Monday, September 29, 2008


My parents sold their house. After a mere 4 days on the market some Taylor family snatched it up. I am trying to be excited for them as it really is a blessing, but I am kind of sad. I have a lot of memories in that house! It is where I got ready for proms, graduations and  my wedding. *Tear* I love that place. I'm so sad that Kate and Carter (Jackson and I have already named our children) won't get to go into the room where mommy slept as a teenager. No worries though, they're building a new place that I am sure will be super nice and a lot easier to maintain. 

The market tanked today. TANKED. 778 points! It is really kind of scary. I hope people do not freak out and make a run on the banks even more than they already have. I would never want to be a politician, but I really wouldn't want to be one right now. Ugh. 

We're still sick, but we both made it through the day at work. Tomorrow is my knee doctor appointment- fingers crossed that I can get scheduled for surgery soon. MacKenzie meets her new vet on Friday, too. Big week! ;)


Anonymous said...

You are right we have LOTS of wonderful memories in this house. I too am sad about leaving. But it really is very hard to keep up with such a large place and landscaping is a nightmare...weeds, weeds....
We will make the new house a home and it will have different memories. Those with Grandchildren! :-)
Glad you are starting to feel better. Let me know when surgery is scheduled.
I love you!

Anonymous said...

Just remember any house can be a home. It is not the walls but the people in it. I am sure Guy and Deb's new home will be a wonderful home for Kate and Carter as will be Grammy's.
Wow, what a ride yesterday!! Sure scares me but I am trying to stay calm and not sell.
Let me know what the doctor has to say.
Love all of you.