August is kind of a slow month around here. We picked MacKenzie up from her stay with Uncle Aaron and settled back into life at home.
Happy to be back to her sheep and her lookout |
Jackson has to get a new license for work due to some new regulations that have been put into place. He has to take the licensing test on August 23rd so he has been studying like a mad man all month.
Studying. Constantly. |
We've tried to find nice places to study including Susan's patio on a nice day while she was in Africa. Whatever works!
A delivery for me?! YES! |
MacKenzie continued to be adorable. We get all of her pet supplies online now so she really loves deliveries now.
Date night at Mama Carolla's |
Jackson took a little study break and we went to our favorite Italian restaurant. We had not been craving much Italian food since coming home from Italy! I didn't think food here would ever compare again. It doesn't, but Mama's is still pretty good!
Little Ella came down one morning for a visit. She is a mess! She recently turned one so now she is ready to learn the art of the ball game. She understands getting the ball, she does not understand bringing it back to you so you can throw it again. She'll come around. Maybe!
Ella and MacKenzie |
Ella learning to play ball |
Keeping Jackson company while he studies |
MacKenzie sleeping after getting
rid of Ella! HA! |
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