I feel certain that most of you have heard about what happened to MacKenzie. If not here is the story: MacKenzie slipped out of the house Monday night. We didn't notice that she was missing for a few hours as we were on the 3rd floor working on settling things in and she usually sleeps on the 2nd floor. I ran outside as soon as I realized that she wasn't home. She was waiting on the front porch covered in blood. She had been attacked by something (the vet thinks another dog) and was waiting to be found. We headed to the vet's ER and waited for 2.5 hours while our little pup was stitched up. She had a drain inserted to help with the bleeding. She is wearing a little cast that looks like a vest to keep the drain in place. She is on pain meds and antibiotics. She has been sleeping a lot and not eating as much. :(

I thought I'd post a few photos of her. Jackson has been sending me photos since I am in Indiana working and unable to be there with my hurt puppy. :(


Snoozin' on the couch

Helping Jackson get ready for work...

Ready for bed!
She has been doing really well. She goes back to the ER vet tonight to have the drain removed. I'll update everyone on her progress as soon as we know something.
Please keep her in your prayers. She's had a tough week. (So have we- she means the world to us!)

Update: I even got a ball out today! YAY!
1 comment:
Mac I am glad to hear you are doing better. The whole family has been very concerned about you. It shows you are a great little trooper. You will have to be brave tonight at the vet, due to your daddy gets a little sicky around to needles. The cousins from Indiana want to know if they need to bring their redneck selves out to clean up your 'hood and be your posse.
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