Yesterday I was feeling pretty sick so I slept and hung out on the couch catching up on DVR'ed Oprah shows. Jackson HATES Oprah so I have to watch them when I'm home by myself. I'm never home by myself unless I'm sick. Ugh. Vicious cycle. Anyway, I caught an Oprah where she had this teen singer, Justin Bieber, performing. I had heard of the kid in passing, but never paid much attention. Well, HELLO people he's so cute. I love his "Baby" song. I found it on YouTube and have been rocking out to it all afternoon in my office (with the door closed, of course). The kid is only 16- he looks like he is 12 to me- and is on like the level of the Beatles with girls fainting when he sings. Weirdos.
Anyway, I called Jackson to see if he'd want to go to lunch together today. He declined stating that he had already dined. I promptly let him go to get back to my jam session with Justin Bieber. He texted me to see why I hung up so quickly and our conversation went like this:
Jackson: "Why'd you hang up so quickly?"
Me: "Justin Bieber came on."
Jackson: "That better not be the truth!!!!"
Me: "Oh it is. Baby, baby, baby thought you'd always be mine!"
Me: "I make myself laugh."
Jackson: "About listening to Bieber?"
Me: "Yes, it is on repeat in my office."
Jackson: "I am feeling ill as in very, very sick."
Me: "Whatever. It makes me feel 10 years younger."
Jackson: "Don't you mean it makes you feel 10 years old?!!"
Me: Can't type because I'm cracking up
I love Jackson!
My sister felt strongly about this post and had the following random text conversation with me about it:
Kylie: "Justin Bieber? Really? He drives me nuts!"
Me: "He makes me feel young again."
Kylie: "I agree with Jackson on this one. Justin joked about Kim Kardashian being his girlfriend and she got death threats. Tweens are physco!!"
Me: "Ha! Classic! I love Kim. She's the prettiest person on earth, in my opinion."
Kylie: "She is gorgeous."
Me: "I know she is- so unfair. Anyway, Justin Bieber helps with my 'what am I doing with my life' midlife crisis."
Kylie: "Think how unfair it is for Khloe Kardashian! To have Kim as a sister! Kourtney Kardashian is adorable though. Khloe is, well, unfortunate."
Me: "Khloe is plenty fortunate with a huge ring on her finger and fat wallet. And Kourtney is old, but a super cute mini-Kim."
Kylie: "If you feel so old watch Sesame Street! Kourtney is only 30!"
Me: "I'm not going for that young. I just miss being a teenager."
Kylie: "Well Backstreet is back alright!"
Me: "Huh? What?"
Kylie: "They were around in your teens and *pause for 30-year-olds screaming in delight* they're back!! Use them, not Bieber."
Me: "You're too much."
Jenna. The only thing that came to mind when I read this is a quote that I adopted from you: "STOP IT!" lol. Justin? Really? I'm with Jackson on this one, but please consider that this is coming from someone who occasionally rocks out to Miley Cyrus.
Cece has his CD and he is all the rage with the 10 year old 4th grade population. I do enjoy his baby song.
Oh my...I think he is sooo cute! Why couldn't he have been around when we were teenagers! I know...I sound like a pedophile (is that right?) don't I!?!?!?
Anyways, you should check out his other video with Usher, "One Time"... pretty cute!
Well, I'm glad there is another JB fan out there!:)
P.S. He's going to be on Ellen on Monday...and now I'm going to stop because I sound like those psycho teens your sister was talking about!:)
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