Now...on to my rant: When did we all get so important? When did everyone else suddenly become minimal to us? What spurs this rant? People on their darned cell phones! Now, I know some of you may start thinking "pot, kettle, black" but stick with me here. I love my iPhone. It is honestly like my baby blanket. I love being able to get in touch with my friends and family whenever I want. However, I draw the line at talking on my phone in line at Target, Qdoba or insert public place here. What is so important?! Does your phone not have a hold button?! Could the person on the other end not call you back in 5 minutes? I mean you're being so RUDE by yacking away. I will not say that I am never in a Target on my phone, but I always hang up to check out. Also, talking on the phone at dinner? Seriously! Quit it! Hang up! HANG UP! HANG UP!!!!!!!! Just enjoy the people you are dining with and stop checking your phone! Grr. Ok, end of rant.
In lighter news...my friend Laura called me today. I was having such a bad day at work and laughing with her was just what I needed. I think it is awesome how God puts people in our lives just when we need them.
Jackson and I both had really busy days today. Jackson started really WORKING today! He couldn't have picked a better time to be selling investments. ;) He likes what he's doing so that's awesome. I, on the other hand, would love to be back at Bill's working in the basement! :/ I miss Indianapolis. :(
This weekend we're headed to Vail. Yay! Then October 17-20 we're going to visit my pal Cali Kate in San Francisco. :) We plan to head to Indiana sometime in November for an early Thanksgiving. I cannot go right at Thanksgiving because I have to work the day after. Boo. December brings a trip to NYC for Christmas then home for a little bit of family time for the holidays. We have a lot to look forward to!! :)
I have to agree with you on the cell phone thing. Well, you will have to let me know when you will be in the great state of Indiana in the fall. We will try our darnest to get up to see you guys. Cece is missing her Jenna and needs to share with her about the two boys she likes. A nice boy in her class and a older boy (5th grade) who is a son of Tom's friend (red neck)
talk to you soon
uh,talking on the phone at dinner time! THANK YOU DUCKIE!!!
I am so glad your mother taught you manners! Many more need to learn a little cell phone etiquette.
NYC @ Christmas!!!!!! I want to go!!!!
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