going on as of late. We've been taking it pretty easy and just enjoying our summer.
MacK hanging with Grandpa Duck |
We have made a few trips to Upland to visit my folks.
Alex picking me up for lunch |
Alex stayed with his grandparents in Upland and Marion for about a week. He was kind enough to come visit me at work and take me to lunch (with Mimi's help, of course!).
Pizza King with these two! |
Mom got this cute shot of my favorite girl, Madison, hanging with Alex on the couch. She's normally not a big fan of kids so this was a big deal. I was proud of my girl!
Madison keeping Alex company |
MacKenzie has been spending more time at Grammy's since we've had house showings during the day. I can't remember if I have blogged about selling our house or not. If not, we are. We have a tentative buyer. Fingers crossed it works out.
Yum! Dinner! |
MacKenzie hasn't minded being free most of the day one bit.
She's looked especially cute recently so I wanted to be sure to include a few extra photos of her! :)
Carpets cleaned = playtime! |
My folks had their carpets cleaned the day that we were dropping MacKenzie off for an evening of playtime. This meant that the puppies had ample room to play ball. They loved it.
She'll find a spot anywhere... |
MacKenzie made herself right at home even on the stacked up furniture. That evening we ate in at Ivanhoe's with the Mauck family. It was so weird to eat in the restaurant. Locals take it to go. Always. Anyway, we were excited to see how baby Liam is progressing in his mom's tummy! It won't be long now and I'll have another baby to snuggle!!
Jackson with a GOAT |
We headed over to our friend Dusty Heinzen's new farm for a party that evening. He has cows and goats and such. Jackson was particularly found of the goat.
He was so excited...I don't know why |
I still do not understand why. I mean it was cute and all, but weird.
The goat then joined the band |
Dustin is really good friends with some Amish guys. His brother (our good friend, too), Derrik, is an electrician. As we stood around talking with the Amish guys Derrik made that joke that his trade as an electrician made him like Satan to the Amish. I don't think I've ever laughed harder. The Amish loved it, too.
Puppy kisses from Gunny |
Otherwise, things have been quiet. I stopped in to see Gunner Porterfield the other evening while his family was away. He looked so cute that I wanted to share his photos. He doesn't get nearly enough photos taken of him now that Jax and Joss are on the scene!
Gunner Porterfield looking quite handsome |
Here's hoping some more exciting stuff starts happening soon!
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