I got birthday money in the mail today (A big thank you to my Dad & Diana and my brother Aaron!) so we decided to go to a movie that I had been wanting to see: My Sister's Keeper. It was such a good movie. Whew. It was sad. So sad in fact that I cried out one of my contacts! I had to let Jackson drive home as I cannot legally drive without vision correction. I also cannot see to drive with vision correction as I kept asking Jackson if anything was in front of me! :) HA! Anyway, if you're in the mood for a good cry and a good perspective on life- go see this movie. 2 thumbs up from the
Petefish family. Jackson was sobbing, too. Yep, it's that sad. (It is also a book, but I never read it. It is probably for the best as books are always better than movies in my opinion.)
In other news, I got a call back from a tax accounting firm in downtown Denver that needs help through individual extensions (October 15
th deadline) because one of their accounts recently had a baby. I interview Monday at 2. Prayers, as always, are welcome. I also found out that if we do have to move back to Indiana my school will let me finish by watching online videos of classes. That was a HUGE relief.
Let's hope some good things start coming our way. We talked tonight about how times are stressful but at least we have our health, each other and our awesome network of family and friends so things are really not that bad. Amen.
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