This is the hotel where we will be tomorrow evening in Vail. Pretty! We are looking forward to getting away. MacKenzie will be at Camp Bow Wow again (I wish we could find a dog-sitter here! Mac misses Carla!) so you can tune in and see her wild antics. We plan to hike, golf (Jackson) and go to the spa (Jenna...yay!). They are also having Octoberfest (early?!) so we will be checking that out. We're just checking it out to make sure it is a good time for our visitors! ;) They have condos you can rent up there, too. Doesn't that sound so fun? COME VISIT! (Someone, anyone...we're lonely)
And now on to a more serious matter that has been weighing on my mind...
I had an interesting conversation with a client today. As you are all aware, I think, I deal with extremely wealthy clients. My clients have an average worth of $124 million. Yep. Big money. And most are CEO's of large, publicly traded companies. This client is 68 (and therefore not old, right S. Petefish?!) and was in a really bad car accident 4 years ago. He is my 2nd client to experience a really nasty wreck. Anyway, he was on his way home from a wedding and had his wife of many years with him along with his grown son and his son's wife. I believe a semi crossed the median, but I got a little distracted digging for a tissue during that part of his story. Anyway, he quickly went from a corporate executive to a vegetable in a hospital bed. He said his whole life had been spent chasing the "American dream" but what he realized when he woke up from his 4 month coma was that he had achieved that dream many years ago when he met his lovely wife (who sat by his bedside every night and day for 4 months) and started his beautiful family. He told me that as he went through the recovery process that he was filled regret. He has spent too much time in board rooms and not enough on board games with his family. He has regained quite a bit of his functioning and is making the best of his "second chance" at life. I just cried. Sometimes I wonder why I help rich people manage their wealth instead of the poor with their issues. Today reminded me that they are people too. Sure, they have a lot of money, power and influence but they need a positive person just as much as anyone else. (This is not to say that I won't ever help the less fortunate with their IRS battles, but right now I think I am in the office that I need to be in. They needed a light.)
I thought this was a positive reminder to be thankful for everyday and not to lose sight of what is right in front of us: love.
Have a great weekend.
Here is the quote I was telling you about the other day: "Even the rich are hungry for love, for being cared for, for being wanted, for having someone to call their own." -Mother Theresa. You are right where you are supposed to be. I was thinking about that the other day. I can look back at the journey you took through college, your family background, and the beautiful heart that you have, and see how you are going to make such an incredible difference in the lives of the people around you. Some work with the poor. Some work with the rich. Everyone needs to be shown the love of Christ, and I know you are doing that each and every day right where you are. I wish I could hug you! Enjoy Vail, darlin'! You deserve it!
Let me tell you how proud I am to be your Mother! It has been my goal for my children to know the love of God and to live it. Jenna you have had such a witness to many people for a long time. Many may not know, you brought a dorm mate to the Lord while you were at IU, awesome!!! My heart is just overflowing again, the unmistakable signs of God's love being shared. I am sure there was a reason you were able to share with that client, I am so glad you did! I love you so much!!!
The hotel looks wonderful, SPA, we love SPA's! Go and pamper yourself, enjoy, relax.
I will be checking out for Mackenzie's appearance at Camp Bow Wow!
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