This just might be the cutest photo that I have ever seen! My sister calls me "Ninny" because when I was a little girl I had a hard time with Jenna and reverted to calling myself "Ninny." It made sense back then. Now? Not so much. Anyway, Ninny stuck and she's pretty much always called me that. She then decided that Alex would call me "Aunt Ninny." When she writes thank you cards from Alex she always makes his handwriting really funny. This photo is just priceless. Alex is just the cutest baby. I cannot take it. I miss him so much!
Yes, this is me admitting that yesterday I turned the big 2-6. Gasp. Tear. Scream. Thank you to everyone for the phone calls, cards and facebook messages. I had to work and had class until 10. Happy birthday to me! ;) Today I had to work again and then Jackson and I went to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. It was delicious. I had a very chill birthday and that was fine with me. Let's hope that 26 is a good year!
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