You have GOT to be kidding me. Now, I understand that Nike is not exactly known for being a socially aware or moral company. I mean they do pay kids in Asia $2.46 (actual dollar amount) a day to make $150+ sneakers, but that discussion is for another day. Today, let's focus in on how jaded Mr. Phil Knight has become. First, let me point out the obvious: Mr. Knight is clearly diddling with his secretary, her best friend, that lady in accounts payable and probably his grand kid's nanny. (He did step down from his day-to-day job at Nike, but I feel certain he still has a team around him.)
Second, he is a BILLIONAIRE who has lost contact with reality. Arg. I do not think that Elin, Sam (Tiger's daughter) or Charlie (Tiger's son) will feel that this is a minor blip in their lives. I'm sure it will stick with them forever. I think Jackson put it best when he said this, "I think to God, GOLF is going to be a minor blip and character is going to matter." I could not agree more.
Will Americans one day forget about all of this and flock to golf tournaments to see this man play? Probably. But will his kids have someone to look up to? No. I've always said that parents should not look to celebrities to be their children's role model. I believe that parents should point to Jesus and look to themselves to show their kids the way. What happens when your dad is the celebrity? Where do you go then? Poor kids. (Side note: I have scratched seeing Tiger Woods play in person off of my "Bucket List" and will now be a Phil Mickelson fan. Sigh.)
Shame on Nike. I will certainly be taking their stance on values into consideration next time I go to purchase any athletic gear. (Which is actually somewhat often, believe it or not.)
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