Throw me the ball!

A walk in the park.

MacKenzie running the ball back to Jackson.

MacKenzie taking a break in the shade.

This is our park.

MacKenzie goes into the water to cool off quite a bit on days like today.

Jackson and MacKenzie going under the tunnel to the water fountains.

YAY! We're finally to the water.

That is pure joy on that little dog's face.

MacKenzie made a new friend named Linus. He is a rescue from the pound and needed a few tips on how to play ball.

Jackson wanted me take a few shot of our neighborhood so everyone knew how very urban it is.

This is the view from the fountains back towards our apartment complex.

The water fountains are a part of a little dog park right in the middle of an office complex.

More neighborhood photos...

A view of our park again.

I love this line of trees.

This is our neighborhood from the park. The big tower is where MacKenzie's hero, Bob Wilson, lives. :)
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