We put up our Christmas tree last night. We wanted to go cut one down, but all of the permits were sold out. We also heard that those trees are all a little puny. We wanted a nice looking tree so we headed to Lowe's. ;) We picked the first tree we saw and headed home. The whole tree fit in my Mazda! Jackson also decorated the outside of the condo and it is BRIGHT! He has lights EVERYWHERE. Yes, he is THAT guy. ;) Then he told me that I overdecorated the tree. Pssh. Like a tree can have too much red or silver. NEVER.
It is going to be a lazy Sunday here in Parker, CO. We had planned to go down to Colorado Springs this morning for church (at that mega church New Life where the shooting was last December-that place is HUUUUUGE) and hiking near Pike's Peak, but the snow stopped us in our tracks. Then I accidently overslept and missed church here. Oops. We are now planning on a day of football and studying as I have my final tomorrow evening.
MacKenzie thinking about attacking Santa...
MacKenzie attacking Santa.
Yay! ;) Just kidding, Susie. She's looking forward to her new bandannas. Mac has already played in the snow a ton and is looking forward to more snowball fights with Dad! :)
MacK better be good or Santa might not give her any presents. Your tree looks great but I can't believe that it was the first one you looked at. I just love Christmas. I made it to church this morning, first time in a very long time.
Jenna, do well on your final tomorrow.
Love to all of you.
Your tree looks great! I love the red and silver theme. We don't have a theme, just random ornaments. I would love to see a picture of the outside lights. Those are my favorite!!! I put mine up last night too. Good luck on you final tomorrow, I do not miss studying AT ALL! Tell Jackson Hi for us. TTYS
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