Sunday, November 30, 2008
Christmas Tree oh Christmas Tree
Friday, November 28, 2008
We are not sure what tomorrow will bring as we do not know if the snow will stick or not. Hmm.
Thursday, November 27, 2008

This is MacKenzie helping her father with turkey leftovers. (Notice the cute snowman plate, thanks Kathi!) Mac has decided that this was her favorite holiday this year. After she finished her snack we took her for a 2 mile walk. She loved that! :)
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

We are very thankful this year. We have a great little family here in Parker and loved ones sprinkled from Evansville to Indy to Marion from Stuart, Fl to Chicago from San Francisco to Radford, VA. We are so glad that each one of you are in our lives. We are very blessed.
Have a great day everyone and know that we love you!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Broken Egg

Monday, November 24, 2008
Monday, Monday, Monday
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Bald Mountain

Saturday, November 22, 2008
A day in Denver

This is a picture of Washington Park- a very lovely park in the middle of Denver. It is really close to downtown, my school and the ritzy Cherry Creek shopping area. We love Wash Park! The homes that are right on the park go for 700k+ because the park is so wonderful. They have 3 different paths so that bikers and rollerbladers don't run over walkers. They have a dirt path for those runners who shun concrete. There are always tons of people there walking around, playing tennis, playing volleyball or selling puppies! We would LOVE to live near Wash Park as it is really what living in Denver is all about. MacKenzie enjoyed all of the dogs. There were a ton of dogs! (Please notice her Thanksgiving bandanna- thanks Grammy! She got tons of compliments on being so festive.)After we walked in the park we headed to dinner at the Cherry Cricket. It is our favorite non-chain restaurant in Denver. It is really a bar that just has great food. It is such a misfit in the Cherry Creek shopping district as it is nestled in with a Saks and Neiman Marcus! :) After dinner we walked Mac around the shopping area. She tried to eat a pigeon- causing her mother to scream like a crazy woman because a.) I am deathly afraid of birds those dirty, nasty things b.) she thought it was a toy and really made it mad. The people in Crate & Barrel got quite a show of a small dog attacking a bird while its mother flipped out and its father laughed at both. Hmm. After all of the excitement we took Mac to the dog bakery for a quick treat. She loves that place.
We have not done much else today. We organized the garage. Yay! ;) Tomorrow after church we are headed to Boulder to do some hiking. On the way home we intend to stop at a Cracker Barrel for dinner. Yum! :)
Friday, November 21, 2008
New address
Thank you.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Decorating for Christmas!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
NYC at Christmas
Strange day
Then I take MacKenzie out to pee. A lady riding her bike on the trail stops and says, "your dog pees here too often. I paid more to be back in this part of the neighborhood and I don't want brown grass all of the time." I assured her that Mac peed no more than any other dogs and that we also paid to live her. I let her know that single family homes were built each day and has private yards. I was so mad. What a witch. Mac will certainly be peeing there each time we go out now. Take that!
Then my doorbell rings and it is a milkman. Seriously?! He has me try his fancy milk and gives me a free half gallon. I can hardly contain my excitement. ;) How random. I highly doubt that I convert to having my milk delivered.
Ugh, what a weird day. I'm like beyond annoyed at the world right now so I think I might nap!
Happy Anniversary, Jackson.
Monday, November 17, 2008

