Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Today, I have a rant. It should only take me a few minutes to express my frustration. Thanks.

I have the day off of work today. It is Wednesday and I do not work Wednesdays or Fridays in the summer unless it is necessary based on my workload. I still receive work emails and text messages on my days off. I always answer them. I even take work-related phone calls. I know. That's dedication. ;)

Anyway, I'm off today so I am cleaning the house, doing laundry and packing for our trip to Vegas (tomorrow! Woo hoo!). I also got my haircut (shorter than I'd like, but a lot healthier looking) and bought a new pair of NAVY pumps! (Susie: I found them at DSW and had a whole 22 cents to spare after purchasing them! Woo hoo!!!) We're also watching Marla until tomorrow when we'll drop both dogs off at camp. When I returned home from running my errands, I went upstairs to get Marla and take both dogs outside. I decided to take the elevator down instead of trying to manage two wild pups on leashes down 4 flights of stairs. I ended up in the elevator with one of our older (50ish) neighbors. He looked at me and the 2 dogs and said, "I just HAVE to ask, do you and your husband even work?!" I looked at him shocked (I also wondered why me standing there meant Jackson did not work?). What a jerk. At this point about 90 things went through my mind, here are a few examples:
1. No, we're just independently wealthy and choose to live in a condo complex just outside of Denver, Colorado with one bedroom and annoying, nosy neighbors like yourself
2. No, we actually just both lost our jobs and are about to be homeless
3. No, we actually make counterfeit money in our bathroom to be able to pay the bills
4. No, we live off of the government and plan to start having a ton of children that you'll pay the health care costs for
5. Don't worry about it
6. No, we are stay-at-home parents to our dog, MacKenzie

I ended up with the old, "I work about 60 hours a week in the winter and therefore only work about 20-25 hours in the summer as I am a tax accountant and am at my office as the workload makes necessary. Thanks, though. Oh, and Jackson is at work right now. Gosh, I'm just so, so glad you could check in on us!"

I quickly exited the elevator and made sure that I shot him a dirty look on my way out. I am not sure why people do not think before they speak!

Another example: A male client honestly came into the office yesterday, saw my pregnant boss and exclaimed "you're HUGE!!!! You've got to be more than 6 months along or you need to stop eating so much." Really, sir? Really? I thought she was going to cry on the spot. Every pregnant woman carries differently and I'm sure all of you mothers reading this remember feeling like a whale and didn't need a reminder from some careless man. I don't even love my boss and I still was upset for her. (She consoled herself with a candy bar after the meeting. I kid you not. Classic.)

Moral of my rant? Think before you speak. Understand how what you are saying is going to come across to someone. And when in doubt of how it will be perceived, keep your commentary and questions to yourself. After all, most things are not your business anyway.

End of rant. Thank you.

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