Today Jackson and I had to run out to Pottery Barn Kids to get a gift for a friend who is having a baby. It is always an adventure when Jackson and I chart new territory and go into a kid's store. We found what we needed and more! THEY HAVE A WHOLE FISH COLLECTION! For those of you who are unaware of my obsession with fish (I am a
PeteFISH after all) it is semi-out of control. Our future child's room- boy or girl- is going to be done in a fish theme. We already have a few items such as the mobile in the photo above. We got it from
IKEA in Portland. So cute!
They had quite a few things that I felt our future child "needed" but Jackson disagreed. Hmph!

I LOVE this shower curtain!

I did convince Jackson that we'd be the people that walk around kicking themselves if we did not get these towels. He let me get the
washcloth and the hand towel. The large towel was a little pricey and he drew the line. Sigh.

I love the picture on the left of the fish!

They even had beach towels that we fish!

I love the idea of these hooks being in the child's bathroom someday. One can dream.
These baskets would be PERFECT for toys!!!

And I loved this map because every child deserves to be educated! :)
As you can see, Jackson reigns me in A LOT. He does not believe in "hope chests" at all. I just think if you see something that you LOVE you buy it. Sigh again. Oh well. We had fun anyway! :)
I had no idea that there is so much fish stuff out there amd my name is also PeteFISH!!!
I thought the most recent decision was to not have kids?!? You confuse me, but I guess you're aloud to change your mind. :) I hope you do have at least one little munchin!!!!!!!!
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