In other news, we got presents in the mail again! YAY! Happy anniversary to us! Free food- my favorite kind! :) My Dad and step-mom sent us a nice card, Qdoba money and Cracker Barrel gift cards. Thank you so much! :)
I met Jackson's external counterpart today. I expected a fat, old Mexican dude. He was a middle-aged, short, thin, white-haired Italian man. Hmm. Good thing it was dark and he couldn't see my surprise! He makes Jackson look like a giant.
We had a lovely dinner at Buca this evening. Yum! And now we're not eating for days after having so much food at home and here. Back to the gym tomorrow!
Recap of home
Sunday we went to our church, Grace, to see the new sanctuary that opened 2 weeks after we left. It was really nice. It made the venue feel much more intimate than it really was. We were quite impressed. We then met up with Heidi, Andrew and Laura for lunch at McAlister's. YUM! We even ran into Gretchen and Gerald there so we enjoyed their kids' antics. So fun!! :) We hung out at the Porterfield's place for a bit then it was time to head to Upland for "Thanksgiving." Shannon stopped by and had appetizers with me. Then we head the real meal: turkey, dressing, potatoes, green bean casserole and apple salad. It was delicious. After that we tried to help my parents pack, but since they seemed to not need us we headed to Ivanhoe's for dessert with Christina! We had a nice time catching up with her and hearing about her wedding plans. Poor Susie even got teased quite a bit about her boyfriend! :) We had a nice time and really enjoyed getting to see everyone! Thank you!
Susie had a few things she needed done around her place so Sunday night we came back to Indy and busted our humps for a little bit. She's doing much better since the surgery, but it still quite restricted in what she can do (i.e. no taking to trash out...Rose Mary! GRR) We then retired because our flight was at 7- so early!
We got to the new aiport without any problems. ;) I cannot say the same for the people who were just so confused and poking along 70 at like 5 mph! GRR! We had Qdoba for breakfast- it was so good. We had never tried to before. They make mini burritos in the morning and I wish they did that all of the time. YUM! Security is really weird at the new airport because they break you up by how often you fly. We fly all of the time so we got a fast line. It was really strange. I really, really hate the Clear service that allows people to cut into security. I seriously told a lady today that she could not cut me again for one of her customers. She tried to fight with me- she clearly had not met me on too little sleep before. I won and she moved to the back of the line. HA! Anyway, our flight was not full at all so we had a row to ourselves. Jackson and I slept most of the way back to Denver. It was lovely. We swung into a Starbucks to poor Jackson some caffeine (he had a FULL day today at his office on like 4 hours of real sleep!) so that he could make it through the day. I dropped him at the office and headed to get MacKenzie. She is soo tired from camp! She had to take a shower as she always stinks when she gets home, but she has been snoozing since.
Tonight we're going to dinner to celebrate our 2nd anniversay that is tomorrow, but I have class in the evening. I better go get myself around as I've spent the day doing laundry, unpacking and settling back into our place here in Parker.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Back home again in Indiana :)
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Quarter life crisis
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I love technology!
I love knowing the my friend Megan (the Marine wife from my previous post) is getting to go to Virginia tomorrow to spend a few weeks with her parents before Kyle comes home from deployment. Call me nosy, but I like to know what is going on.
I like seeing pictures of my friends from high school who now have babies (I cannot imagine!) and all of that fun stuff. I also like to see photos from my single friends who still think they're in college. ;) I just love it. Hearing from Jenna the other day made my week! Isn't it funny how that works?
In other exciting news, my Uncle Duane has come through and gotten Jackson and I front row seats to the IU game on Saturday. Look out, Assembly Hall, here we come in our Crean & Crimson t-shirts! :) I am pretty excited! We LOVE IU basketball. The ticket sales this year have dropped a ton and I blame that on fair-weather fans. If you can't love 'em when they're losing get off the boat people! And of course the tickets become more readily available and cheaper when I leave the state. GRR. End of rant. :)
Jackson is so excited to head home. It is really quite cute. I haven't let myself get excited as my parents are really too busy with their move to hang out with us much.
The verdict from the plasma comments: no go. It was my idea to make a little extra cash around the holidays, but Jackson hates needles and their hours don't work with his work schedule. I am certainly not hanging out with the alkis and homeless people alone. (No offense to alkis or homeless people, I have a real heart for you, but one cannot be too careful.) I guess I'll think of another way to make some cash! Ideas? :)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Veterans Day

Monday, November 10, 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Errands galore!!
An overview. MacKenzie wanted to be in the photo.
The barrel chairs outfitted with their new pillows, the new clock and Mac's toy bin.
I'm very pleased with the new look. It was high time for a little change!
Date night

Good night!
Friday, November 7, 2008
MacKenzie turns 2!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Doe, a deer, a female deer

Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Monday, November 3, 2008