On our way to the Royal Gorge today we passed a correctional facility with a museum next to it so I decided that we had to stop in on our way home. It did not disappoint. ;)

Jackson just outside of the prison walls. There was a guard in that tower with a huge gun keeping a watchful eye on the inmates on the other side of the wall. Creepy.

In the "museum" there was a real life gas chamber that had been used to kill 8 inmates. I was beside myself on how very spooky it was so be so close to a place where 8 people died.

Yes, that is a real gas chamber. (I'm really against the death penalty so it was really hard for me to see this thing.)

Of course they allowed us to pretend that we were in prison. "I'm innocent!"

Kathi telling the warden her sob story.

Susie was awfully bummed to be in the slammer.

Jackson just looked angry about his sentence.

Grace and I pleading with the officers to let us out. :)
We had a lot of fun being silly at the jail museum. It was only slightly alarming that we could hear the prison's intercom system giving the inmates instructions. And then there was the armed guard thing. But other than that it was a really cool place. ;)
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