MacKenzie is currently obsessed with playing ball. She has figured out that if she drops a ball off of the balcony Jackson will go get it and by default she'll get to play. Are you serious?! What a crazy little dog.
Everything is settled in here at our place, but I will not be posting photos until we get the rest of our furniture. Sorry. :)
I had to work for 5.5 hours today and then did a little book shopping before meeting Jackson at the train station. The train's weekend schedules aren't as great so he had to pick me up at a station down the interstate a little bit. What a nice kid. :) He went to the grocery, Lowe's and cooked dinner! He's a keeper. I did go a bit too far today, I guess, and asked him to go to Victoria's Secret for me. You would have thought I asked him to rob a bank by the way he looked at me so incredulously. We are married so I do feel like he can grab a quick pair of free underwear for me before the coupon expires. Whatever. He freaked out so I'll just have to let the coupon expire. Who knew?
I've also thrown in a photo of where MacKenzie is during this blogging process. She's curled up beside me watching football. We love this time of the year!

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