And now a trip down memory lane...
This photo was taken right after my parents gave us MacKenzie. I will never forget pulling up to their house and wondering why the heck my crazy Mom had her camera in my face! I was so distracted with her weirdness that I missed MacKenzie walking out into the kitchen and under my feet. A few minutes later when I finally saw her, this was my face. :) I love it, my Mom captured my reaction perfectly.
MacKenzie loves the over-sized chair at Grammy's house. I love this picture of Mac and Jack bonding.
As most of you know, MacKenzie loves to play ball. I blame Madison for this since she gave MacKenzie her first toy: a ball. I love this picture!!
MacKenzie was a little afraid of the convertible so for the few days I had my Volvo back after the accident, she wore a seatbelt. Isn't she so cute?! :)
I took this photo one day at a stop light. She was looking at me funny and I thought it was cute.
MacKenzie is awfully tough on toys so Grammy is always sewing them up. We snapped this photo because it looked like MacKenzie was helping Grammy sew. She watched the entire process! She has caught on that Grammy can't sew her things as easily now the we live 9,482,429 miles away from home (I know that's an exaggeration) and has been easier on her toys. Whew. Mommy really didn't want to learn to sew!

Thanks for sharing the memories. That first day was so fun! I picked her up in Colfax and she spent the night with us before you met her. I took her to Cynthia's for a puppy bath and she was ready for her presentation to her new parents. I am glad that you love her so much. What better gift could we have given?!?!
MacKenzie shares her birthday with Lydia Zimmerman, so I want to say Happy Birthday to Lydia as well!
I love you all!
Happy birthday Mackenzie! we didn't know they were going to take you so far,far,far away. we hope you have awonderful day.
Happy b-day Mac. You should have been at our house Tuesday. We had horses (7) in our front yard. Mugsy and I barked and Barked at those guys. It was crazy. Have a great day.
Love mugsy and Monty Your cousins
Happy, Happy Birthday MacKenzie,
You are such a special granddog and I do miss having you at my house to give me my wakeup call each morning.
Hope the terrible 2's won't be hard on your parents.
Have a very special day.
Love to all of you.
Happy birthday Mac!! I should come visit you sometime. I hope you enjoyed your cake!
The picture of your expression when you got Mackenzie is priceless. Love at first sight! Happy birthday, Mackenzie!
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