Today we are wishing our dear little Grace "CeCe" Coomes a happy 10th (GASP! My little CeCe is getting so old!) birthday today. Today is also her last day of school and she worried that her birthday would be forgotten in all of the excitement of school ending- I do not think it will be as I hear she's taking in donuts to her classmates. Yum! (Jackson thought her concern about her birthday being forgotten sounded like something I would say. Never. ;)) I cannot wait to take Grace shopping for her birthday present since she'll be here soon! :)

I remember this photo like it was yesterday. Now it is YEARS old. Sigh.
Her dad, Tom, also has a birthday today. I won't advertise how OLD Tom is getting because he makes the world's best sweet tea and I'd hate to be cutoff. ;)
We hope you both have wonderful birthdays today. We love you!
Thank you.
Love, Cece
If CeCe is wrong it was Grammy.
Happy Birthday, Grace!!! Wow...you are in the double digits now...how awesome!!!:) I hope you had a wonderful birthday and fun last day of school!
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