Happy Birthday, Shannon! We hope you have a GREAT day! :) Love and miss you! (Pretend this was posted Friday morning, I have an early meeting so I did it tonight, sue me)
P.S. Jackson is still super sick. He got sent home from work today even. :( Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!!! I hope you're meeting goes well. How do you have meetings if no one can talk?
Love you and miss you terribly!! Talk with you soon.
I am so happy that Shannon has a birthday so I can see my special grand dog. I miss all of you and I hope that Jack is feeling better and that you don't get it. Button your lips!!!! CW thinks your boss must be a woman. Love all of you.
What an adorable picture!!! I will be praying that Jackson gets better! I'm so sorry he's sick. That's no fun at all! I love you guys!
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