I worked all week. I won't normally work everyday- next week I work Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday- but since I was training with the pregnant lady, I had to use every moment I could get before the baby comes. He's still not here yet. I was pleased. Hopefully she has a weekend labor- a nice and calm time to have a baby. :) As if there is such a thing. Anyway, she's really funny and I will miss her when she finally evicts that fetus.
My job is moving right along. I am learning a lot. I am always thankful to learn other people's ways of doing things. Sometime they're not the most efficient, but it still helps to see how other offices run. I much prefer my life at Bill's (my boss in Indiana) where I could take MacKenzie to work and actually got to speak with clients. At this office our clients are millionaires and billionaires so I (a lowly tax accountant) do not get to speak with them. That's fine with me as I'd rather speak with everyday HOOSIERS any day. I am thankful to have a job that is exactly what I want to do. There are not many people out there who can say that.

As you can see, Jackson and MacKenzie had a much different week than I did. He has been to the driving range, the golf course (where he shot a pretty impressive 78), hiking with MacKenzie and he also took MacKenzie swimming. I'm tired just thinking about it! (And MacKenzie is literally tired- see above!) The two of them have taken up running the hills in a park near our home each day, too. I'll stay on level ground, thank you.
Jackson does have a job interview downtown on Monday at 3:00. It is about 1/2 mile from where I currently work. He could also ride the train to that office. We're officially going to sell my car and go down to one. With my taking the train and Jackson only looking for jobs close to home or accessible by train, we just do not need two vehicles. Anyway, the job Jackson is interviewing for is with a financial clearing firm. It should be pretty interesting. Let's keep our thoughts and prayers with him on Monday.
I like taking the train to work. I read a book during my rides this week that I'd been meaning to read for a long time: Outliers. It was by Malcolm Gladwell who also wrote The Tipping Point and Blink. (Little trivia here- Tipping Point was the first gift Jackson ever gave me. Aww. I also cannot find it so if I let you borrow it, please return it!) Gladwell is a business writer and he writes with such depth that sometimes his books are a bear to get through. I feel smarter for having read his books and that is all that matters. Today I started reading Why my Wife Thinks I'm an Idiot by Mike Greenberg. He is a sportscaster on ESPN. Mike & Mike in the morning is one of my favorite radio shows (Jackson's, too). I originally bought the book for Jackson, but he is not much of a reader. Ok, he does not read books for fun. Period. Anyway, I have thoroughly enjoyed the book so far so poo on Jackson for not reading it yet. If anyone has any books that they think I should read next, please do let me know. I am going to run out of material soon!
I think you're all caught up now. We hope you all have been doing well this week.
Is there a library close?
I am so glad you have had a good week! I have missed you. Call me this weekend when you get a chance. Tell Jackson he has my prayers for blessings at his interview.
I love you!
So glad to see a post. I am one of those that misses your daily goings on. Glad you like your new job. I have been praying that Jack will find a job and will pray that the interview on Monday goes well.
I have several of your books that you let me borrow one time you visited (One of them is Tipping Point). I have taken good care of them and planned on bringing them to you on my trip to Denver. :-) However, if you need them sooner, I'll be happy to mail them. I'm so glad you are enjoying your job and that Jackson is enjoying his extra time while he is searching for a job. Sorry about me still having your books! I have them all separated from the rest of mine so they don't get mixed up. Love you and I will be praying for Jackson's interview!
I was going to tell you I do not have Tipping Point (never heard of it actually) but I see Meg already admitted to having it. :) I probabnly have some new books I can send your way, I'll look and let you know!
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