Yesterday, Jackson got his "we made it" present: a new golf bag! Isn't it pretty?! I loved it. He had been admiring them around his birthday so I waited and got it for him as a graduation present. I feel like he deserves presents for making it through graduate school with me. It has not always been easy. In fact, most of the time, it has been a pain in the butt! I have always had evening classes and have had to spend a lot of time away from my family. Jackson has never complained and has helped out around the house when I was simply too busy to get certain things done. He has gone down to school nearly every quarter and picked up my books because my work schedule was hectic. He's been a champ. Thanks for the support, Jackson! I love you. We made it!!! :)
As you can see, we tested out the new bag with a trip to the driving range last night. Jackson bought himself a new-to-him (used!) Nike driver the other day (golf is an expensive hobby- let me tell you) and he is hitting it very well. We joked that since I sit behind him and tweak things in his swing that I should hang a sign about my coaching services. We would tell people that Jackson just started working with me 2 months ago and already hits drives right down the middle 350+ yards. HA! :) I would make so much money. We thought that was pretty classic. Obviously I am not that much help, but I do know his swing so well that I know when something is off. We're a good team. :)
1 comment:
What a wonderful gift. Graduate school with a spouse is never easy as I remember those days. So happy for both of you that school is almost over for Jenna.
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