Today we ran errands for most of the day. Since it is Saturday it was also laundry day. Yippee. Jackson made me laugh all day today. We went to Bed, Bath & Beyond to grab a few Christmas presents (we are trying to stock up on presents now so that we can store them at Susie's place when we go home next weekend--she just LOVES it when we store things at her place ;)) and I saw a new throw blanket that I wanted. (I have a real issue with shopping for myself during the Christmas season-oops.) The color that I wanted, gray, was on the top shelve- which is really high at BB&B- so Jackson took another blanket and tossed it up to the top shelve about 4 times to knock a gray blanket loose for me. Some old ladies watched him, horried. I died laughing. He's creative! :) We also picked up this giant bone for Addie (pictured above). MacKenzie pulled it out of the bag thinking it was for her. As you can see, it is bigger than she is! She's not happy that it is not for her. :/ As we were leaving BB&B with 3 very small stocking stuffer type presents I excited exclaimed, "yay! I have some of my Christmas shopping finished already!!" to which Jackson looked at me and said, "Oh yeah, Deb, Kathi, Susie here you go-Merry Christmas we got you each a $10 gift." I don't know why this cracked me up so much, but it took a solid 10 minutes for me to catch my breath. I seem to have taken after my mother and married a smartass! He claims that this is better than being a dumbass. I agree. :)
We joined the gym today. I'm hitting the Pilates class on Monday. It should be really fun. They also have a lawncare class that Jackson is just dying to attend. He wanted to teach it, but it is taught by a master gardener. Sadly he has missed this year's sessions and will have to learn about lawns in the spring. Tear. ;)
We also redecorated our living room this weekend. I have had the same decor for over 3 years and I just wanted a little change. We are keeping all of our other things (don't freak out, Mom!) so that when I am no longer sick of them they can make a comeback. Pottery Barn was having a great pillow sale so the new pillows inspired the whole room. We got a new lamp shade, a new "P" candle, another newspaper bin for extra pillows, a new clock and switched out the rug.

An overview. MacKenzie wanted to be in the photo.

A close up of the inspiration pillow and a shot of the couch (notice the new throw blanket to the left!) We actually stuffed the pillows ourselves because Pottery Barn charges $18 for inserts. CRAZY! We got stuffing for $5 per pillow at Hobby Lobby. :)

Our new lamp shade, "P" Candle, and pillow bin made of recycled newspaper (it matches Mac's new toy bin!)
The barrel chairs outfitted with their new pillows, the new clock and Mac's toy bin.
I'm very pleased with the new look. It was high time for a little change!
How much room do I need to make in the attic for everything you are bringing home??????
Like the new look.
MacK needs a big bone.
like i tell my kids at school, the only thing you can count on for sure is change.
Jen, I love the new look! It's fun (yet expensive) to start fresh, but I love it. I'm wanting a revived living room, myself. My couch + two dogs is the bagn of my existence.
I like the new look as well! It is always fun to have a change.
Addie will LOVE the new bone. She has been stealing things from the workers to play with. Tools, scrap wood, hankies and Mountain Dew bottles to name a few. She is always good for a surprise!
We are all looking forward to seeing you next weekend.
I love you!
LOVE the new look. Doesn't it feel great when you redecorate? I'm just about done with the bedroom and it's so exciting! I also made my first Christmas purchases, but it was decor, not gifts. I bought a tiny tree for the bedroom at Michael's. They are having mad sales already for Christmas stuff! Also, i think I called you to say thanks, but I'll tell you again. Thanks for the book! I want to start reading it when I fly to VA on Thursday. Love you! Talk to you soon!
I forgot to tell you the other day that I hope you and Jackson's new North Face jackets match. You guys look so cute when you dress alike!!! gag!!!
if you want to give blood , give blood, there is always a need, but I don't think you should turn it into a profit center.
(this is Jenna back from when Jenna Petefish was Jenna Craig, but going by 'Jenn' for the semester to avoid roomie confusion. phew! all that just so people wouldn't think you're writing to yourself)
You two crack me up.. & I don't even know Jackson, but I love it! "I have a real issue with shopping for myself during the Christmas season-oops" had me in stitches.
ps. The place looks beautiful! Gorgeous job with the decorating.
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