Yesterday Jackson and I went to Fort Collins, CO to go to a cancer-free party for our friend Meg. YAY! She battled breast cancer and won! Way to go, Meg!! After the party we headed out to a state park called Horsetooth Mountain to hike. It was gorgeous. The wind was gusting at 45-50 mph so it was kind of a battle!!

As you can see there is a reservoir there, too. We intend to go up later in the summer and rent jet-skis there. Fun!

The view from the trail was just gorgeous. We started on a completely uphill climb and then veered off to more of a rugged trail. It was a great hike!

This bench was kind of in the middle of nowhere, but MacKenzie was tired to she enjoyed it!

Yum, did I hear mom ask if I wanted a treat?!

A happy little dog in her element: nature.

I forgot to post this picture the other day. You know it is getting to be summer when MacKenzie gets corn-on-the-cob. Yum! :)
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