The flight from Denver to Indianapolis takes well under 3 hours. The drive took us 2 long days. God bless the Wright brothers for discovering flight. As I mentioned above, Jackson received his gold stars for doing an awesome job of driving us here. When we went to pre-marital counseling, one of the lessons taught just to the women in the group was about how men like to feel like we think they are "big men." I laughed at it. We've always kind of joked about that lesson. If Jackson changes a lightbulb, I deem him a big man. The same goes for mowing (if we had a lawn), taking out the trash (if he ever remembered) or getting a jar open that is nearly impossible for me (a daily occurrence). Anyway, I truly bestow big man status on him for driving all of that way. The box truck is not exactly easy to drive. He was awesome. Thank you so, so much Jackson.
It was even me who needed to stop! We ate at Cracker Barrel and it made me so sick. I'll never eat there again. Can you believe that? It used to be one of my favorite places! We made it to the other side of Kansas City, MO before stopping for the night. I was so happy not to be moving anymore. Monday we made great time to Indianapolis and were here in plenty of time for Susie to cook us dinner. Yum! :)
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