Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mac at Camp
As always, I have included the link so that you can pull up and see MacKenzie at camp! :)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
"One day you'll understand"
1. How do people have the self-control not to get into a pool on a hot day? You're not really content sitting on the side. GET IN! GET IN! PLAY! PLAY! I understand not wanting to get your hair wet, though. So just stay in the shallow end. :)
2. This whole "I don't need anything" answer when asked what one wants for a gift-giving occasion. I am cool with, "let me think about it." I'm not cool with giving zero ideas. Of course you don't NEED anything- you're an American!! I know you WANT something so just spill it and take the guess work out of the equation. Thank you.
3. Growing up I feel like my parents and all older people in general hated to drive- I'll never understand this. I love to get in my freedom mobile and ride. Yeah!
I have gained an understanding of these things...
1. The wonderful thing that is sleep. I used to fight it. Now, I embrace it. I love sleep. I wish I could tell the young me how much I'd miss naps. I know you all agree.
That was the only thing that I could think of so I better get to working on understanding the world. ;)
Happy Tuesday!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Spring fun!
Speaking of mothers...does anyone have any good Mother's day ideas for us? We're at a loss.
We continued to enjoy the weather last night as we took MacKenzie to Washington Park for a LONG walk. We made it around the entire park and it is not small. She walks so much better on her harness. She's still not perfect as she gets too excited to see other dogs, geese, ducks, squirrels, runners, you name it, but she's getting better.
The weather is not so lovely today so we're going to do a little shopping and see a movie. Perfect.
Happy weekend! :)
Monday, April 20, 2009
A few things
Today is the 10th anniversary of the Columbine school shooting. The shootings happened in a suburb of Denver called Littleton. It has, therefore, been ALL over the local news. I cannot escape it. I've read all about it-again. Jackson has refused to go with me to see the actual school. He thinks that is weird. I should just drive there myself one day. Anyway. It didn't hit Jackson like it did me. I was in high school when it happened. (I know. When I start feeling old I tell myself that 10 years ago I was a freshman in high school. Then I feel better. Then I realize that I graduated 7 years ago and feel worse. I'm not good at aging.) I'll never forget watching the horror unfold on television in my English class. I just could not imagine what those students were going through. You walk into the school and that's your last day on earth? And to die in such a terrifying way is just tragic. I always get a bit apprehensive that some kid will copycat on April 20th. I have not heard any bad news so far. I wish that schools of every level would cancel classes on this day as a kind of memorial. I think it would squash a lot of bad plans, too. The local news people keep telling us that we learned a lot from Columbine. I'm not sure that helps those families who lost loved ones to sleep at night. Honestly.
That is about all that is going on here. I have a test tomorrow to see if I can work in taxation for the government. Fingers crossed. I think it would be great experience for my future tax practice.
We hope you all have a great week!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Cherry Creek
Anyway, we woke up this morning and I felt awful. Someone in the apartment next to us smokes and it filters in to our apartment. I've always been terribly against smoking because it kills you and other people. Commit suicide if you want, but don't drag me down with you. Anyway, smoke really flares up my allergies. I honestly have not felt 100% since we've moved here. We have complained to the management multiple times and nothing seems to help. We decided to get out and get some fresh air so we went down to the Cherry Creek Reservoir to watch the sailboats and get MacKenzie some exercise. As you will see below all she wanted to do was swim! We took a nice long run/walk around the water. It was a beautiful day!
Catchin' some rays...
She didn't even wait for me to open the blinds to the patio...she just made her own little spot!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
SNOW in the SPRING?!
Jackson decided it would be fun to build a snowman. All that MacKenzie saw was a big ball so she was interested!! :)
This was what MacKenzie looked like after she finished playing with Jackson (the other dog, LOL): a mess! Look at those legs. She could hardly walk they were so heavy.
MacKenzie's not-so-pretty reaction to her frisbee time ending.
Alright, Mom, take me to the tub so I can melt! Doesn't she look like a little old man? I love it!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
MacKenzie's feeling better
MacKenzie was feeling extra playful after her bath so I decided to let everyone see just how good she's feeling. She would probably feel better if it weren't for her mother making her bathe, but she had avoided it for 2 weeks and it was time! As you can see she is just as full of energy as ever. We love her and feel so blessed that her attack did not change her personality. She's going to get to go back to Camp Bow Wow in 2 weeks for while we're away. I'm a little nervous for that, but I'm sure she'll be fine because right after she gets home GRAMMY comes! Yay! :)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Baking and Robbers

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

No other news to report. It has been a slow news week here in Denver.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Christ the Lord has risen today

Friday, April 10, 2009
Misc. photos
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Next step

I am sure you all understand that I am talking about having children...the next step after you've been married for a few years. What if I don't want to step? What if I like where I am? Should people shove me down the steps just because they feel it is my time? I don't think so. I understand that some people feel really prepared for this so-called next step. I do not. I don't even like to think about it. Does that make me a bad, selfish person? I don't think so. I think that different steps work for different people. Perhaps my steps are to finish graduate school and spend my time helping those who need financial guidance from someone who is not in financial sales. (No offense, Jackson. ;)) Maybe I'm just supposed to be an awesome aunt- I'm good at it already...ask Grace. ;)
I know that some people feel that they were born to be parents. I've never had the feeling. The only true feeling I was born with was that I would die young. As I sit here knocking on 25, I think that feeling may have been incorrect...I'm not too bummed about that one. Anyway, I don't think that my life would be any less complete if I chose to have MacKenzie as my "child" forever. (And no, I will not acknowledge the fact that some day MacKenzie will be called home and I will be without her.)
I am truly happy for people who chose to be parents. I love seeing you all fat and pregnant (esp. those of you who are normally stick-thin!). I like a good baby shower shopping adventure. I enjoy holding your babies. I like watching them grow. I share in your pride...I just don't know if that's the path for me.
So now you all know what has been weighing on my mind lately. And before you ask, Jackson is "fine" either way. To our mothers: stop crying. Seriously.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Happy birthday, Aunt Kathi!!

Monday, April 6, 2009
Snow tubing!
Tons goin' on

2. Heidi and Andrew are in Denver visiting. We rode to the Indy airport together and met up again in Denver. (On my flight to Denver I saw Shaya's boyfriend Matt totally unexpectedly! I love that kid!) We have had all kinds of funny adventures that I will post about later with videos. (H&A are excellent about having a camera handy!)
3. We are finally having winter here in Denver...in the spring! It has snowed a lot, but with no real accumulation.
4. A big HAPPY BIRTHDAY goes out to Laura Vesta! Love you!
That's all for now. We hope you're all doing well!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Battle wounds...
MacKenzie's tough night

Update: I even got a ball out today! YAY!