I am sure you all understand that I am talking about having children...the next step after you've been married for a few years. What if I don't want to step? What if I like where I am? Should people shove me down the steps just because they feel it is my time? I don't think so. I understand that some people feel really prepared for this so-called next step. I do not. I don't even like to think about it. Does that make me a bad, selfish person? I don't think so. I think that different steps work for different people. Perhaps my steps are to finish graduate school and spend my time helping those who need financial guidance from someone who is not in financial sales. (No offense, Jackson. ;)) Maybe I'm just supposed to be an awesome aunt- I'm good at it already...ask Grace. ;)
I know that some people feel that they were born to be parents. I've never had the feeling. The only true feeling I was born with was that I would die young. As I sit here knocking on 25, I think that feeling may have been incorrect...I'm not too bummed about that one. Anyway, I don't think that my life would be any less complete if I chose to have MacKenzie as my "child" forever. (And no, I will not acknowledge the fact that some day MacKenzie will be called home and I will be without her.)
I am truly happy for people who chose to be parents. I love seeing you all fat and pregnant (esp. those of you who are normally stick-thin!). I like a good baby shower shopping adventure. I enjoy holding your babies. I like watching them grow. I share in your pride...I just don't know if that's the path for me.
So now you all know what has been weighing on my mind lately. And before you ask, Jackson is "fine" either way. To our mothers: stop crying. Seriously.
You are the best aunt. My Jenna
love cece
Whatever you decide is fine with me. But, I am an awesome Grammy.
I think I remember you and I having a conversation last year and you said you were ready for a baby. I am imagining that? I could be! lol I totally respect your desicion, everyone should. You can be an Aunt to my baby when I have one!!! One can never have to many Aunt's to spoil them. ;)
Danielle- you ARE dreaming, sister. I never have claimed to be ready! We do have names picked out though...just in case! :)
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