In other news...we went to dinner tonight at our friend Meg's house. She made a quite delicious lasagna. It had mushrooms in it- yum! My pudding pie didn't look too pretty (darn altitude) but still tasted very good. I'll figure out this altitude baking sooner or later. Later, I am sure. Meg, as most of you, has breast cancer and is currently in treatment. She was losing her hair she she (with the help of her sister whom I admire so much for her supreme love and dedication to Meg) shaved it off. She has a ton of really cute scarves and hats now. She was wearing a wig when we got there and it was so real-looking that if I did not know she was bald, I wouldn't! Very impressive. Jackson and I are going to walk in the Race for the Cure with Meg's team on October 5th. We're pretty excited to support such a great cause. They have a walk with dogs in the spring that MacKenzie is looking forward to participating in as well.
I talked some at work today. Gasp! I just decided that not talking until October 16th was an unreasonable request. Fire me. I'll take unemployment in a heart beat. :) My favorite co-worker, Melissa, has 2 sons adopted from Russia and an adopted daughter from China. The little girl, Sara, is so darned cute! Anyway, she had parent-teacher conferences last night and he younger son's teacher told her how her son was a little behind in class but that he was "a wonderful human being." When she asked the teacher why she said that the teacher explained that they have a socially-challenged child in their class this year who has no friends. Melissa's son, Ben, has taken to helping this boy out. He invites him to play at recess, he eats lunch with him and he even picks him to be in group for classroom projects. The teacher was amazed at Ben's kindness when all of the other children were so mean to the boy. Melissa said her heart exploded with joy and overflowed with love for her son. I couldn't help but think that someone felt the same way for the socially-challenged boy. I was so impressed with how God can use even children to do His work. Ben is only 7 and already using what he has learned at church (mass, whatever) to be a follower of God. The story really did a world of good for my heart. I hope it can do that same for yours. And hopefully it is a reminder to us big kids to be a Ben to someone who needs one.
One last thing for the day: Jackson is really, really sick today. He just hasn't felt up to par. Any prayers or happy thoughts you could send his way are appreciated.
Thank you for sharing Melissa's story. Children know what they are taught, so hats off to Ben's parents as well!
Glad to hear Meg is doing well. She is an example of God at work also!
I am glad that you enjoyed your gift at work.
Sorry to hear that Jackson is not feeling well, I pray for him everyday but will say a special prayer for his health.
I love you!
Your chocolate pie was fabulous... I'm really tempted to have a piece for breakfast! It was great seeing you both. And thanks for the compliment on the wig... it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside!
I haven't been leaving comments because there is no talking allowed.
Just kidding:)
I hope Jackson feels better!!
suck it up jack. just teasing. being sick is a bummer. as for your little compassionate boy, he's following his heart. problem is kids learn to be mean and unkind from adults, their role models. what are the kids learning from us? and meg, chocolate pie for breakfast is the best.
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